Any news on Gween?

A True Pioneer in our Macro Environment and even a greater Teacher to us all. Gween, always seemed to take time away to show us how to build not only on his model but others as well to better help our community a whole. Gween, will be truly missed by so many of us and others he may not have even know he helped. So, Thank You Gween no matter what trials you had to go through in your personal life, you will always be known at least here as a Legend to us.

What terrible news if someone passed away. my best wishes to all friends and family.

He brought me my love tot wow and to the BM hunter back, i am so thankfull for all your help…

r.i.p. buddy…

Got my Hydra in Maraudon this morning
Rest in Peace Hunter Gween

Here is his Go Fund me page if anyone wants to help in anyway possible.

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