Beast Master Hunter One Button Macros (Newest)

I am attempting to use your Beast Mastery macro but it keeps locking up on me. Just gets stuck with ability not ready and I am not sure what is happening.
I am talent wise at 3,1,2,2,1,1. Could that be the issue?

The blood fury fires, the first kill command and fires off a cobra shot but then bupkiss. I am usually at a 36ms ping on both so I changed my macro to .3 instead of .5.

I sent a PM to you with my armory link so maybe you can see what I am missing. In the meantime, anyone else have any ideas?

I’d like to ask is this topic.
When I use a macro ‘’ item is not ready yet’'turns out warning.
my glove Engineering (Synapse Springs ) ı’m using.
This warning will affect the use of macros and the disabling?Is normal?

[quote quote=15418]Beef as always you rock!!

Just did 2:45 on the dummy — ilvl 570, totally unbuffed, 230K


Alright so i’m new to this whole Macroing thing… what in the world does 1,1,3,2,2,1 stand for? is that the buttons you have bound? is that talents?? i’m so lost?

just a thought.
the macros are layed out using zeros.
they repesent not doing anything.
you could take out all of the next line execpt the next spell and it would do the same thing. you then would have five difernt spells all one the same line as the “castsequence”. you would press the icon five times to do all the spells in the macro.

What does adding the 0,0,0 do before inputting the ability?
the zeros mean that :
cast 0
on that line.

Its a priority line. The more 0,0,0 the higher the priority. It does nothing else.

Hello everyone,

I have a BM hunter that is full prideful. All I do is pvp, and I have a couple of macros I threw together that work fairly well, but I think that there is more damage to be had. I’ve noticed a couple of “new” macros talked about on here. Is there a chance that someone could post one of the latest ones? Or maybe throw one together for me? My latency is usually between 70 and 80 world. The link to my armory is World of Warcraft

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

I almost got it! I can get it up to 490k but drops back down to low 300k. I think its my ms world at 89. Here is the link to my armory. Those numbers got me super excited! Can you send the appropriate adjusted macro please? I appreciate your help Beef! Sent you a PM with my armory link as well.

Okay, I’m newer to macros. I tried to create your macro but ran out of characters. So I was wondering if there is some add on that in missing? Also, I obviously don’t have your same gear being only ilvl 535. If you could help me work out a macro more fitted to me that would be great.


Yes this was explained earlier in the post.

Umm… ya’ll do realize that these leading zero macros are dead in a few days, right?

i have working castsequence macros on beta right now. Was there another change in the last week?

add [nochanneling] in the line
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Steady Shot

should look like
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Steady Shot

    Heads up note:

I’ve not used a weighted cast sequence like written on here for the whole macro. something i just recently stumbled across. so i’m not entirely sure if you need the nochanneling modifier on all castsequence lines. if it still interrupts after adding to the steady shot line, add it to all the castsequence lines would be my next move or whatever trigger happens to be interrupting it.

I was told by a GM that Script Macros are disabled in PTR and beta but when the Patch and WOD drop they are turning them back on…