🦁 Aerrek's UI: FERAL // Tracks Combo Points, Smart Rip / Primal Wrath, Apex Predator Procs, & MORE! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.2]

💠 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

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💠 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

A detailed description of what my interfaces are and how to use them.

🆕 Aerrek's UI: New User Setup

Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.

❇️ Approved Talent Builds

Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “..._NOMOD” GSE sequence.


:asterisk: I can review and implement other talent builds (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling) by request.
:no_entry_sign: If there are no talent on the talent panel you can use any talents (excluding Hero Talents).

⭐ Support: Thank you!

:coffee: Buy Me a Coffee | :tv: YouTube | :black_square_button: Patreon

:lion: Feral

💻 Controls
:dagger: Combat :no_entry_sign: Combat :computer_mouse:+ Enemy :computer_mouse:+ Friendly
NOMOD Damage Prowl Mark of the Wild / Revive
SHIFT Ferocious Bite Wild Charge / Rake
CTRL Rip Regrowth Wild Charge Regrowth
ALT Primal Wrath
📝 Notes

Prowl is used when out of combat.

Frenzied Regeneration is suggested when your health is below 60% and the buff is not found. Use the included macro.

Barkskin is used with Frenzied Regeneration. Use the included macro.

Convoke the Spirits is synced with Berserk.

⏬ Import

:no_entry: Does not include :sparkles: Additional Features.
:white_check_mark: Includes all class specializations and recommended macros!
:globe_with_meridians: Use the Wago App for automatic updates!



i cant get it to wrok=(

when im in melee range its says im too close-- i think its trying to chargeme to tar

when im further-- it will charge me then keep trying to charge me-- it doesnt progess past that.

jsut making sure

SHIFT is for both the rotation and charge right?

Not working 4 me, it just switches stance to humanoid form

I added Rake to break no combat condition. Now both Wild Charge (Off GCD) and Rake are used to begin combat.

WA & macro updated :+1:

Not sure what you mean by this but I updated both the WA and macro, give it another shot and lmk :+1:

seems to be working now, but my mouse is just not getting it haha… it would be great to have a discord to troubleshoot, might be easier. But hey great work thanks

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thank you! ive always fround ferla very difficult to play due to squishiness and trying to also play bear as a feral to try to fix its squishy feeling

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Yeah, you’re right. I don’t have too much bear form incorporated, just the Frenzied Regeneration macro if you decide to go that route :slight_smile:

Direct message me your discord, I tried to send you mine but the site is giving me issues :confused:

the only thing i dont like is the auto mounting

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Easy fix,

In the top block of the macro remove the “~~ MOUNT ~~” text. Make sure you hit save while out of combat and you’re good to go.

I would like to mention that as I’ve gotten used to the mounting feature it feels very natural and automated. In the case for druid, you will summon a mount if not moving and Travel Form if moving.

Either way, whatever works for you :+1:

Hello Aerrek, I’m currently familiarizing myself with your combat interface, and so far, I really like the concept. However, I’ve encountered a strange issue with Feral. After setting everything up, both the macro and WeakAura were working perfectly. But after switching to Bear spec and then back, the WeakAura no longer correctly displays the icons for CTRL: Primal Wrath and ALT: Ferocious Bite do not appear when there are enough combo points. It’s odd because even after re-importing both the WeakAura and the macro, the problem persists. Do you have any tips on what might be causing this? By the way, thank you for all your hard work—despite this issue, I really like everything I’ve tried so far. Keep up the great work!

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Hey @SteelStag,

By switching to bear spec I’m assuming that you mean Guardian and not Bear Form (stance).

I hopped over and didn’t get this issue. :thinking:

The WA has load conditionals that detect weather or not you are in Feral or Guardian. Perhaps the transition didn’t go over smoothly?

Try a /reload whenever you swap specs or let me know If I missed your issue completely :sweat_smile:

Hayo Aerrek
Yes i think Guardian spec, not Bear form. i try the next thing’s:
(the only plus info as i run in the raid finder i switch the lootspec guardian from feral. )
i try to switch back to current, but problem is still exist.
complete re-import also wa and gse stuffs
restart the whole game
simply reload after switch

Thx for the help btw :slight_smile:

UPDATE: i dont know what hapened, but now working fine :smiley:

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You can store the talents in your gse macro by hitting update talents.

are the talents posted somewhere?

I think so all talents are sequenced it’s mean you can use any build


Yes, @Hagieha_Official is exactly right. I use [konwn:xxxxx] conditionals that alter how the macro sequences your DPS. I’m just grabbing talent strings from WoWHead and IcyVeins usually

Feral updated for TWW

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hey is there a way to do this w/o a mouse keybind ?

You could simply skip the step where you link your keyboard key to the mouse.

My thought is that you’d then have to be holding a key with one hand while pressing the modifiers with the other hand, seems difficult.

Long answer short: Yes, it can work without using the mouse to ‘run’ the macro