Beast Master Hunter One Button Macros (Newest)


This is my macro at the moment. World MS is usually between 100-105ms. My macro fails to trigger kill command and also sometimes dire beast. Can anyone help fix this?

/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,0,0,Kill Command
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,0,Glaive toss
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,0,Focus Fire
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,0,Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=0.9 0,Dire Beast
/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Cobra Shot,Kill Shot,Kill command,Kill command,Kill Shot,Glaive Toss,Kill Command
/cast [combat] Dire Beast
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath
/use Blood Fury

@ Huntaa

Are thing… I will message you though. I would like to keep this post focused on the macros I am making… if you want one for you please private message me so others don’t get confused on the ones people are putting in here.


1 Like

Hi Beef,

thanks for your contribute, your macros are always brilliant :slight_smile:
I have just a concern about the AOE macro. Aimed Shot and Steady Shot are not BM’s abilities. Could you make a good AOE macro tailored on BM’ spec?


[quote quote=13573]Hi Beef,

thanks for your contribute, your macros are always brilliant :-)
I have just a concern about the AOE macro. Aimed Shot and Steady Shot are not BM’s abilities. Could you make a good AOE macro tailored on BM’ spec?

I am so sorry I think I updated the wrong one there :slight_smile:

BM Area Effect:

/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Kill Command
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Multi-Shot
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Kill Shot
/castsequence reset=3 MULTI-SHOT,MULTI-SHOT
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Dire Beast
/cast Bestial Wrath
/castsequence reset=23 Focus Fire

Thank you for letting me know.


Hi Darius, Your BM Makros are Brilliant iam looking for a good pvp Makro?

my world MS is 30



[quote quote=13594]Hi Darius, Your BM Makros are Brilliant iam looking for a good pvp Makro?

my world MS is 30


For your pvp macro please log out with your current pvp gear, and the spec you have so I can base your macro off of your talents and the way you would play.

I would make you one for Single target with surrounding awareness, a ale macro for focusing healers but hitting everyone else and a single target just for Bursting the one player, or Enemy Flag Carrier down. I would also have escape macros, and stun macros as well. So let me know when you are ready and logged out so I can go in and look. Also please include a armory link so I can look at everything that you are currently wearing, enchants and gems.

Thank you,

[quote quote=13596]@Marcus,

<div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title">Marcus wrote:</div> Hi Darius, Your BM Makros are Brilliant iam looking for a good pvp Makro?

my world MS is 30


For your pvp macro please log out with your current pvp gear, and the spec you have so I can base your macro off of your talents and the way you would play.

I would make you one for Single target with surrounding awareness, a ale macro for focusing healers but hitting everyone else and a single target just for Bursting the one player, or Enemy Flag Carrier down. I would also have escape macros, and stun macros as well. So let me know when you are ready and logged out so I can go in and look. Also please include a armory link so I can look at everything that you are currently wearing, enchants and gems.

Thank you,


iam ready now, you can look my hunter :slight_smile:


@ Marcus

Ok, I am on it… Jus give me a little bit to make them for you.


Hey Beef,

I was very new to Macro’ing before i stumbled upon this website. As a BM hunter i couldn’t wait to test the macro that you made. I’ve tested it and noticed a great increase in my DPS, which is awesome. I’ve been using it for a couple of days now, and when i watch closely, i see it skipping a lot of Killshot’s and Kill command’s while my focus is full 120. It then just keeps spamming Cobra Shot’s while DPS should be upped with more powerful skills.

Is this not something that happens when you use the macro? or do you know how this can be helped?

Thanks a lot Beef!

I am super new to macros and i have NO idea how to even get the first macro to work??

It is too long for the macro so i don’t know if i need to break it up, or get an addon to allow longer macros? Then do i just keep hitting the macro button once i get it set up? or do i shift click it after the initial click… lol

If you could explain how to use this, i’d appreciate it :slight_smile: ya know for us Macro noobs XD

Hey faith, a lot of the macros used here are definitely too long for the regular wow macro system. Here is the addon that i was pointed to and it works very well.
Some one may have a better and i would like to hear it.

