Beast Mastery – 5.1

Thanks to baboulas7 and corpor8chic for their input enabling me to make a finalized set of single target and aoe macros that can be interchanged at will with minimal wait period on any CD. The problem was Glaive Toss was cast too early in the previous macros and so was Dire Beast causing wait periods from 10 secs up to 15 secs Glaive Shot and Dire Beast respectively.


Solution was to put Dire Beast all but last (can be cast manually on opening sequence) and I moved Glaive Shot along one Cobra Shot so any wait time on that is a few secs max. I also want to add Misdirection@pet by pressing ctrl need help on that (can be changed to whatever suits) Rapid Fire casts whenever it is up and can be removed.

Single target

/castsequence reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast [combat]Bestial Wrath


Multi target

/castsequence reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=5 Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss,Multi-Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Glaive Toss,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast [combat]Bestial Wrath


This set of macros is specifically designed for fast switching between aoe and single (if 5 seconds have passed) target which I’d say all of us hunters do all the time. Enjoy :slight_smile:

[quote quote=3974]Thanks to baboulas7 and corpor8chic for their input enabling me to make a finalized set of single target and aoe macros that can be interchanged at will with minimal wait period on any CD. The problem was Glaive Toss was cast too early in the previous macros and so was Dire Beast causing wait periods from 10 secs up to 15 secs Glaive Shot and Dire Beast respectively.



Solution was to put Dire Beast all but last (can be cast manually on opening sequence) and I moved Glaive Shot along one Cobra Shot so any wait time on that is a few secs max. I also want to add Misdirection@pet by pressing ctrl need help on that (can be changed to whatever suits) Rapid Fire casts whenever it is up and can be removed.

Single target

/castsequence reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast [combat]Bestial Wrath


Multi target

/castsequence reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=5 Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss,Multi-Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Multi-Shot,Glaive Toss,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast [combat]Bestial Wrath


This set of macros is specifically designed for fast switching between aoe and single (if 5 seconds have passed) target which I’d say all of us hunters do all the time. Enjoy

This reply was modified 5 hours, 45 minutes ago by <a title="View michaeljackson's profile" href=""></a> <a title="View michaeljackson's profile" href="">michaeljackson</a>.



Thank you MIchael for these. Looking forward to logging on when i get a chance to try them out. Is it possible to swap out Lynx rush for Blink Strike? I feel that Lynx rush is way too weak now.

Misdirection macro for all situations

/cast [@focus,help][help][@pet,exists] Misdirection
At the start of an instance or raid, set your focus target to the Main Tank, then use this macro just before pulling to cast Misdirection on him/her without losing your target.

This will misdirect to your focus target, if that is friendly. If not, it will cast on a friendly selected target instead. If that doesn’t exist either, it will misdirect on your pet. That way, the macro works as intended in any situation, without the need of pressing qualifier keys or choosing between different buttons.

i do not know if i have to put this on a separate topic

Thanks Baboulas7 what I wanted was something like as follows


/cast [mod:alt,@pet] Misdirection;reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null

Now this actually does show Misdirection when alt is pressed but when the macro is hit all it does is turns the pets attack on and off and I am stuffed if I know why. I think the reason may be that you can’t have an attack and a non attack command in the same castsequence. The solution I think is to put in a [nocombat] and [combat] parameter in that sequence but not sure how. In any case all I want to do is hit mod and cast MD on pet either in combat or not.

@Flawed all you do is replace Lynx Rush with Blink Strike in the macro.



i know what u are saying m8 but from my point of view there is no need for that cause we are talking for raiding macros.

in that case u have 2 tanks so with the one used as focus the md macro i gave u does its job.

now if u are soloing casts md on the pet.

one downside is that u have to bind a key for it but it is fine by me, cause i put it on the ` key left of 1.

of course if u still wanna put md in a macro i will look it up.

maybe you can cast the md macro through the macro u are building (i do not know if that is possible).

just try this one

/cast 0;reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null

where 0 is the md macro button or where ever u put the md macro. try it out and let me know.

do not forget the Misdirection cd

i just found this one


i do not know if this helps


And with that just got back and tested it 62k burst and a 60k to 59k up keep Good Job everyone thx for helping all the hunters get back into the raid charts again after macro’s got drop kicked :D. and mmore tweaks are appreciated and i was glad to help!

And with that just got back and tested it 62k burst and a 60k to 59k up keep Good Job everyone thx for helping all the hunters get back into the raid charts again after macro’s got drop kicked . and mmore tweaks are appreciated and i was glad to help!

what macro did u use m8? we need to figure out what has best rotation and does not lock up, plus some good dps. :stuck_out_tongue:


/castsequence reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast [combat]Bestial Wrath


I used MIchaels macro last night.


Now i dont know if im missing something obvious but for me whenever i use super duper macro or any of the large macros posted in here when i put it to a button then start spamming it for som ereason it makes my charactor say out loud the moacro and do absolutely nothing. :wink:

i must be doing something wrong right? lol

here is a tip

make a normal macro first and save it

then upgrade it and copy paste the macro then. just to be sure paste it in a txt document to see if macro is ok and them in wow.

if it is not much bother check my macro too pls and let me know you results cause i do a collective data now :stuck_out_tongue:



Ok ill try later, im at work for another 9 hours yet so be patient :wink:

I assume when you say " upgrade " there is an option to do so through super duper macros?

I use pretty basic ones normally, misdirect, hunters mark pet attack that kind of stuff. Ill give it a go.

As to why it makes my char say out loud the entire macro i dont know,

i was in the new pvp area when i decided to try it and all the people round me were like WTF and started edging away from me slowly




simple but works


if u have installed the superdupermacro add on when u type /m to open the macro menu there is a button with redyellow and blue collors with an up… behind it.

that is the upgrade button.

what that thing does is takes the macro u have and upgrades it so u may use more chars.

as for the say thing still have not yet figured out why he does that.

and if martin had an idea i cant see it in his post

Ok thanks, ive not yet upgraded a macro. I have always tried to create one from scratch while in super duper macro’s.

I will try that next and post it into word then into the macro tool after that.

I guess i am looking for problems with the macro like too many spaces or wrong char etc?

yeap cause it it is not exactly as u see it it does nothing.

at the very end do not try to copy paste ti if it does not work for u that way, just try to type it in your self.

i know it is a pain that way but it will ensure you that u have everything under control

Within The Macro, should there be two comma’s here:?

Cobra Shot,Kill Command

its in this line:


/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire


nope just one u must deleted something


Nope, its in MIchaels origional mail december 2nd 11:17pm.

/castsequence reset=target/3 Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=5 Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Glaive Toss,Arcane Shot,Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast [combat]Bestial Wrath


two times itsin there, he must of had something in there before, that may help. who knows two comma’s in a row may make your char say the macro out loud lol

does it work now?