1 Button Unholy Macro (works well, but definitely open to feedback)

This is an edited 7.35 macro originally created by Exaria & John Metz. I have updated the rotation for 8.0x changes. Macro should be run at 25ms or 50ms, and holding ALT will cast Apocalypse whilst Shift will cast Death Coil. First time sharing a macro here, I’m 100% open to feedback. Thanks!

dKKkfaWiPQsJsQsCkbrELGOMLO6wcPDHG(fjgMahJuTmvLNPQAAq11uX2uf9nHACGY5KkRduvVtQk6EQcgOGWbfIwOuvXdLQuMicCrPkvBuQQAKcQoPufRuLcVeuHzQsPBkOStK8tPQudfHSuvQ6Pumve1vvPOTkvfoRuvYBjf3LKAVu9xqLgmXHvSysYJP0KrKlR0MrO(Sqy0QsNgPETkvMni3gk7wKFdmCvYXfKwUuEoKPl56IY2LQK(UQqJhurNNuA9GQSFu76ozNs3n3Kk8((2(cUWimWP(CYUj8f6cIoDNBER6cbFfLhbpcnWtl2yBaeHwaMcXGwggsPax0wf9OQYQcKIMLEbqAJIn2giAbUIs6cfLoffdGQO2bTOOTSesPFVaOk6t8a9JBipqBQqU5)77)t)ZnrMvVGMBUFOrfK2ukerUn6LODUZnHnPSbQNuTTEDtfni59JBcFHUCZ9zjwMILVdgkNLtagkNfqJfSjLnqqAjKLWbqKyjYBjZcXGglrEbSdK2l0YYuSGhYS8iilrcLZIj8E6pzwig0yHGDQxw6naneH8n6jXIfabnQaTPObjwEKUEzPExwgSbE0Piy5gG3elHTf8YzzsKyX2ws0flfGL6Dzb0OJGonqSmz1lOXsVdNtJEcbrBBtaisll9s9sJybvtRwsSmiwgwIj8)Wc2yBGqIq3e2yBG(yBiAqc5KDkDNStP7gLm0YIMe4ARClat1uQz5(HgTSqWoK6twiyA3Xc52KqedAytrdso1NBuSdQyrJfGPAk1Sa70HdZP(DJIDqflAcXf0ODBQzb))75XPWDJIDqflASamvtPMf8UUoyo1Xnk2bvOn0SnzxwyPTOTEWcWunflSa70HdlNf9)G4)N5SCobDb5SCobDb5SGhFW1DQNUrXoOcTHMTj7YclTfT1dwaMQPyHfyNoCy5SGhFW1Zzr)pi()zolNtqxqolNtqxqol4XhC9CwWJp46ovSBuSdQyrJfGPAk1SG311bZPG5gf7Gk0gA2MSllS0w0wpybyQMIfwGD6WHLZY5e0fKZI(Fq8)ZCwWJp46ovNBuSdQyrJfGPAk1SCobDboLEGBuSdQyrJfGPAk1SGhFW1DZTaW1T0y0Lt95gIaOkSX2aozVCJP2R(NLSfni5gZgA2Mk6bYnWXQ9(fAh06K9Yne12WgBd4KDkD3OyhuXsC8j(4uFUrXoOILVG4pyDo1VBuSdQyr)pi()PxUbowTe1weYj7u6UrPMweBTPftllAsG3PHPwdPDiP2P(CJsgAzrdgGe8hOsnlrEbSdK2l06u)UrXoOIfnyasWh9stCPMf84dUUtH7gf7Gk0gA2MSllS0w0wputlITyHL44t8jNLugeKxE5LBmxRThcCQVZNB6XcsUXCTqqWLGDQ37s0r8wW9MPxaKwIAlAt21neSepzqLtP7LxUdUsage Information
Run at 25ms, 50ms, or manually. Hold ALT for Apocalypse at 4+ wounds, SHIFT for Death Coil.
In collaboration with the amazing John Metz, and credit to the original author Exaria@Perenolde (this started as a 7.35 macro).

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.07.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Unholy Frenzy, Outbreak, Soul Reaper

KeyPress: Death Coil, Outbreak

Main Sequence: Soul Reaper, Death Coil, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Festering Strike, Scourge Strike


** Updated 10/30/18

Removed Death Strike from macro versions and fixed (from my testing) the issue where actions were not being triggered without a manual keypress. Additionally added ctrl modifier for Festering Strike in order to build wounds immediately for opener/Apoc.

Here is my latest update. I have adjusted the original macro to work with the current recommended talents (2,2,3,3,3,3,2). Version one is for Raid or Single-Target specific fights where Death Coil has been kept in rotation. Version 2 is for 2+ mob situations with Death Coil removed from rotation. Both versions have been altered to replace Apocalypse with Epidemic for the ALT modifier. Apoc will now need to be cast on demand separately (my preference), or can be added as a CTRL modifier of the macro if preferred.

