To do this you need to use a Variable. (See Macro Variables for more on Variables)
local covenantID = C_Covenants.GetActiveCovenantID();
if covenantID == 1 then
-- Kyrian
return "/cast Divine Toll"
elseif covenantID == 2 then
-- Venthyr
return "/cast venthyrability"
elseif covenantID == 3 then
-- Night Fae
return "/cast nightfaething"
elseif covenantID == 4 then
-- Necrolord
return "/cast necrolordstuff"
-- Not in a Covenant
return "/cast null"
Obviously you change what the covenant abilities return depending on the macro.
for a castsequence version you could do the following if you were in the Kyrian Covenant
local covenantID = C_Covenants.GetActiveCovenantID();
if covenantID == 1 then
-- Kyrian
return "Divine Toll,"
-- Not Kyrian just skip this
Good stuff. I added a variable into my VDH macro some time ago to cast or not Sigil of Flame based on whether you were wearing a particular legendary. Similar principle.
Hey there, new to this addon/forum. With the onset of 9.1.5 I’m looking for something like this to make it easy to swap between covenants as Warrior - I tried to replicate the code and replace the abilities but am not sure how to get it to work properly. Any help is appreciated!
This example is for GSE2 - you will need to create a Variable that returns True/False for a covenant and use that in conjunction with IF blocks in GSE3
eg - Create a variable called “Kyrian”
local covenantID = C_Covenants.GetActiveCovenantID();
if covenantID == 1 then
-- Kyrian
return true
-- Not Kyrian
return false
In the true side of the block - add what you would do if you were kyrian. on the false side - what you would do if you weren’t kyrian. This could be other if blocks for other covenants on even nothing
Hi, can someone explain this to me like I’m 5. How do I actually make this work. So I have that initial function in GSE, but I can’t seem to utilize it further. I named it covenantability which I presume is the actual variable, but what then. Tried reading about it, but I have a hard time taking it home. Sorry if this is a noob thing, and thanks for answering.
You put the code into a variable and then you refer to it in your block. KeyPress is a variable. Every time GSE sees ~~KeyPress~~ it replaces that with the contents of your variable. This is the next level however instead of just doing a straight string swap it’s replacing with the outcome of your function.
Now if the function is returning a string ( eg return “/cast divine toll”) it can just drop that in like it did with ~~KeyPress~~.
However if that function is returning a true or false then you need to use a IF Block not an Action Block. The IF block will ask what variable do I look at so it knows if it’s a true or false state and have two containers of blocks that look like how the loop blocks look. One for true, and kind for false. Each of these containers can contain multiple action blocks.
I can’t make it any simpler - either you’re going to understand this or you aren’t. Function variables like this are pure Lua, WoW’s programming language. Unfortunately for some of these situations there is no simple alternative.
#showtoolip has no meaning in a GSE template and can cause issues. This is handled by the stubmacro and is based on what WoW can see without considering any mods from your compiled template