5.4 Fury Warrior PVE

Hey everyone! I am newly registered but have been using this site for sometime. I know a lot of you have been wanting some fury macros but it has taken me some time to somewhat perfect the fury rotation as it isn’t the easiest. I have based my macros with the rotations set forth by icy veins but also with other fury warriors that I researched on youtube. I hope you enjoy them, it may take a little time to get used to as you can’t used every fury ability in one macro, but it is very easy to get the hang of. Please provide any feedback/constructive criticism as it will only help both you and I out and I can make tweaks when needed.

As we all know fury single target does the most damage in raids over arms so lets start there.

Sidenotes*-You must take dragon roar and storm bolt as those 2 are the top dps abilities for those tiers. Also I have both 2 and 4 piece bonus which grants me extra rage and the ability to use execute above 20%. These macros are tailored for both those bonuses. It’s possible these macros might be tricky and leave you rage starved if you don’t have at least the 2 piece bonus.

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Heroic Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Dragon Roar
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Execute
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Storm Bolt
/castsequence reset=6 Colossus Smash,Heroic Strike,Raging Blow,Heroic Strike,Raging Blow
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/use [combat]10
/cast Charge

OMG why isn’t wild strike in the macro! Well because you only want to wild strike on a bloodsurge proc. Wild Strike is an ability you have to have bound somewhere on your bars, and when bloodsurge procs quickly get your 3 wild strikes in and go back to smashing your single target macro.

So as you can see, fury has a specific priority inside and outside a CSmash. You might say “well why am I not using raging blow when it procs?” You actually only want to use raging blow ideally inside a CSmash. This macro isn’t perfect and because of the castsequences there will be times CSmash will be off a target but Raging Blow will still be used. Thats just the RNG of this macro, but it’s not a big deal.

Another thing is I use berserker rage off cooldown. As fury that might not be good as you might use it while already enraged. I totally get that, but this is wowlazymacros for a reason. I don’t want to keep track of when I’m enraged and when I’m not so I just use it on CD. You can take it out of you like, but just know I do top charts on single target fights, unless I am completely outgeared by someone with a legendary cloak. I unfortunately do not have the cloak yet AND I am still using trinkets from ToT. I know you fellow warriors can feel my pain with no trinkets dropping.

I have execute in this macro as the 4 piece bonus allows me to use execute above 20%. This is so when that procs it can be used. I DO NOT use this macro during execute phase however. I have a separate execute macro I will post below as Fury has it’s own rotation for the Execute phase.

I will make an updated macro for single target when I get the trinket off Galakras. That trinket reduces some of your abilities cooldowns and it changes the way you use Storm Bolt. I can’t wait for that trinket because I know my DPS will increase even more, I just can’t test it since I don’t have it.

Last note here, if you are fighting a boss with multiple targets during the course of a fight like Galakras or the Spoils fight, take bladestorm and bloodbath over dragon roar and stormbolt. You will use my fury aoe macro for these encounters, but make sure you put bloodbath and bladestorm on your bars to use when single targeting as they are not included in my single target macro.

Fury AoE:

#showtooltip Whirlwind
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Whirlwind
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Whirlwind
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Colossus Smash
/castsequence reset=0.3 Dragon Roar
/castsequence reset=0.3 Bladestorm
/castsequence !Colossus Smash, Whirlwind
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/use [combat] 10
/cast Charge

Okay. Some things here. You will notice I have dragon roar, bloodbath, and bladestorm all in here but obviously you can’t use all of them. For AoE you want bladestorm and bloodbath, but sometimes I forget to switch talents, so if that’s the case I still at least have Dragon Roar in there to be used. Having both in the macro WILL NOT make the macro un-useable. It will use whatever you have talented which is the awesome thing about these macros.

When it comes to AoE, there is no inside and outside CSmash priority. That’s why I have this macro the way I do. Whirlwind is what will be your top damage ability so its crucial you use the raging wind glyph! That glyph increases your whirlwind damage by 10% after a raging blow. Huge dps increase there.

Obviously fury aoe can’t do what arms aoe can, but with this macro and some good gear, I challenge you to see what numbers you can put up. And if you have the legendary cloak please let us know how this macros does with the cloak damage!