Yes once you make the macro just drag the icon to where your best finger smashing button is and place it in that slot. Then mash away and the macro will go through its rotations.

We were all newbs to this at one time Faith…except Beef i think.


[quote quote=13603]Hey Beef,

I was very new to Macro’ing before i stumbled upon this website. As a BM hunter i couldn’t wait to test the macro that you made. I’ve tested it and noticed a great increase in my DPS, which is awesome. I’ve been using it for a couple of days now, and when i watch closely, i see it skipping a lot of Killshot’s and Kill command’s while my focus is full 120. It then just keeps spamming Cobra Shot’s while DPS should be upped with more powerful skills.

Is this not something that happens when you use the macro? or do you know how this can be helped?

Thanks a lot Beef!

Make sure that the "0.5) in the macro’s is matching your world ping not personal. Because most of the time the timing does not match the lag or ping time and it will skip everything especially prods and go straign to something that it can cast like Cobra Shot. If this is still making you have an issue please private message me with your macro you are currently using along with your link to your armory. And I will fix it asap.



I have to apologize to you guys and other moderators, as well as Luis, for my absence this weekend and not getting back to all of you as fast as I can with all of your macros. It was my birthday weekend “please do not spam this thread with HB :)” But I finally got to get away from work and Go spend a awesome and much needed time away from my computer as well as with my Girlfriend. I will be updating everyones requests tonight as many as I can, I would like to raid as well, but I just wanted to say again. Thank you all for being so patient. These are not the easiest to write, nor do for particular requests due to play-style, keyboard, how fast your MS is and how fast you mash the keys :).


Hey Beef!My item level is around 510, anything I should change or should these macros work well? (I’m at work and cant test them right now).


I got a world ping of 177 and was wondering what i should change in the macro to get the most use/dps out of it.

Kill command doesnt go off

Hey Beef.

Tried your BM macro. It’s hardly ever casting Kill Command for me.

Hey Beef. Im using the macro as well and finding that both KC and AS arent used nearly enough. The lowest focus i get to is 85 and it never drops below that. Also cobra shot seems to fire the majority of the time and KS/AS get skipped more than they should be, i mean ill watch CS go 2-4 times through before KC even gets used when it should be used every time its off cd.
I’ve set the ms to .9 since my world latency varies from 80-150.
I just pre purchased WoD and chose to level up my old BC 70 hunter to max so he is fresh to 90 with 483 gear that they give you so im not expecting big numbers but something is definitely a miss.

EDIT Okay after playing around with it for a little bit i found out why it was hanging up more on CS and doing less KC. In the final “cast sequence = 5 enter 10 abilities here” I took out the CS that was in the list of abilities. Doing that upped my dps by about 7k and i dont go more than 2 sec after cd before KC gets used again. Also i took out Rapid Fire for manual use only. Now ive only been pew pew on a dummy so i dont know if KS has any problems with procing but i will let you know soon enough. So i guess a request i have now is, can you make it to where AS is used more so as to use up more focus? AS still rarely fires off and focus is still quite high, which is great and all but AS could be utilized more. Here is the adjusted macro:

/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.8 0,0,0,0,0,Kill Command
/castsequence reset=0.8 0,0,0,0,Glaive toss
/castsequence reset=0.8 0,0,0,Focus Fire
/castsequence reset=0.8 0,0,Dire Beast
/castsequence reset=0.8 0,Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Kill Command,Kill Shot,Kill Command,Kill Command,Kill Shot,Glaive Toss,Kill Command, Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Glaive Toss,Focus Fire
/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath
/cast [combat] Dire Beast

Can you add a /castsequence reset=0.8 0,0,Arcane Shot in there, does that help it fire off?