I’ve been testing out these macros both from geist and BladePro and I seem to get almost double the dps from BladePro than I do from the geist (PVE).

You need to use Eye Beam and Heartessence manuell, did you?

yes, I used them both on CD

Deleted, cuz no support.

if ur posting a macro thats fine just do it on ur post lol
people are going to use the one u posted and ask me questions about it when its not mine

i havent tried ur macro myself but i just tend to like throw glaive in the macro cause i get lots of td procs from using throw glaive as filler so in a way it depends on how many twilight devastation ranks u have

Its based on your Macro, only changed.
I dont steal macros and say: Hey, its mine.

But ok, no more posting here. ;>

ur trying to hard to make me look like a bad person just look at what ur changing ur posts to “no support from bladepro” come on dude anyone can read what i said and know i didnt say that i was just not trying to confuse ppl


like the reason i dont add modifiers which the macro u posted has is so that people dont get lock up issues so lets say someone is asking me about lock up issues and its something to do with the modifiers on the one u posted how can i know that and help them with issues


what is the last macro ore the best version?

They update the original post with his up to date macros. They will have a date he updated it too.

I’ll try and help out a little. When you guys are using Raidbots to sim your character make sure to use the Top Gear section. Ensure you have the Corruption slider at the # that you want to raid with. Most important, at the bottom make sure to select the proper Fight Style. There is really only 3 that will be fairly accurate. Those are Light Movement, Heavy Movement, and Hectic add Cleave. Adjust the fight length to the avg time that it is taking your guild to kill a set boss. IE if you want to sim a “patchwork” fight, the closest to them atm are Normal/Heroic Maut, Shad’har, Ra-Den. For those, choose Light Movement and if you log your kills, set the time to what your avg is. Select all your buffs and consumables and select your Worldvein Allies if you are using that essence or want to see how it compares to what you are using, Don’t bother setting it higher than 4, it will not show higher dps.

Here is one of my sims. Raidbots
Now if you don’t go crazy with the number of items you are comparing you will get an option to view it a Full HTML report. The link to that is just above the Share Report URL is located. Screenshot by Lightshot
This is a link to my full report. Raidbots
The best thing about the HTML version is that it will show your the full range of DMG that you could do as well as the actual break down on abilities. Screenshot by Lightshot if you scroll over the Median Damage section you can see what the actual dps range is for me its a low of 85.7k to a high of 126.4k and a avg of 103.6k So when you run the macro as long as you are within that range then you are good. The only time you should worry is if it says you should be above say 85k and you actually play the fight flawless and your dps comes out lower.

You have to be realistic when trying to compare the Sim’s with your actual fight. It doesn’t matter how perfect a GSE Macro is, if you are out of place or have to do mechanics or if you are running a macro that literally uses everything when its off CD. Then your actual raid dps will probably be quite lower. I use BladePros macro and I’ve had to adjust a fair amount to optimize it for raiding. My lowest ranking is 80% and my higest is 99% Screenshot by Lightshot It does work well.

However, for me it will skip over a Blade Dance and use Eyebeam, Sometimes it wont activate Immo Aura at all and there are times when it seems to get suck in a loop only wanting to use Demon’s Bite. Here are my stat break down, Screenshot by Lightshot I have 52 ms Latency, I use an addon called AdvanceInterfaceOptions to adjust the latency on the games Spell Que it looks like this Screenshot by Lightshot I used to use Autohotkey to run the macros but I changed over to use the Razor Synapse and for me they run much smoother and I love setting the Down and Upstroke delay times. As far as the macro goes, It ran great earlier in the expansion and as our haste lvls went up that is when most of the skipping issues really showed up. When Lust is popped or we are in Meta with high haste. Hell tbh I’m at GCD camp almost all the time. With Vita procs/ Racing Pulse 3/Furious Gaze 3 and swaping out different Essences/corruptions for each fight. I should probably slow down the macro to be better results but as long as you are aware of whats going on it really doesn’t take much to manually hit a key or two to help out the efficiency. You can see from my Parse % it works well enough.

