THIS MACRO WAS MADE BY ME, OVER THE LAST COUPLE OF DAYS, BUT IT WOULDNT BE ANYTHING WITHOUT THE GUYS ON THE DISCORD. Cymiryc, John Metz, Xath. thanks for all of your help, this wouldnt have come so far without you guys!

The macro was put together using Wowheads Windwalker guide for rotation, and Talent choices. but you can choose whichever talents you want, and the macro will work fine.

*Note on Touch of Death. You can either select a target and focus them, or if it is a boss target touch of death will go off on its own. other than that, it will not fire.

The Macro includes, Soloing,Raids, and a PvP version. Single Target, and AoE. I personally use button 1 for single, and Button 2 for AoE.


Sequences['WW_ST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3,X,3,X,X,3,2",
  Help = [[Set the Boss/Targeting dummy as your focus, to make sure you use touch of death. If Chi starved let go of macro for a sec, the resume.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1,exists, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [3] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, Disable",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",


Sequences['WW_AOE'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3,X,3,X,X,3,2",
  Help = [[Set the Boss/Targeting dummy as your focus, to make sure you use touch of death. If Chi starved let go of macro for a sec, the resume.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling,notalent:6/1] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling,notalent:6/1] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [3] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling,notalent:6/1] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick, Disable",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",

Woohoo… Looking forward to giveing this on a try, recently made my monk 100 so I have been in search of something to help me. Am loveing it so far. Now to copy paste it in.

But any advice on honor talents?

This is one of the “sicknest” macro’s I have yet tried. The power I suddenly have (plus confidence) in my abilities are truely great. THANKS for a great set of macros. Do you by any chance have for Brewmaste and Mistcller? I woud be very eager to test them out.

I do have macros for BM and MW. They have been mostly for personal use so they are unreleased, but if there is interest I will start testing them for release to the public.

Sign me up for BM I am also using this macro and it works great!

My monk is level 103. For some reason all he does is auto attack, chi wave, and storm earth and fire. Nothing else is popping off. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it my level?

Level never affects a macro, unless it’s sometimes before level 10 when you make the class choice.
If you don’t have the skills available, and you would by 100 then then it would just skip what’s not known.

Great macros, my twink monk enjoys them very much :slight_smile:
Had to change some lines due to a gse error (“unknown command combat,talent”):

"/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",


"/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",

Switching nochanneling,combat, to combat,nochanneling, (concerns some lines) solves it.

Hi there, I’m unsure as to what I am currently doing wrong, I’m level 110 and seem to have the same issue as Yard Lee. uses certain moves, but never a kick, I’ve had it do FoF once and then it got interrupted by the next move (I’m currently testing on dummy in stormwind with it as my focus)

any help would be appreciated. Thanks

try lowering your ms? try reimporting the macro. i found an error.

I disabled my ui and redownloaded GSE deleted WTF folder and re-imported this morning, same outcome, out of curiosity are you using AHK to auto spam the macro button? am I not doing it fast enough?I wouldn’t think 50ms would make much of a difference, but nevertheless with a bit of tinkering I’ve managed to get it to use both kicks and FoF, I’ve changed the reset time to 2 from 1 and removed the combat part of the reset, would this cause problems for me? seems to be okay on the dummies.

Thank you for your help & macro

[quote quote=56473]I disabled my ui and redownloaded GSE deleted WTF folder and re-imported this morning, same outcome, out of curiosity are you using AHK to auto spam the macro button? am I not doing it fast enough?I wouldn’t think 50ms would make much of a difference, but nevertheless with a bit of tinkering I’ve managed to get it to use both kicks and FoF, I’ve changed the reset time to 2 from 1 and removed the combat part of the reset, would this cause problems for me? seems to be okay on the dummies.
Thank you for your help & macro Steve

can u post the new macro u have made as I’m having same problem as u

Sure no problem

Sequences['WW_ST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3,X,3,X,X,3,2",
  Help = [[Set the Boss/Targeting dummy as your focus, to make sure you use touch of death. If Chi starved let go of macro for a sec, the resume.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1,exists, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [3] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, Disable",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent;4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",

I too have this problem , it will completely skip the majority of the rotation . Also deleted and reimported the macro

Just noticed chi wave not in macro are u ment to use tigers lust instead for this macro

[quote quote=56480]Just noticed chi wave not in macro are u ment to use tigers lust instead for this macro

People need to actually inspect macros to see what it’s doing so i can stop being grumpy :slight_smile:

If you check lines 25/26, 49/50 and 72/73 you will see these lines:

        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",

Steven Morton Your version works perfectly. Not sure what you did. But can you also remake the aoe version too. Thank you for everything.

[quote quote=56485]Steven Morton Your version works perfectly. Not sure what you did. But can you also remake the aoe version too. Thank you for everything.
[/quote] edited using what steven did for aoe

Sequences['WW_AOE'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3,X,3,X,X,3,2",
  Help = [[Set the Boss/Targeting dummy as your focus, to make sure you use touch of death. If Chi starved let go of macro for a sec, the resume.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2 Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling,notalent:6/1] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent;4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling,notalent:6/1] reset=2 Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",
    [3] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling,notalent:6/1] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick, Disable",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent;4/3] Leg Sweep",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger",

[quote quote=56481]

Just noticed chi wave not in macro are u ment to use tigers lust instead for this macro

People need to actually inspect macros to see what it’s doing so i can stop being grumpy ???? If you check lines 25/26, 49/50 and 72/73 you will see these lines:
<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
[/quote]lol was looking on paper copy I scaned it and misses that sorry

what kind of numbers are you guys seeing?