ARMS – 5.4 [ Pure Ownage!... ]

Some of you might already know of my priest macros which are completely faceroll. I believe in thoroughly testing all my macros before posting them. I can assure you that these macros are extremely well written. I’m not saying they are perfect, but damn near it. Feel free to test them out and alter them and repost a modified version, but I have done most if not all the work for you. That is why I love this site. If you have seen my priest macros than you know how thorough and good my macros are.

I don’t believe in theorycrafting. I want macros that ensure everything pops when its supposed to and that I can do as much burst and overall damage as possible and with the least amount of effort; haha!.. :slight_smile:

Everything is popping perfectly for me.

Enjoy the Pwnage!.. I’m almost afraid to release these as my main is a healer!.. :slight_smile:

Main Rotation Macro

  • First I have added code that will disable all the annoying error sounds and messages that come from spamming a macro such as this.

  • The macro will open with a Charge followed by a Piercing Howl, which when used in bgs / rbgs is great. It only costs 10 rage which is nothing!

  • CS almost always pops immediately when available and I placed Hamstring right after it, which as of patch 5.4 is off the GCD. CS is the perfect ability to put Hamstring with so as to ensure its almost up 100% of the time. If you were to place it with any other ability than it would either not be used often enough else far too often; thus, a huge loss of rage. When paired with CS its almost perfect.

  • Execute is the only main dps ability that needs to be separately keybound.

  • All of the abilities are popping perfectly as well as cooldowns. I have verified it all.

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
#showtooltip Colossus Smash
/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Piercing Howl,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Victory Rush
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Slam
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Overpower
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Mortal Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 Colossus Smash,Hamstring
/cast !Colossus Smash
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Avatar
/cast Charge
/cast [combat] Recklessness
/cast [combat] !Skull Banner
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1


  • As with the above macro it will Charge and then immediately cast Piercing Howl.

  • Priority after that are the cooldowns and Bladestorm which as of Patch 5.4 has been buffed from 120% weapon damage to 180% weapon damage as well as had its CD reduced to 1 minute down from 1.5 minutes.

  • CS is the next priority followed by Sweeping Strikes and Slam. I put Slam into the rotation because if you are not already aware, 35% of Slams damage is applied to all targets within 2 meters of the Warrior while Sweeping Strikes is active (10 sec).

  • Thunderclap will also apply the Weakened Blows effect to all targets within 8 yards of the warrior; thus, reducing their damage output by 10% for 30 seconds. This is actually pretty huge if its at a flag or tower point. 10% is fairly significant and for 30 seconds nonetheless.

  • VERY IMPORTANT; If you are doing Arenas and Single Target Bosses than keep Avatar and Recklessness in the Single Target Macro, but if in Bgs/Rbgs than I suggest taking those out of the Single Target Macro and swapping out Avatar for Bloodbath and sticking Bloodbath and Recklessness in a separate AOE Macro for Massive AOE action. I have provided you both scenarios. You want your abilities to pop in this order going from longest to shortest uptime;

    Recklessness > Bloodbath > Bladestorm


/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
#showtooltip Bladestorm
/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Piercing Howl,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,0,Thunder Clap
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Overpower
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Mortal Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Slam
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Sweeping Strikes
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Colossus Smash
/castsequence reset=0.3 Bladestorm
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast Charge
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

AOE For BGs / RBGs

Remember you should create a secondary single target macro with the only difference is it doesn’t have Recklessness and Avatar in it. Cause you want Recklessness up when you AOE in a BG and want to replace Avatar for Bloodbath. So maybe create a Single Target Rotation macro for 1. PVE / Arena and for 2. BGs/RBGs

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
#showtooltip Bladestorm
/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Piercing Howl,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,0,Thunder Clap
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Overpower
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Mortal Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Slam
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Sweeping Strikes
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Colossus Smash
/castsequence reset=0.3 Bladestorm
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast Charge
/cast [combat] Recklessness
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1


  • I think this macro works wonderful; I love the changes Blizzard made to Shield Wall and Spell Reflection in Patch 5.4
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/castsequence reset=30 Spell Reflection,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Shield Wall
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Demoralizing Banner
1 Like

Please provide me feedback and let me know how it is working out for you all. I dont really even play my warrior. I did this for you guys; for the community. Let me know that you appreciate the macros so I have reason to keep releasing them.