Let me know what you think!

dG05iaWijq1OKa0PKa4vsGywsQBPs1UKi9lkAyuQJPGLPiptrnnf6AkzBQO(MKmoIQZrqRtfQ3jbP7jrmqjOoOeIfkbspKiyIQexuf0gjcnsvkDsvGvkbKxkHQzcr6Mej7es)ucOgke1sHiEkPMkbUQkfTvjuElr5UuWEf(Resdg1Hv1IPqpMKjdOlt1Mvr(SkPrdHtRuVMi1Sj0TbA3I8BOgoahNiA5I65GMUuxNs2UeeFxfY4LaLZlrTEvkSFKJHqqGoe6BEBrpe5dUCOuhiHIoCVGEtbckWOfBO0HaDkee6BDraI7K0Hgr3aGhBAEe(iX)gLbFvgdlvHbnpHZwGqZgdyRmhUB0QBC6UvcbwS8DWxLX3BmG7abaVVt3bXW(U6Ho8E2kbnl4aWW((5r7HvOf8IEQHHEAAEEEEk0svUrSvb6uOlIvJaNdns(nSflNsfUiEE7i7V0H(wxeqOrIvI4VjEAbcRjEzdcRjgNjg8twVOy5sj(wSiqIlcsfq8jCM4dbSb6GBfXNWzINkiedIncRjwF7bsuaXNWzIV4FJGyjG3ILsmXfZZWnor8aXs7oaiXx8VrqSeWBrI3jIbFvgt8jCMyTaI9KcBLApdRj(ieBrN4I5z4gNiEI4SdIlehs8URj(ffXhTtxj(u2D1d7D6kX4teFiGnqhCRigNigOd(jGLsmXfbaw9ILbaDIbTGnXj8reB0jw9WMy8Pt3bFvgxkXeFqIyfwu8nIZFVXjIpA3iiUr4e)G)n2PRexGWiselL33OM4pbKyv2bUBIBmXncNyCEFDNErIFRgbot8HfSpV)cJSN9eweOtCbSrSHed7p3oqIFiXpXvLoVig8vzCbO0ql1NSEXdsTNlep1BCkmg6lwPRoofOtH(afofAnaxuSOx8VriDAFfrx0BMqGflJC2HEs5H(IF6Te7aDi0svUrSvilAbd0Pql1RY4I5z4gNGHGaDieeOdH20c6ellHb4DTcdA8BdeJKFdDIV4pWcL4lFwAIfK)e8eod(9gNc0PqBQEytSmfg043giw(s4O8aDo0MQh2elRWae)YE2aXJZtNxb6yOnvpSHUKwEs5etC2HExIcdA8BIjw(s4O8AIhMTRMpxt8Azl0UM41YwODnXJvRXHaDfAt1dBOlPLNuoXeNDO3LOWGg)MyILVeokVM4XQ14qnXdZ2vZNRjETSfAxt8Azl0UM4XQ14qnXJvRXHa9COnvpSHUKwEs5etC2HExIcdA8BIjw(s4O8AIxlBH21epmBxnFUM4XQ14qGwfAt1dBILPWGg)2aXRLTq7avEOnvpSjwMcdA8BdepwTghcnsXyaiDdU7aDk0iJHTuVkJdbrh6I7Lro7qyiiqhcTz)5RE7jhSmXYsyeFg0GmG(d0qGofAtlOtSmqmWJFX2aXhcyd0b3QaDo0MwqNyzGyGhdrSp1gi(I)ncILaElgOJH20c6elded8yvNfnqSeDy75D6kX6oVL2d0vOnvpSHUKwEs5etC2HExs)5REtmXvvRQvnXjlrXOdDX9YiXf9h6HGOdnYzxQxLXHGaDi0MQh2exvTQwb6uOnvpSjEYUAsUWaDo0MQh2epmBxnFo6qRBhGeTsQEJtHw7sA5PE)IrhOtHGaDi0MwqNyzjmaVRvyqJFBGyK8BOt8f)bwOeF5ZstSG8NGNWzWV34uGofAt1dBILPWGg)2aXYxchLhOZH2u9WMyzfgG4x2ZgiECE68kqhdTP6Hn0L0YtkNyIZo07suyqJFtmXYxchLxt8WSD185AIxlBH21eVw2cTd0vOnvpSHUKwEs5etC2HExIcdA8BIjw(s4O8AIhRwJd1epmBxnFUM41YwODnXRLTq7a9COnvpSHUKwEs5etC2HExIcdA8BIjw(s4O8AIxlBH21epmBxnFoqRcTP6HnXYuyqJFBG41YwODOrkgdaPBWDhOtHU4EzK4I(d9qq0HU4EzKZoegcc0HqB2F(Q3EYbltSSegXNbnidO)aneOtH20c6elded84xSnq8Ha2aDWTkqNdTPf0jwgig4Xqe7tTbIV4FJGyjG3Ib6yOnTGoXYaXapw1zrdelrh2EENUsSUZBP9aDfAt1dBOlPLNuoXeNDO3L0F(Q3etCv1QAvtCYsum6qJmg2s9QmoeeDOro7s9QmoeeOdH2u9WM4QQv1kqNcTP6HnXt2vtYfgOZH2u9WM4Hz7Q5ZrhAD7aKOvs1BCk0Axslp17xm6OdTgGRo4sGoTMcTGnOF0lk9oDnqNc9TEgVvb6u0rhbUsage Information
Run at 25ms, 50ms, or manually. Hold ALT for Epidemic for 2+ mobs, SHIFT for Death Coil. Version 1 keeps Death Coil in macro for ST encounters, while Version 2 removes it, allowing freecasting of Epidemic on demand. Apocalypse must now be cast off-macro. In collaboration with the amazing John Metz, and credit to the original author Exaria@Perenolde (this started as a 7.35 macro).

