Asbobunny 8.3 BM Macro V3!

I’m confused.

The new macro shows 1213211 talents which seems consistent with the first few versions, but not 3, 4, 5 which have not been assigned.

i think its because you didnt delete the old macro. you have added the new 1 to it. the macro should only have 3 tabs. all i can say is delete them both and import them again. hope this helps.

You are correct! Deleted first and got everything clean :wink:

Hi, macro looks great, but i got a problem. i can use your aoe macro but if i want to click the bm st macro nothing really happens. anyone got an idea? would be nice :slight_smile:

Delete first and get everything clean, then import the new versions.

i did and it doenst work :frowning: i cant figure out why. everything else works just fine, on BMSOLO doesnt work.

Updating GSE fixed all my problems.

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New updated Macro in OP?

Thank you for your work, great macro! A couple of suggestions that you can change or not. I made sure the spells with cooldowns are only used in combat:
/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath
/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild
I also removed the “Wake Up” cause for me it seemed to burn a GCD when not needed

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Question , what kind of DPS drop would you expect with this macro if you do not have the Dance of death traits ?

Thank you for taking the time to post but I don’t know mate. I would say use elfyau macro until you get 3 DOD. Hope this helps :grin:

Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong tried import the marcro doesnt work.

hey guys,
the problem with the single target macro is, that its not automatically translated in your language.

Hi, I modified the macro in French language so that it works
for me

Hi, am running your macro with 3 DOD and it works ok so far but want to ask what the minimal amount of crit is needed to be optimum

Unbuffed am at 30% and when analysing my performance in raids, the upkeep of 3 stacks frenzy is approx 40-60%.

Some other feedback;
Is KC and BW the priority ability on each key press? In a few raid encounters, am seeing a a number of times that Cobra shot is fired when KC is not on CD

Checking with wow analyser, KC and BW is on cd about 70% of the time

Much thanks

I would say at lest 40% crit unbuffed. Well I got like 45 % and the above works very well for me

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Wow! 40-45% is crazy. I’ve got 32%… so another 8% is gonna be a challenge.

With better gear it’s not, I have 40% unbuffed and nothing proccing I have around 50% with buffs and procs Ilvl is 446.

Well - this works exceptionally well for me. THANK YOU!

31K at the 2 minute mark on the DPS dummy. ilvl 437. Entirely unbuffed. 32% crit. 3 pieces of DOD traits. Talents used as you suggested.

It performs basically at sim for me - which is around 29.5K

This is great work. Thanks again!

why are the talents here different than what is downloaded into my gs macro list