Hey bud, I tested the single target macro out for a few before I had to go get the kids from school and wow what a difference. I don’t know what add-on tests DPS like others talk about but as long as stuff is firing off when in should then I’m good.

I mostly do CTA solo or with my son and your macros have been a big help in our gameplay and enjoyment.

Thanks man appreciate the hard work as well as the others that keep this community growing.

Ill test the others later too and let ya know.

Thanks again, good times!

Weebly - Sylvanas EU
495ilvl - 20.7% crit - 31.145 AP - 14.5% Haste - 26.7% Mastery - Exp/Hit capped for raiding

Didn’t use any cooldowns(Avatar, trinkets… and so on).
Only Battle Shout.

Single target dps: 64k - 70k

AoE (3 dummys): 88k ramped up to 90-100k

Now be God among men and make as perfect macro for fury :slight_smile:

I’ve been using this fury macro which gives me about 50-60k single target dps. With the softcap 20% recommended crit unbuffed.

#showtooltip Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Execute
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Wild Strike
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Colossus Smash
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

will give it a test since i started playing my Warrior over my main. One of the old macros I’ve gotten from this site is still good even with a few tweaks and able to get execute fire off when “sudden execute” procs. I might try to add it in your macros and see what happens and will try to report if yay or nay on it :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote quote=10263]Hey bud, I tested the single target macro out for a few before I had to go get the kids from school and wow what a difference. I don’t know what add-on tests DPS like others talk about but as long as stuff is firing off when in should then I’m good.

I mostly do CTA solo or with my son and your macros have been a big help in our gameplay and enjoyment.

Thanks man appreciate the hard work as well as the others that keep this community growing.

Ill test the others later too and let ya know.

Thanks again, good times!

Im so happy to hear that bro. Yah get ur kid to play either a dk or warrior. Its a lot more faceroll. I want to get my daughter into gaming as well who is now 14 years old.

[quote quote=10278]Weebly – Sylvanas EU<br>
495ilvl – 20.7% crit – 31.145 AP – 14.5% Haste – 26.7% Mastery – Exp/Hit capped for raiding

Didn’t use any cooldowns(Avatar, trinkets… and so on).<br>
Only Battle Shout.

Single target dps: 64k – 70k

AoE (3 dummys): 88k ramped up to 90-100k

Now be God among men and make as perfect macro for fury :)

I’ve been using this fury macro which gives me about 50-60k single target dps. With the softcap 20% recommended crit unbuffed.

#showtooltip Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Execute
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Wild Strike
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Colossus Smash
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14


Hey Webly you should be able to pull top end burst of 100-120k for a brief amount of time in that gear when using the full macro; probably higher. In arena stuff will blow up, especially now after the changes to bladestorm. Obviously your dps will be lower in an arena but still it will blow up, and blow up fast. Go team up with a DISC and you truly will be Overpowered.

As far as Fury goes; I hear that after IL 520 Fury can be very nice. I only tried it while lvling from lvl 80-85, but as soon as I got to Pandaria, I noticed I was killing mobs a lot faster as Arms spec. I dont actually play Warrior, but that might change after I play around with my Ret Pally, Frost DK, and Warrior. I havent decided. I used to complain that when a warrior is cced that they arent doing any damage but with bleeds as they are today, its not such a true statement any longer. With a Frost DK im pulling easily 15 mil damage in a BG and not just spreading dots like a boomkin, lock or unholy dk; stuff is actually dying.

What are your thoughts on Fury PVP for 5.4?

