Artaemis' Havoc [Ignition] Build [M+] Patch 11.0.2 - **Updated [08/20/2024]

One favour i would like to ask is whenever you update your m+ macro, could you also make a update to your RAID macro? To also have VR, Fel Rush and Disrupt on Modifiers (and of course remove auto cast of VR)

Thanks in advance, really enjoying your macro.

Hey Pr0x can you make mod to the raid version as well and get rid of auto VR plz?

Yes I can. :slight_smile:

Here it is. I put the VR on a modifier instead. Tested this yesterday in HC raid, and it was working perfectly.


Usage Information

V1.0 - Raid Inertia Build


ALT - Vengeful Retreat
CTRL - Fel Rush
Shift - Throw Glaive


Kinda sad with the nerfs incoming for the DH and BM hunter.

Sure they were overtuned as fuck tho lol…

It’s pretty amazing they didn’t nerf shamans or warlocks though. Maybe I will visit these as well, if there is any good macros on the forums for them.

@ODAVING After reading the comments from top DH’s, the fel barrage build will be completely dead, when the nerfs hit. So if it wouldn’t be so hard for you to update the macro to utilize one of the other two builds for DHs, then that would be super nice.

Dh will still be good. Demo lock will take top spot now

Yeah, DH will still be rocking, it’s only a 3-4% AOE nerf and 0.5-1% ST nerf

But still, fel barrage build will be “dead”, so maybe transitioning over to one of the other two builds would be better - if we want to stay “competitive”. I know GSE/WoWLazyMacros, isn’t meant to be used for competitve stuff, but idk, could still be nice.

I wish there was a good S3 demo macro out there, do you perhaps know of one that does a good job?

Here is another overall from a 18 BRH - My first dungeon of the day, could be a lot better tbh. (2 deaths)

one more overall

Thats awesome man. I definitely am not having the same results damage wise, but I did get my 1st epic parse on a 20 BRH. I think I just need a solid team with proper pulls that can easily be my issue as well.

There are people in the past who earned CE with GSE. The creators are great and give a solid base but almost every one of them says you need to tune it for your playstyle. Im just thankful there are people in the community to make these because it does not work well for me when I try to make them.

Yeah. I’m actually highly considering trying to make a macro for the class (if there is one) that will exceed havoc.

I’ve been using GSE/WoWLazyMacro for a long time. And I always try and scout the best macros and tweak them to my playstyle. For an example, In S2, i played Ret Pala, and was using a macro from here, that got me to 2600 IO - before i quit the season.

So maybe I will take my learnings from this macro and the ret pala macro, and make a new macro for the next big meta class. :smiley:

Definitely. A good team is key to big parses. The tank in my previous screenshot was pulling big everytime, while the healer could still keep up (they were a duo). So that was really nice.

how the ST/Raid macro is performing for you? The M+ is doing great, but with the ST one in raid I’m not able to do more than 68K, whatever I do :frowning: I’m 447

When to use each of the modifiers? Will I get better DPS on single target when I find the right moment to cast Throw Glaive, or it is appropriate just for AOE? (And the same with Fel Rush.)

You will want to use Fel Rush when Unbound Chaos procs. Usually my Fel Rush lights up when it does, so i know whent to cast it.

To be honest, I’ve noticed that the ST macro is lacking a bit, so still working on it. I used the M+ version on ST fights and get around 80k DPS @449 ilvl

Ignition 1.3 is live. Test it out and let me know how it performs in M+ and Raid compared to 1.2. Share the results, and I’ll do my best to improve it based on findings.

def gonna give a try ty! Btw after the nerf fel barrage will be worthless, any chance of a essence break version? o and i don’t see a raid version of 1.3, do you use M+ v1.3 for both raid and M+?

I haven’t updated the raid version, I’ve been using M+ version throughout.

I’ll look at wowhead’s recos again, if they’ve updated the talent tree I’ll update the macro too.

I’m also using the M+ version for Raiding now, only thing i changed out in the macro was fel barrage for Essence break, seems to work fine enough for now.

But yeah, much better than the raid version

Almost every fight in the raid, except for Nymue? there’s an add to kill… so it’ll perform better overall.