BladePro Presents "SPANKING & TANKING" FOR M+

Hello mate, firstly thanks for sharing! What are all the other versions for? Do you use different ones for different content or always number 9?

How come no fiery brand inside the sequence if you wanted it to activate more?

@Alfred just my personal opinion having it in the sequences itself wasn’t getting cast off cd like i needed it to. By putting it in the pre window with a loop is cast as soon as its off cd. Again this is only my personal opinion. What blade originally has works great and i only slightly twecked his. As far as all the other version i was tinkering with his other ones like SB and what not. But i only use version 9. I did make a second one and put a 2nd auto fire key just to run through normal rotation without using my defensives when i’m not actively tanking. Pretty much all it is, is a copied version of the 9th version of the macro without demons spike/Decree/Fiery/Fel dev to avoid wasting those when i’m not actively tanking. But again tho the OG macro full credit is all @BladePro again i only slightly tuned his to fit more my style for raiding.

I have actually tweaked it even further - I have Soul Cleave on a shift modifier with Fiery Brand in the pre macro area. I wasn’t getting Soul Cleaves off when I wanted so I added the shift modifier plus I took out the elesian decree to fire when and where I wanted. Still Blade’s macro just tweaked to my preferences.

You are using version 9 for tanking Castle? I am having an issue where cd’s are overlapping especially with a fight like sludge where cd are important. Also what talents do you run in Castle? 232322? for brand? Also do you run brand in mythics or decree?

Awesome macro. I’m just curious, at what point did you swap from using the Spirit Bomb Build/Razelikh’s Defilement Legendary (Version 1 or 3 of your macro) to the Fiery Brand/Fiery Soul Legendary (Version 2 or 4 of your macro)? Was it once you moved into the 10-14 bracket? I’m asking because I am debating on what legendary to craft. I’m assuming I will need both of them, I’m currently in the 5-9 bracket but would like to push into the 10-14 bracket and eventually work towards timing all 15’s. Any input you can provide is appreciated.

@zoonets I believe it’s all a question of survivability. Lower keys let you do more dps without too much concern of your hp. Higher keys requires more survivability so you are better helping yourself stay alive using Fiery Brand/Fiery Soul Leggo. This is what I’m observing myself as I progress further. Really up to you to judge how much you can take!

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@SweetMisery on most fights in castle i’m running 2,2,2,3,2,2,1 as they are mostly single target. only 2 fights i run 2,3,2,3,2,2,1 (hunt, sunking). I also run this exact same setup in M+. As far as sludge i hold him the whole time and just ramp everything into so i dont half to hold cd’s other than my meta thats it. :slight_smile:

@zoonets just purely my opinion. But if you dont plan to sit at low keys very long then i would craft the fiery brand leggo so you can push higher keys for Survivability. Then craft the sigil cd reduce one later on. just my opinion of course.

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Thanks appreciate it, been using your macro and seems to be doing well

did the new GSE update break this macro? First time ive had an issue with import. I mean it imports but nothing happens when i toggle the macro. Using version 2 as im not using spirit bomb.

EDIT: I figured it out. I actually have to right click the target before it fires off. This is probably super important for mythics. But just so i know how is there any way to turn that setting off?

Get rid of the combat conditional on stuff you don’t mind firing when out of combat. I’d suggest removing it off Fracture to start with as that will only get used if you are in melee range of a mob, and if you are in melee range of a hostile you will likely be in combat anyway.

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How are yuou guys dealing with this weeks affix specifically necrotic … I am getting melted…

Dwarf paladin tanks time to shine. If Kyrian the Phial will help every 3 minutes dont waste it on just healing.

Thanks for this awesome macro! Which version should I use for leveling? :smiley:



Usage Information

VERSION 1 USES 2323221

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.48


I see only one o_O its a magic

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Hello good afternoon … can it be that it is the wrong Macro?
It is not translated and it looks like it is for the dd build.

With best regards

Right good macro , like the extra healing now but … i dont always have enough fury to cast Fel devastation … is there some modifier macro i could use to pause the self heal whilst i build fury for FD ?

This is what the macro looks like for me, I copied the latest from Blade here in Theard and yes that came out of it.

Add nomod to the Soul Cleaves and then press a mod key when you want to stop casting soul cleave that is spending your fury until fel devastation casts, i.e.

/cast [nochanneling,combat] Fracture
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Demon Spikes
/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Soul Cleave
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Immolation Aura
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Fel Devastation
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Fracture
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Fiery Brand
/castsequence [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Soul Cleave, Soul Cleave