Also, make use of the Full HTML version of the raidbots reports. It has a ton of information that can help you out. Like these graphs Screenshot by Lightshot and the ability break downs like this Screenshot by Lightshot That will help you get more out of your ability usage and what you need to be pushing when you have a few options avail.

I use a Razor Hex V2 mouse and have the macro bound to a key on there so I can start/stop with a click of the thumb when helps out a ton when you are fighting and don’t want to waste abilities/CDs when swapping to adds or performing mechanics. Most of the time if I notice something messing up with the macro I can stop and restart it and it normally fixes the issue. That being said with all the Movement, Mechanics and Add switching no one should just have the macro running nonstop.


Also for those that do not know what WoW’s SpellQue is or if you have AIO addon Lag Tolerance under the combat tab is. It is set by WoW at 400ms by default and what it actually does is. When you are “spamming” your rotation or macro and a ability fires off and you are mashing or your macro is polling hell -a fast the next ability hit after an ability is used within the time that is set by the SpellQue/Lag Tolerance gets qued up and used. So you need to set that at Zero or to what ever your personal Latency is. That will allow you to not que up an ability that is not optimal. Every GCD matters and you can actually miss quite a few if that thing is still set at the 400ms default.

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@Cyrric great explanation! Thanks for giving us some of your time with this detailed guide! I knew some of this, but always nice to learn more and this could help out a lot of new people! Good job!

I were looking for a dh macro and this seems to be one of the most updated (or atleast active) so i decided to test it out… One thing that i don’t get is why are you including chaos nova in the macro, wouldn’t it be better to cast chaos nova when you actually need it instead of mixing it with the main rotation? I’m saying this because as dh, we only have 2 ways of interrupt, chaos nova and disrupt (at least the way you are running the build), so it seems a bit risky throwing the 30cd on chaos nova by making it part of the automatic rotation.

@Enthropy94 You are correct. This maco has a lot of things that can be adjusted to suit your playstyle. None of the macros here is a one size fits all. I have a few friends that will run these all in one macros for their multibox toons. Which make multiboxing easier, not to mention setting up all kinds of other functions in the isboxer software that will cycle through your other toons abilities in a progressive order. But that is a whole different beast lol.

Something that should be said is, there are basically two ways to run GSE macros. Manually or Auto with the use of AutoHotKey or other software like Razer or Logitech and so forth. If you want to use a macro that has alt, shift, ctrl modifiers on them. Then you must go into your WoW key bindings and ensure they are not already bound to something else if so they will not trigger in the macro and quite often they will stall it out. ie if you set your macro up on say the #3 key to spam it, you don’t want it changing your action bar to a different bar :stuck_out_tongue:

Twitch streaming soon

which one is updated Version from this macro?

Hi ! good macro ! can u please make a rotation for this talents ??

I have something with good bursting on aoe but always modified by me … i want to see someone who know what he do oppinion ! tnx

Hey @BladePro here’s some more sim info if you want/need.

ilvl: 463
ms: 10ms
Raidbots sim dps: 50,627
Actual dps on raider's training dummy: 52k
  Crit: 31%
  Haste: 22%
  Mastery: 35%
  Vers: 6%

  2x Thirsting Blades
  2x Furious Gaze
  1x Eyes of Rage
  1x Chaotic Transformation
  1x Heed my Call, Gutripper, Lifespeed, Soulmonger, Thrive in Chaos, Resounding Protection

  Main:  Breath of the Dying Rank 3
  Secondary:  Essence of the Focusing Iris Rank 3, Spark of Inspiration Rank 3, Conflict and Strife Rank 2

Raidbots has the %'s as:

and the Details! breakdown as:

Hope this helps in your refactoring of your original masterpiece :smiley:

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