For sure Relinquo; give it a try. I never really tried to add in execute. Thanks buddy :slight_smile:

Hey Chris,

Thank so much for your efforts on this. I’ve been trying out the single target macro on the dummies but I removed the cooldowns as I like to be able to control them myself for PvP.

I’m trying to get this useable for arena and thus would be in defensive stance most of the time. At the moment I am finding I am rage starved however.

I’m not up to date on the intricacies of rage generation etc but any work around? I assume you use your macros in battle stance? Also I seem to remember old macros having Battle Shout in them too is that no longer workable?

Having given it more thought I suppose what I am trying to get it to do is use primarily Charge, a snare, VicRush, CS, MS, Slam, OP and Ham (not in that order necessarily). The rest I would control separately.



[quote quote=10299]Hey Chris,

Thank so much for your efforts on this. I’ve been trying out the single target macro on the dummies but I removed the cooldowns as I like to be able to control them myself for PvP.

I’m trying to get this useable for arena and thus would be in defensive stance most of the time. At the moment I am finding I am rage starved however.

I’m not up to date on the intricacies of rage generation etc but any work around? I assume you use your macros in battle stance? Also I seem to remember old macros having Battle Shout in them too is that no longer workable?

Having given it more thought I suppose what I am trying to get it to do is use primarily Charge, a snare, VicRush, CS, MS, Slam, OP and Ham (not in that order necessarily). The rest I would control separately.



Dont macro battle shout. It goes off to much and its a waste of a GCD

Ok. What about the rage staving in D stance?

This was meant for battle stance. If you are rage starved in Defensive than I dont know what to say. It should still be alright. I dont play warrior. I was just trying to help out the warrior community. I might play it in 5.4 though, but only in arena. I suggest that you make a good defensive one for everyone and post it here.

Hey, your macro seem to work well for a lot of people, im just wondering im new to all the macro thing so, i added macro toolkit and put ur macro in… but do i have to spam the button of my macro or i only need to press it one time…


Yes, spam it. All of the macros on this site require you to spam it.

Click it as fast as your fingers allow you to; lol. The reason is that if you were to not than that would be against the TOS. You cant use automated programs. Its not a computer program. Its just a script that tells the wow client that when clicking this button to use abilities in a specific order and prioritize some abilities over others.

In Short SPAM the crap out of it, and ideally bind it to the mouse button you are most comfortable clicking, which is probably your side mouse button.

New to extended macros and had a question about editing your macro.
Typically Arms specs Disrupting Shout and not piercing howl. How would you rewrite the macro without the use of Piercing Howl would you just remove the first line?

/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Piercing Howl,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Victory Rush

simply delete piercing howl and replacing it with disrupting shout.

By the way you look like ur my age. I usually dont meet people in their 30s. Private message me and give me ur battlenet ill explain how all the macros work so that you better understand them.

SO I started using the above macros yesterday and they work well with one exception. I installed the Macro toolkit and created the macro by pasting from your code window but when using this macro it would cycle through only once and stick. I tried shortening the macro with the Toolkit and it modified the first line from this
/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Piercing Howl,null
to something similar to this
/tar Intimidating Shout,null
The Macro now works except for it no longer fires Intimidating shout.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sy If you are truly rage starved you could try removing the Rage dump ability Slam from the macro and only using it when you are over 40% rage. Or you could make two macros one with Slam one with out. spam one with high rage and the other when low.

@Chris I’m loving the macros alot. really haven’t had the time to work in the execute with some rl stuff going on atm, but, when I get a chance to get back on i’ll see if I can incorporate it into the macro :smiley:

Making 2 macros and having each jump you into defensive and battle stance would be a good Idea. I will do that by tomorrow. I just got an internship with one of the top law firms in the world and crazy busy lol. Chance of a lifetime.

As far as the macro locking up; I and several others who have tried it have never complained of it locking up. You are either not talented properly or didn’t paste it in properly. You are also maybe not in battestance.