Hey guys, after ‘hunting’ around for a good BM rotation macro, I have like many, found it difficult to find one I can run with and achieve consistently high DPS. So, i went and made this one, seems to work well for me. However, it does not include cooldowns such as Bestial Wrath of the Heart of Azeroth ability, this is because I have found that including them in the macro did not work well for me, I simply use them on CD. The macro does however start off with Aspect of the Wild, but again, use this on CD after the initial pull.
This has worked well for me running m+ on my hunter. I would welcome feedback and/or further recomendations.
excellent… u did it mate the perfect macro, i ran multiple tests and it is truly the best macro yet and i tested almost every macro up on this site for bm hunters.
5 min sim: 84.3k dps held 75k-100k dps throughout my tests
also in some tests it was lacking kill commands but not much it was in the range of 5-12 other than that it was amazing, and if u dont mind making or sending ur aoe one id be happy to test it out i can send u my ones if you’d like but ur st macro blew mine away and it was the best until u posted urs.
I will take a look at these tonight on a dummy. @Bam are you running a dod/pi build and whats your crit%. Curious because just looking from the outside, it looks like it may need more barbed and kill commands.
I will, I currently run 3 dod/ 3 pi and unbuffed 59% so barbed and kill command pops up a lot for me.
I currently run @Asbobunny macro which I modified quite a bit. A quick sim on target dummy with zero buffs is 83k. When i get in game later tonight ill test this out.
You will need that addon and there will be an import button
in the OP, there is a line of text that looks like gibberish, that is the ‘import string’, copy that and import it into the addon