Any news on Gween?

I wanted to Honor Gween By reworking his macros for 8.01 and I really tried. But he used a lot of modifiers, which I don’t really use. As such I don’t have enough experience with them, to get them to work right with the changes to GCD I am Hoping that some of our other Contributors can get together and help in this endeavor, so that his contributions to our community can live on.

[quote quote=59601]Dear Gween we love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers always.

Hay All,
I am sorry to report that Gween Passed away yesterday afternoon.
We never met face to face, but gween was one of my best friends. i will always miss our political debates in the middle of a mythic Boss pull.
So Gweens favorite pet skin was the White Hydra. so in honor of Gween. i am asking all BM Hunters to tame a Hydra and Name it Gween :slight_smile:

I am so sorry (as most of you are as well) to hear of the recent passing of Gween. While most all of us probably never met him in person, we can all agree that he brought so much knowledge and passion to this community! He took precious time from his life to help us all in one way or another.

You will truly be missed Gween, may your aim be true as your heart and your arrows strike deep in the great kingdom in the sky!

Life is too short. Prayers Gween

We all knew Hospice was an end of the road. It’s a sad and happy time. Sad to see our macro buddy go, happy to see him not suffer anymore.


I just got my white hydra. Bless you Gween.


So sad to hear this news. Much strength for all close to him. <3

Just got my white hydra and named it Gween. So sorry to hear about him - what a great guy he was.

ok taken white hydra and called gween in his honor …

where did you find the White hydra? Me too I would like to tame it and name Gween
Love and peace Gwenn

Sholazar Basin Hydras - Pet Family | Petopia - Hunter Pets in the World of Warcraft

I got mine in Mauradon

Man this is some sad news about Gween sorry to hear that hes gone will miss seeing his post and macros along with using them heart felt prayers are sent to his Family and friends for comfort and peace of mind but know this even though he’s gone and out of pain he will be remembered as he’s watching over all of us now. Well I’l off of hear now to go find me a white hydra
God bless Y’all

White hydra or ghost white hydra…? it matters.

Got my Hydra in Maraudon
Rest in Peace Hunter Gween

I just only gave the first place off the top of my head. Actually mine was Gahz’rilla that I got in Zul’Farrak back in WoD, but never got around to renaming. It is now named Gween.

Got mine this morning around 10:30 named GWEEN about 5 seconds later

I will get my white hydra as well. I also really like the idea that someone wrote here, to adapt Gweens macro for BfA. I will try it myself when i am back to the game in some weeks, but i am not the best at this.

I did not know him, but he helped me a lot like his macros. RIP.