Asbobunny 8.3 BM Macro V3!

anyone have advice on how to record these test? Like recording wow for the 5 minutes so the video is sharable. Only reason @Elfyau and @Asbobunny why i haven’t shared what dps im doing

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hi, How do i get the new update ?

Top post version three is latest

Noticing a lot of times it’s fucking up the opener because it’s spamming Cobra Shot for whatever reason - 3, sometimes 5 cobra shots in the opener before it decides to cast a barbed shot.

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You know guys it’s crazy how many people I get messages from moaning because the macro don’t play there character 100% perfect. That’s crazy. Sorry guys I fail you.

Right so.

A macro is a list of commands

When the button is pressed

The macro then cycles through the commands

It will use what ever command is available at that time

All we do is try to make the cycle of selecting what abilities it uses and in what order to try to maximise the damage output and be smooth and consistent.


Will a macro play my character 100%?

No!!! Sorry. Not sorry

So it might mess up here and there.

All I can say is I made the macro to enable the people who struggle to play due to disabilities a way of playing there game and have a fair chance of keeping up with others.

So I now ask.

Have you ever moaned about a macro?

If so my guessing is that your not disabled. You probably just lazy as f*ck!

Why do I say this? Because I would be 100% sure that any disabled person using macros are just happy to just be able to play there game.

We do have life’s too guys and we like to play the game ourselves :wink:

Me personally I do this in my own spare time. That’s why the responses from me are few and far between.

I think I will no longer release any more versions of this macro. (who know what shadowlands may bring)

So for the rest of 8.3 use anyone of the macros in the first post or…

Go check out Antols macro as I will help him with anything he might need help with on discord.

Thanks guys and goodbye for now :wave::+1::blush:


Thank you for what you do. Some of us here still appreciate you. See you around.


I’ve said this before but the harassment, complaining, and whining by those who make use of the macros on this website but don’t contribute any time and/or effort to the creation process is quite unbelievable.

You are absolutely right that this is all on your own free time. Personally, I thank you and all others who make these macros. Could some be tweaked? Sure, no argument here. But to constantly whine about DPS or numbers, GTFO. Play manually then. For many, such as myself, macros allow enjoyment of the game or for some even overcoming perhaps certain physical disabilities that prevent manual play.


I totally agree with what you are saying. Ppl seems to think that with these macros they gonna destroy everything and top dps/heals everytime. Its madness to believe so. Im so happy this exist otherwise i probably wouldnt play this game but with the help from the macros i can still be pretty near good and also sometimes be awesome :slight_smile: I salute you all macro creators and hope you can just ignore stupid ppl.
Best Regards


I would like to say thank you for all your hard work. Your macro is by far the best BM Hunter one i’ve ever used. I’m sad to see you won’t be updating it anymore, and I hope you reconsider,


Just wanted to say @Asbobunny and @Elfyau, this macro is still going strong. I had to add some barbed shots and kill commands to keep up with my crit (58% unbuffed)

I have also race changed to Maghar orc and am curious if people have had success adding their racial
Ancestral Call

And where did they add it, in pre or post etc.


hi @Ashbunny what version should I be using, not played wow since November got ilvl of 412 atm


Try them all. But start with v3 :wink::grin::+1:


I already asked you before, but I retry.
Can you explain how adapt the macro in relation to your crit %?
How to check it and how do you edited the macro in your case?
Should be a great contribution to creators and community

Just go into macro, and edit it. Add barbed shots and kill comands in macro alternating. You have to play with it to find whats right to u.

This is excellent. I’d been using a different LM and was only pushing mid-40K in DPS. Popped this in, switched around my talents, and just hit about 65K for about 8MM.

Much appreciated!

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Thanks for elaborate this. Can you please share your edited macro so we can bring a working example on how modify it?

hello - first would like to thank you for a nice macro performing well on a 479 hunter bm :smiley:

is there a way i can remove aspect of the wild from the macro ?

thanks alot

yes just delete it thats all you need to do

deleted and saved it keeps coming back on

I’m am currently at 450 ilvl and this macro has been working amazing I have sim and its right on par with the sims. I’m hoping with the 3 DoD and 3 Primals it still keep up with the sims. by far the best macro on the site that matches up to the numbers from the sims. Love to see more from you. Great job on this one.