MS ?

Stand for millisecond.

Tabs are used automatically. when you enter PvP it switches to PvP status. Or so Ive understood… :slight_smile:

Correct :stuck_out_tongue:

I have also edited the original post to fix all the semicolon use across Leg Sweep which may have caused lock ups.

so how many ? 30, 50 ,100?

i run mine at 175 ms

Does this macro take the T21 4 set into account, because then Blackout kick gets higher priority doesn’t it?

So anyone playing Antorus on this macro and would like to share some logs or success?

Or a new thought… take it out for a spin yourself and see how it performs rather than wait for someone elses opinion… or are you still spoonfed? :slight_smile:

[quote quote=57263]

So anyone playing Antorus on this macro and would like to share some logs or success?

Or a new thought…. take it out for a spin yourself and see how it performs rather than wait for someone elses opinion… or are you still spoonfed? ????[/quote]

So I should actually level a character from 1-110, grind AP and gear, to find out something that a user on this forum that actually is using the macro could share here?

Wow, you are a special kind of person…

Isn’t the forums here for sharing experiences with each other or is it for moderators to act like rulers?

I have seen yourself bragging about your Paladin parses, how is this different from me actually asking this?

Spoonfed it is then.
Oh and it’s for the moderators to act like rulers too. Well, that’s what you wanted to hear, correct?

Mod or not I would have replied the same.
The fact that you seem to think i can’t suggest that you go ahead and try something without you crying “oh no I am being oppressed by a mod with an opinion” makes you some kind of fuckwit, leeching off others efforts while they make your numbers look good. Which is what you’re asking. “If I play a monk with this macro, will my numbers look good?”

I have seen yourself bragging about your Paladin parses, how is this different from me actually asking this?

I actually levelled my Paladin from 1 to 110. Farmed the AP required to bump up my Artifact and find some semblance of gear to then create a macro and test it out to then find out once I uploaded the logs that it parsed really well. Oh and I had fun playing the class too.

But if you have seen me brag about it and yes I was rather proud of it at the time, I also say this is an old macro that was used back in Nighthold and I can no longer tell you what the performance is like because it’s remained untouched.

So it still stands. If you want to see it’s performance, go test it out yourself.

I do about 1.6 with 4set and 959 ilvl single target fyi


I just logged in on these forums to thank you for this awesome macro as I find it is one of the best out of all the other ones I tried for all classes. Thanks to you I finally got to dust off my monk.

I’m holding 1.1M at 926ilvl with only one mediocre leggo. (Fresh char)

Keep up the good work!

This macro does have mixed reports about lockups on Chi Wave and casting nothing but.
If this does happen to you it’s fixed by removing the “combat” conditionals, i have not fixed it because it doesn’t happen to everyone. In fact, it doesn’t really need them.

Wow ppl sharing their results.
Isn’t that against forum rules?

One could think so…

thank you for your service

I tried this one out and while it’s not bad it certainly isn’t the best WW macro out there. I suggest trying them all out as Cym says, never know what you might find…

I am collecting logs for macro uses I would like it if some of u pm me them to compare to my free hand logs

Anyone having issues still with this cancelling out your FoF?

question everybody is talking about AHK and microseconds how does that all work it seems like many people are using it in WoW but i don’t know how and don’t understand is there someone who wants to help me with that?

i want this macro to be in ahk or is that illegal in wow?