Asbobunny 8.3 BM Macro V3!

i just PM Asbo about this when i saw the post that person put up and then deleted. funny that people copy big creators stuff as their own and think people wont reconize it.

Hey mate im new here and wanna learn about gse do u have time to help me set it up 100% im new to this page also can u type to me on discord its easyer for me to know when u reply or type to me there c(:

on discord c(:

i new it was nt his macro as he never changed the name of it he kept it as bmsolo thats how i new it was nt his



:slight_smile: hey guys :wave:

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im lucky hit 40k on my bm with this macro fk knows whats going on raid bots say 68k im no where near this :frowning:

Very nice update! I sim 62k on target dummy according to raidbots and I was pulling 68-72k after 10 million damage with this new version. Thanks for all your great work!

Thanks! This macro works great, but I made a small tweak because I run Killer Cobra. I changed the last line of the sequence section to maximize my Kill Commands with great results. It looks like this: /castsequence Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Kill Command

I also had to do some tweaking. I have added a few barbed shots and kill commands.

I have also added modifiers for disengage and freezing trap. All in all a great macro.

Can you please share your edits? :slight_smile:

When I get on tonight ill add a little. I won’t share macro because there really isn’t much changed and @Asbobunny and @Elfyau do great work. I run 3x dod and 3x primal. I’m 472 ilvl so works better for me.

Can’t remember off hand where I added barbed and kill command but they are alternating earlier in macro.

Modifiers all I did was add disengage using shift and freezing trap on alt key. I’m sure an example is here somewhere.

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Ok getting messages about disengage so ill explain my madness to having it on modifier.

Pvp: disengage if talented will remove cc and get you out of bad situation of melee and range of most casters.

Raid is very convenient getting you out of spots where your standing on stuff.

Really never use it in mythics but its there for those o crap moments.

Freezing Trap… well the possibilities of use are endless. For me it’s very convenient for that corruption guy that chases your but everywhere.

Im not sure what has happened to my hunter but if i pull 40k dps i am lucky. Im sitting at 461 ilvl so i know my dps should by higher. Any idea on how to fix this or whats going on? These macros used to have me top dps or near the top of the dps charts

What Corruptions do you have ?

I have a tier 1 infinite stars, 1 void ritual and 1 that causes target to ooze blood. My essences are vision of perfection, Focusing Iris, Breath of dying, and Spark of Inspiration. Just ran another test and im avg 39.9k dps on target dummy.

might be why :frowning: i have same problem
you need 3x Servere rank 3 (12%) 3x Expedian Rank 3 (12%) and and The Bow with wispered Truth
i know it give 145 Corruption and what why you need to level you cloak as much as possible for the ressisten
i my self have 1 Severe Rank 1 (6%) and The Bow with wispered Truth and ilvl 466 i do like 55k on dummy if im lucky
but you kinda also need the right Azerite Powers witch are 3x Primal Instincts and 3x Dance of Death For Raiding
For Myt+ you change 1 Primal Instincts for a Rapid Reload
hope it helps but its hard to get

thats why im only hitting 50-55k dps i have 2 x severe and the bow with whispered truth on it

if i do manually i get 60k easy whats going on :frowning:

Adjust your ahk speed maybe

its tedious but what I do is go to a dummy start at 40 ms the increase it testing 5 minute fights for each lol.