Balance druid macro dps

hello guys then I post my macro that I’m using for druid balance, I want to thank everyone for the advice and ideas that I took from the various macros, so keep up the good work.
i explain the macro as i split it double key single macro to be 100% effective in accuracy with solar/lunar eclipses
I have also inserted the 2 dots so that if you want it will reapply them automatically, but feel free to use them outside if you prefer, just create a macro in game and write:
macro dot = /castsequence solar fire, lunar fire.
ok the macro will execute the rotation of the starting balance dot and will execute either solar or lunar depending on what you start with, I always open with solar because it casts faster.
as soon as you enter solar or lunar eclipse press the macro prepared so that you will execute the spell of his eclipse, all here
let me know how it looks thanks to all.

note the macro is written in Italian, I am Italian so if it does not translate I’ll just write by hand the sell in your language.

singol macro solar



Talents: 1322111

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.48.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Fuoco Lunare, Forma di Lunagufo, Fuoco Solare

Main Sequence: Fuoco Lunare, Cometa Arcana, Ira Silvana, Fuoco Solare

KeyRelease: Cometa Arcana

singol macro lunar



Talents: 1??1111

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.48.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Fuoco Lunare, Forma di Lunagufo, Fuoco Solare

Main Sequence: Fuoco Lunare, Cometa Arcana, Fuoco Stellare, Fuoco Solare

KeyRelease: Cometa Arcana

Clearly I want to specify that the macro is written in this way because I don’t like to use modifiers in the game because I don’t like having to hold down a key to perform the rotation so I chose to use 2 separate keys personally.
for the macro aoe at the moment I’m using those here on the site, but I’m studying whether to separate also that for the various eclipses

I just looked at the macro and it looks good but it is kinda wasting dps maybe with casting both of the dots after every macro reset, if you know what i mean. if you cast one in the corresponding phase it boosts its damage over time so its worth it to have in there, but both isnt worth it i feel, that and the eclipses are only 15 seconds and the dots are at a minimum of 18 seconds. sometimes it cuts dots short on my macro version but i think its probably better that then waste a global cooldown so you can cast it instead of another wrath or moonfire. So I was testing it and casting Sunfire, Moonfire, and two Starsurges, i was already wasting up to 8 seconds per Eclipse. You however need to refresh them at least once at the beginning of the eclipse unless you cast it just before the eclipse ends so it carries through the next one and you refresh it once you come back to the current eclipse if you know what i mean but i dont know how to do that unless you just watch the clock.

Below i have edited your macro a bit and simplified it. In the first one i have it so the Dots are applied once at the beginning of each macro and thats it, its all you need, and its at the beginning to amplify the corresponding dot, and then comes starsurges because they dont amplify it any, just the casted spells. I also made another version that limits the Starsurges to only 2 per Eclipse so you get out more from the other spells and then also have enough to boost the next Eclipse twice right in the beginning. Its not fail safe so i added in Starsurge on a modifier so you can cast it when or if you have excess Astral Power.

All is not lost though, I tweaked you macro and now they are as lightweight, lazy and efficient as i could get them for you.

Your Lunar Macro

Click here for macro


Your Solar macro

Click here for macro


Macros reposted so they should no longer be read only

thanks buenor as soon as I log the game I try them very kind

ok i’m testing it thanks, but a question what changes in the 2 versions i’m using the tab 1 version of both macros, as soon as i enter the eclipse phase i go to the precise macro, optimizing the damage for that thanks really

note: as soon as you can or you have time if you could please also edit an aoe version that maximizes the dps i tried that, but apart from using starfall to cd always even them would need to maximize the damage had by eclipses right?

Sorry havent gotten in to try much this weekend.

For AOE you just need to hit Starfall during your eclipse. You will be doing the same rotaiton to get to each of your eclipses, but you dump Starfall for AOE and Starsurge for single target. Remember you want to do this during your eclipses.