Execute macro:

#showtooltip Execute
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0, Dragon Roar
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Execute
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Storm Bolt
/castsequence reset=0.3 Colossus Smash
/cast !Colossus Smash
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/use [combat] 10
/cast Charge

As you can see here Execute phase has its own priority. We know longer have the CSmash cast sequence with heroic strike and raging blow. You will not heroic strike anymore because you need your rage for Execute. No other info really on this macro I can give, just know that it will be your best option for execute phase. I’ve tested plenty of execute macros and this one just seems to work the best. Also when you proc your piece bonus under 20% execute is FREE. So you will save a lot of rage there.


Warrior glyphs are situational and will benefit these macros when used for certain fights. ALWAYS use the Death from Above, and Unending Rage glyph! Do not replace those for whatever reason. The third glyph is where you will make changes. On AoE fights take Raging Wind. On fights where interrupts are crucial, take Rude Interruption as this is a dps increase for warriors. For fights that aren’t aoe and don’t have interrupts I like to use Enraged Speed glyph. There are plenty of fights you need to move around and the extra speed boost is very helpful. I will take Long Charge glyph on some fights. For instance long charge against Iron Juggernaut is clutch. Charge is macro’d in to all these macros and when Juggernaut does his knockback you will charge right back to him and the Long Charge glyph makes sure of this. Also don’t forget to take Double Time talent in PVE.

I hope all you fury warriors out there try these out and leave some comments. You have been asking and I felt I might as well pay it forward and give you what I got. Again these are not perfect but that’s not the point of these macros.

If interested I posted a reply in the Arms thread if you want to try arms out. I based those off of Mr. Webby’s pvp macros and make my own tweaks with them for PVE.

Take care all!

Hey Ryan,
Thanks so much for posting some great macros.
I am fairly new to WOW, about 2 years. I am a level 90 Furry Warrior.
I know, I picked a hard class for my main, but I love the class.
I tried to follow and input your, Furry AoE macro. I’m having a bit of a problem with text not fitting in the macro box. I get as far as /castsequence ! Colossus Sm and that’s all that fits in the box. Like I said, am new, and I followed your pre instructions to make sure I had all that was required. Could you maybe help me out with a workaround?

[quote quote=11086]Hey Ryan,<br>
Thanks so much for posting some great macros.<br>
I am fairly new to WOW, about 2 years. I am a level 90 Furry Warrior.<br>
I know, I picked a hard class for my main, but I love the class.<br>
I tried to follow and input your, Furry AoE macro. I’m having a bit of a problem with text not fitting in the macro box. I get as far as /castsequence ! Colossus Sm and that’s all that fits in the box. Like I said, am new, and I followed your pre instructions to make sure I had all that was required. Could you maybe help me out with a workaround?<br>


That’s actually a very common question Nancie. Very easy to solve so don’t worry. You need to download an addon called Macro Toolkit. What this does is increase the maximum characters you can have in a macro so everything will fit.

When you open your macros after you have the addon downloaded there is a button that says extend. Just click that and your good to paste the macro in!

Sweet!!! Had no idea that even existed. Works great and thank you for your help.

OMG Ryan!!! That macro is awesome. Thank you so much. I had given up hope and thought I just had a wimpy Warrior. She kicks major booty now. lol!!
You rock!!!

[quote quote=11091]OMG Ryan!!! That macro is awesome. Thank you so much. I had given up hope and thought I just had a wimpy Warrior. She kicks major booty now. lol!!<br>
You rock!!!

Glad to hear Nancie! Hopefully you’ve seen a major jump is DPS by using them.

This macro is amazing! Thank you

No problem! Glad to hear you like it.

I will make an updated macro for single target when I get the trinket off Galakras. That trinket reduces some of your abilities cooldowns and it changes the way you use Storm Bolt. I can’t wait for that trinket because I know my DPS will increase even more, I just can’t test it since I don’t have it.

I just happen to have said trinket. I’m very interested in the updated macro. Think you might toss it up? Even if it’s not perfect, I’d like to toy with it :slight_smile:

Also, how is Storm Bolt used differently? Does it just move up in priority, since, with reduced CD it can be used in each CS?

Sorry, wouldn’t let me edit.

But by move up in priority, I mean move into the cast sequence to go off first after CS?

Hey everyone!