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Heroic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Timewalking Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Unholy Frenzy, Outbreak, Soul Reaper

KeyPress: Outbreak

Main Sequence: Soul Reaper, Death Coil, Festering Strike, Death and Decay, Scourge Strike

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Unholy Frenzy, Outbreak, Soul Reaper

KeyPress: Outbreak

Main Sequence: Soul Reaper, Death Coil, Festering Strike, Death and Decay, Scourge Strike

Reserved 2

I use this as a leveling macro. works nice uptime is good never craps out, I recommend throwing in some PVP talents, as I have done, adds more dots to the rotation etc

I agree with Deadlycrit, amazing macro so far with leveling. Although I did notice modifiers don’t work for me. Perhaps its because of my keybindings?

It may be. Truth be told, I place this macro for my ‘2’ hotkey, and have Apocalypse as Ctrl-2 (with my mouse, this also stops the macro), and Death Coil as Shift-2. Very easy to just use my pinky for procs, and specify when to use Apoc. I hope this helps.

This is an amazing Aftersh0k, thank you for this. Using this with minor changes which I am not sure might have made it worse or better. Will do some testing tonight.

The changes I made were the following:

  1. Remove Death Strike
  2. Create another AOE macro where I replaced all Death Coil with Epidemic as it shines in M+

Is this something you have tried? What is your approach to M+ or raiding?

when i use this it jsut cycles the 2 same spells?

edit: my apologies forgot to set talents lol

[quote quote=64933]This is an amazing Aftersh0k, thank you for this. Using this with minor changes which I am not sure might have made it worse or better. Will do some testing tonight.
The changes I made were the following:

  1. Remove Death Strike 2) Create another AOE macro where I replaced all Death Coil with Epidemic as it shines in M+
    Is this something you have tried? What is your approach to M+ or raiding?[/quote]

Hey Jeep,
Sorry it took me so long to respond. I have not tried to tweak the macro yet to utilize Epidemic, but I can absolutely see why that would be a great addition. Personally, I like to have a 1 button macro with necessary alts (i.e. Death Coil, Apoc, etc). Death Strike is a prime example of something I could probably keep out and use on command. I will post an alternate with Epidemic for use in M+.

However u try to edit it for epidemic the best way i find is to not have death coil in the macro so its ideal to have 2 macros imo

I would welcome your feedback on my updated macro version. Just added to Post 2 in this thread. Thanks!

new macro cycles on bar but outside of initially casting outbreak does not do anything, have tried reloading

I too am having problems with it locking up. It will work great for a minute then hangs.

Aftersh0k - macro works great, but only when it works! I have to start off with an attacking actions before it will work. Simply running up a mob and spamming it does nothing for me (at least on my end).

Edit the macro by right cicking it and remove anything that has [combat] in it.
You should find it will work when you spam it that way.

Yea, that doesn’t solve the problem with this macros. It just doesn’t fire for me the way it’s built. I have working macros from individuals like John Metz I use that have combat in them, that fire just fine. It could be the castsequence in the keypress. I removed epidemic and sequence under keypress and just left cast outbreak. It fired off then but poorly. Also, why is death strike in the macro? For Frost and Unholy, it’s only to heal. A waste of resources in my opinion.

Seems your pet undead is always passive?

Sorry for being away for a bit. I am working on updating based on feedback provided. I’ve experienced the issues with the macro not running until you manually press an action. Please look at my second post for an updated macro removing Death Strike as well as what should be a fix for the macro not starting without another keypress. Thanks for your patience.

Not sure what you mean. My pet is always set to assist. I’d just make sure you have the correct function set and it should stay regardless of summons, macro, or dismissal.

Hey webbjh, thanks for the feedback. Please check out the updated macro, it should be firing now without manual intervention once started.