Yeah, like @stephen-nagai said

Just cast starfall on CD, but im not 100% sure if it really has to be in your Eclipse windows or not. The text for the Eclipse is kinda tricky so im not sure and i havent read anything that would said its a big boost. All i really seen is that Starfall lengthens your dots by 4 seconds, so there is that i guess. Also, i havent experimented myself but It might be worthwhile to just tab through targets and only cast your dots during the different eclipses, but yeah I dont know because i havent tried to experiment that and likely wont. your dots provide Astral Power and after level 49 its even more Astral Power generated because of the Shooting Stars spell and that can even be boosted with your level 50 talent Solstice but who knows. This is all just theory.

The Theory behind what i just said and with information i have stated before is this, your dots take a ton of time to cast, and if you are in an AOE situation, thats alot of dots to cast if you were to cover the group with dots soooo. Being as your dots provide AP and after level 49 they provide more AP and with the level 50 talent they fall more often thus providing even more AP. That all being said, I think its very possible that you could just go through the group and maintain the right dot in the right eclipse, for instance Sunfire in Solar Eclipse and Moonfire in Lunar Eclipse. You could spec that your Moonfire does 10% more damage and hits an additional target but then you would lose 15% damage on your Starfall and with that the ability to cast and move so i dont think its worth it because Starfall is like dropping an Atomic bomb lol. Your Sunfire already does AoE damage and your Moonfire is well just an additional DoT and AP provider through all of this.

Take all of this with a grain of salt because I think everything i wrote is only theory, being as i dont main Balance Druid, well that and mine is only level 45 :expressionless: .

Also the difference between the two single target version i sent you is that in Tab one, Starsurge is cast on CD and in tab two, it is only cast twice per Eclipse and then the rest of the AP is saved for the next Eclipse or in better times of need. It is just how i did it with Theory, so i get my dots out and two Starsurge boost at the beginning of the Eclipse and not through it if you know what i mean.

Below is two macros that could be what you are looking for. I edited tab 1 (your standard macro variant) to be your normal AoE rotation and tab 2 is now that theoretical AoE version where it casts 2 of the opener spells and then the DoTs. You use it a little different, when your Starfire says a number 2 for instance, you turn it on and use only that till wrath has the 2. This is because you use 2 Starfires to enter Solar Eclipse but being as you are casting both dots it doesnt matter to switch to Wrath macro. You only switch when Wrath is no longer empower and the next macro casts the two Wraths and empowers Starfire, but that doesnt matter because you are only casting DoTs you know, then when it says 2 you switch and ya so on and on. Like i stated before its all theory, just something to play around with. Let me know if you have any issues or need any other help

Your AoE Solar macro

Click here for macro


Your AoE Lunar macro

Click here for macro


Reposted the macros so they should no longer be read only

thanks for the new macros, so i have to do normal rotation as usual only now it will apply aoe always automatically right?

Yes, if you are using tab 1 it the same as single target but it cast starfall on cooldown

I updated the macros i posted in this thread so hopefully they are no longer read only, and hopefully there is no issues. Let me know if something else is wrong or you have any other questions.

then the new macros for aoe I’m not sure, but I do not think they are good I tried them but I do not see improvements, for singol yes ok even if I do not know if it is better to use tab 1 or 2. unfortunately I am low gear 195 so my dps is low

Yeah, I never said they were great, I made the macros based on what you wanted only. Tab one should be a standard rotation though casting Starfall on CD. The tab 2 was just something i threw together.

ok thanks to the help of buenor with the separate macros for the solar/lunar eclipses i must say that the druid balance works very well. for aoe instead the macros together with the starfall are not optimal, so i don’t know how to move exactly i’m using an aoe version here on the site. i would still try to improve them if possible, with help from everyone for us players and to share for everyone the game.
thanks to everyone again.

noa: the 2 macros work well switching to the specific eclipses, but i don’t really understand to maximize dps some precise things:

  1. should dots always be refresh or not and is it worth doing or not?
  2. once you enter an eclipse phase, should you spam only the appropriate spell (for example, you enter the lunar phase and use ira sylvan) spamming it to the brim or should you always cast arcane comet in cd to increase the damage then?

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The macros should do all of that. But if you are asking how to improve the DPS more then what the macros give, then I cant really help you there being as I dont play a Boomkin.