I have modified a setup for raiding that seems to work well.
Few key things
gnome sequnecer and beef wellingtons macro
a Razer naga mouse or similar
place beefs macro in 1 place revenge on 2 and shield slam on 3
program a few side buttons on the Razer for heroic strike and aoe abilities like thunderclap etc…
Spam 1 2 and 3 this will keep firing the macro and if you seem to miss a rage generating ability ie 2 or 3 key u will still hit it when you have a heroic strike hut it keep your aoe abilities on CD when fighting a few mobs or boss for extra dps .
Last part is pretty pot armor potions and flasks + food raid things ohhh I also keep devistate on 4 in case nothing else is up
Try this out and post a screenshot of your skads dps output should be 16k-20k self buffed and 20k+ with pot flask and food
[quote quote=20162]I have modified a setup for raiding that seems to work well.
Few key things
gnome sequnecer and beef wellingtons macro
a Razer naga mouse or similar
place beefs macro in 1 place revenge on 2 and shield slam on 3
program a few side buttons on the Razer for heroic strike and aoe abilities like thunderclap etc…
Spam 1 2 and 3 this will keep firing the macro and if you seem to miss a rage generating ability ie 2 or 3 key u will still hit it when you have a heroic strike hut it keep your aoe abilities on CD when fighting a few mobs or boss for extra dps .
Last part is pretty pot armor potions and flasks + food raid things ohhh I also keep devistate on 4 in case nothing else is up
Try this out and post a screenshot of your skads dps output should be 16k-20k self buffed and 20k+ with pot flask and food
I use this and it’s really good just looking for others to try
Sequences[‘GWST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Shield Charge
/cast Heroic Strike
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Devastate’,
‘/cast victory rush’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam
Not sure how to post it with the black box around it
This is what I’m using. It isn’t perfect, but it’s decent.
-- Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences['GWST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Shield Charge
/cast demoralizing shout
/cast Heroic Strike
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Revenge',
'/cast Execute',
'/cast Devastate',
'/cast victory rush',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam
Nice one Grags. getting ~14k on target dummy at 607 ilvl (with procs from DMF trinket tho.)
Just wondering bout one part. The fact that it casts both shield charge’s pretty much right after eachother, wasting about ~3,5sec of the buff. Do you think theres any way to offset this in the sequence?
I removed Blood Fury (not an orc). What else is from your macro is causing my PVP trinket to pop at the start of fights?
[quote quote=20210]This is what I’m using. It isn’t perfect, but it’s decent.
-- Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences['GWST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Shield Charge
/cast demoralizing shout
/cast Heroic Strike
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Revenge',
'/cast Execute',
'/cast Devastate',
'/cast victory rush',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam
I posted yours up top as a really good one just looking for others who have tweaked it for a little more
In response to a private message, I’ve adjusted the macro.
Shield Charge should no longer cast when it’s already active.
The only thing that needs work on is Execute hardly ever goes off due to being rage starved.
-- Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences['GWST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge,heroic strike
/cast demoralizing shout
/cast Heroic Strike
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Revenge',
'/cast Execute',
'/cast Devastate',
'/cast victory rush',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam
Double Time
Enraged Regeneration
Heavy Repercussions
Dragon Roar
Mass Spell Reflection
Blade Storm (I keep Bloodbath in the macro for when I change my mind)
Gladiator’s Resolve
Gag Order
Resonating Power
So, I’ve been playing about with it somewhat. And this seems to give me 18k sustained on a dummy.
Keeping the middle section to a minimum Guarantees Shield Slam and Revenge to go off on Cool Down. So I’ve removed Execute and Victory Rush from the macro. (They are easily added back if you prefer)
Execute (There was hardly ever enough rage due to Heroic Strike spam to justify the extra button press, which could result in another Devastate over a shield slam or Revenge)
Victory Rush Purely situational. I find it doesn’t do enough damage to compensate for the 1 sec global cool down. So I choose to use it when I need the extra healing)
I’ve added Charge and Intervene
-- Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences['GWST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [harm] Charge; [help] Intervene
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge,heroic strike
/cast heroic strike
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Revenge',
'/cast Devastate',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
This one is pretty much perfect Grags. Worldoflogs shows that execute is a dps loss in pretty much any circumstance, so leaving it out should not hurt anyone.
And shield charge is now working optimal, im loving it mate! cheers.
I added this and gnome is giving me an error now
Sequences[‘GWST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [harm] Charge; [help] Intervene
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge,heroic strike
/cast heroic strike
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Devastate’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
This is mine. It is a bit bulky but I get decent results. Around 10k on a level 102 training dummy at ilvl 619
any adjustments are appreciated
Sequences[‘GLADST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
“/cast Revenge”,
‘/cast [combat] Berserker Rage’,
‘/cast [combat]Bloodbath’,
‘/cast Shield Charge’,
“/cast execute”,
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Heroic Strike’,
‘/cast devastate’,
‘/cast devastate’,
‘/cast Dragon Roar’,
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
“/cast execute”,
‘/cast devastate’,
‘/cast [combat]Bloodbath’,
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast devastate’,
‘/cast devastate’,
“/cast execute”,
‘/cast [combat]Berserker Rage’,
‘/cast [combat]berserking’,
‘/cast [combat]Blood Fury’,
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast victory rush’,
‘/cast devastate’,
‘/cast devastate’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam
Thanks for the macro! It seems to be working great! I have noticed a few things that might be helpful; they were certainly a DPS increase for me anyway! I am using Unyielding Strikes as a talent instead of Heavy Repercussions and my DPS is consistently 3 -4k higher than when using Heavy Repercussions! I have also tested using Sudden Death and putting Execute back into the macro. This results in DPS slighly lower than Unyielding Strikes, but still significantly higher than Heavy Repercussions. One last thing: I’ve noticed that, for some reason, if I add one more global to your macro (it doesn’t seem to matter which; I’ve tried Execute, Victory Rush, and an extra Heroic Strike,) I get about a 1k increase in DPS. Looking at my damage meters, that one extra cooldown makes Heroic Strike fire off significantly more often than Devastate and, especially when using Unyielding Strikes, becomes my number 1 damaging ability accounting for over 25% of my DPS! Of course, YMMV, but I hope this helps others tweak just a little more out of your great macro!
My setup, for those that want to compare:
ilvl 642 gear prioritized as best I can for Str > Bonus Armor > Crit > Haste (9% soft cap) > Versatility > everything else
Double Time
Enraged Regeneration
Unyielding Strikes
Tier 4 I swap a lot, but mostly use Shockwave
Gladiator’s Resolve (obviously lol)
Unending Rage
Bull Rush
I get 17 - 18k (19k with a lucky string of crits!) sustained ST on dummies with the above setup. Using Heavy Repercussions I was averaging around 12 - 13k, and 15 -16k with Sudden Death and throwing Execute into the macro. I tested each setup for 10 minute sessions. Good luck and have fun!
could u please post your code then?
Anyone got an idea as to why Grags macro would hang at the /castsequence? It fires everything before it fine, but not the sequence or anything after.
For all of you out there that love Macrotoolkit I hope you enjoy!
Link: - YouTube
You can check mine out here: [Gnome Sequencer] [6.0.3] 1 Button PvE Glad / Prot Warrior Macro (DETAILED) - Patch 6.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros
You will need to read through the post to get an understanding of how it works and why I made it this way, also any extensive knowledge of warriors in general will greatly help you here.