I went ahead and created a Single Minded Fury macro as that is the current spec I am running. Reason being is my single handed weapons are higher iLvl than my 2-handed weapons, so it does more damage. Titan’s Grip will do more dps though when I get equal iLvl 2-handers, but the way my guild has loot going out, I am 3rd to get the 2-handers that drop so I told them give me the one-handers since our tanks are a DK and Monk.

Also if an admin could move this post into my original post of macros that would be great! It is not showing me a edit button for my original post for some reason.

You will notice Wild Strike is in there. I was testing out macros with out Wild Strike and just using it on a bloodsurge proc, but with Single Minded Fury your off-hand does a lot of damage on top of the damage bonus SMF gives. This was the macro on the dummies that was doing the most dps. You will notice Storm Bolt is not in there. Bloodbath does more damage than Storm Bolt in Single Minded Fury that is why. UNLESS you have the cooldown reduction trinket of Galakas, than you want Storm Bolt for SMF. I still have yet to get that trinket.

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Heroic Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Wild Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Dragon Roar
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Execute
/castsequence reset=5 Colossus Smash,Heroic Strike,Raging Blow,Heroic Strike,Raging Blow
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/use [combat]10
/cast Charge

If you are running SMF try this out, and post your feedback!

just curious wouldn’t it be better to have avatar in fury spec since storm bolt only throws 1 weapon for titn grip?.. also if you could pls explain how to set up bar for the titan grip warrior using the first part of this macro

Titans grip storm bolt hits with both weapons not just one. I’ve actually had storm bolt crit for well over a million on many occasions just using flex and LFR ilvl 2 handers. I’m running SMF though currently as I have normal ilvl weapons of those.

Avatar is just no good right now and being a 3 minute cool down you’ll be lucky to use it more than 3 times during an encounter.

This is what icy veins says about which talent to take:

“For Titan’s Grip Warriors, Storm Bolt is always the best choice in this tier, by a sizeable margin. For Single-Minded Fury Warriors, Bloodbath is normally the best talent for single target, as well as for multiple target situations. Storm Bolt can pull ahead if the Single-Minded Fury Warrior has a cooldown reduction trinket, as this allows for Storm Bolt to be used within each Colossus Smash window.”

I hated fury until your macro appeared on here,thank you

this is an ass kicker

Thanks for this. Using the single target macro Ive noticed two things. One, Most of the time it uses Bloodthirst before Colossus Smash. Two, Doubling up Raging Blow helped with dps (if its 2X proc’d, why not use them both).

/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,Dragon Roar
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,Execute
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,Storm Bolt
/castsequence reset=6 Colossus Smash,Raging Blow,Raging Blow,Heroic Strike,Raging Blow
/use [combat]Berserker Rage
/use Charge

I posted the small changes I made, so you can better see.

Question… Macros only allow you to use 255 characters. I can’t use the full macro? Help me out!

you need a addon such as macro toolkit that allows you to extend the macro past 255 characters .

once the addon is installed you simply click esc key then macros then macro tool kit click new then at the bottom it will have a extend button that should allow you to paste in longer strings .

hope this helps .

Shit, Thanks man! and Thanks for responding so quickly!

Also, Update: These all work great! Thanks man!

I’m using your first macro, the single target titan’s fury, and I have a consistent problem with rage capping, It doesn’t seem to be using heroic strike other than once or twice during colossus smash, are you having this issue aswell?

i have the 2 pc tier set , legendary cloak etc… used the skills in the first post i get rage straved dps tops @ 350k+ then throttles down to stay around 160k which is very low output for a ilvl 553 warrior

other warriors around the same ilvl pulls 70k more dps … why?

the macro works like a magazine to a gun it fires off the next round in the chamber , fury doesnt work this way fury is a pooled priority not a rotation that allows the next skill in the roll to be fired off . it works great at first then tappers off to below decent levels.

if you want to play fury a macro may be useful in pvp where burst is king but in pve boss fights having a raid with 2 warriors one with the macro doing tank dps or one who actually pools rage and bursts during CS doing a lot more. my suggestion is don’t use macro’s for any dps spec warrior in “pve” its not effective its flawed and will make you look bad when the log files are posted cause you missed a lot of CS bursts due to spamming a rotation that is bad.