Hi, I’m having an issue that I do not know if it’s related to this at all but… Whenever i hold my right click and try spam the macro, my cursor shows back and i cannot rotate the camera around while pressing the keybind. Does anyone know of this? It didn’t do this all the time but recently started!

do you have a trinket that places a reticle, like the shiny red button?

This macro is simply amazing John! Barely taking any damage! Also if not in boss fight im outhpsng the healer on most trash mobs.

Been around forever, and I do have to say. You do a great job my man, I use yours for all my DK spec.

Can anyone tell me where the macros are? All I see is this:


that is the macro, we moved to a code string for improved addon functionality

Hey John, just wanted to pop in and say what a great macro this is. I have been using it to level with and I cant wait to tank at 120 with it. Thank you and all the other macro makers for all the hard work and time you put in to making such outstanding macros for the lazy such as myself. Have a great day :slight_smile:

Hi John, Great macro got a 96% parse with this tanking new bfa raid. Had a little issue of it not healing only parsed 24% in healing where in legion parsed much higher do u think it is due to bfa changes. Was wondering if heartbreaker may be better in raid or maybe change loop limit. When you have time any thoughts on what I could try would be appreciated and thank you for the hard work on all the macros you have worked on.

I seem to have the same problem with not being able to rotate the screen while using this. I’ll let you know if I find a solution.

Alexander Arnesen wrote: Hi, I’m having an issue that I do not know if it’s related to this at all but.. Whenever i hold my right click and try spam the macro, my cursor shows back and i cannot rotate the camera around while pressing the keybind. Does anyone know of this? It didn’t do this all the time but recently started!

I seem to have the same problem with not being able to rotate the screen while using this. I’ll let you know if I find a solution.

this is caused by trinkets that have a click to use and drop at a location function can be fixed by editing the macro to not use trinkets

For those having issue with screen rotations due to rectacle trinkets such as Razdunks Big Red Button.

just add this to the bottom of the macro

/use [@player] 13

(or 14 depending on which trinket slot its in)

and uncheck the trinkets on the right.

short answer Gear setup.
Legion we had wonderful leggos that comboed up well and we could Deathstrike for days, now in BFA we cant.

What I have noticed is if you sim your toon on something like raidbots and follow what some shout on the Acerus Discord you will do the deeps but fall on the self-heals now. ignoring deeps going for heavy crit versa builds, using tanking trinkets and the blood DK az traits, you deeps will be pants but heals will be high

I noticed this on Ghuun last week where a full defensive setup I get a grey DPS parse but 99 in the heals
switching to an aggressive setup it was the opposite.

for now im gearing so im at least 750+ in haste then rest in vers > Crit then mastery
reason for haste is rotation fluidity, i can get it more say 900 which equated to about 13% out of combat. once boneshield and az traits kick in its 25%+ which keeps the macro humming, below that is fine and you will be more survivable. but you will be resource starved to DS when you need it (ie if your a Thrash tank for Fetid Dev like me )

which macro is the updated one the first or second? An at what ms are you running the macro?

they are the same, thje OP is current. i run mine at 50ms

In #3 why is dancing Rune Weapon after Marrowrend, would we not benefit more if it was after Blood Boil since it would mirror masrrowrend?


originally it was in the keypress in legion, but the changes in BFA i had to just tack it at the bottom,
I could put it before but because of marrowrend in the premacro section its pointless as this will always fire first.

given the speed the macros fires (50ms) it will skip marrow at the beginning since its cast once. and DRW is up for the second one.

or do what I do and fire it as you close to the target which will skip Marrow and fire BB, and DRW before you get there. so you have double the dots running also

thanks Jonn

Why not use Bonestorm?

no reason you can’t, its something I would not auto macro in. and just use manually when needed.
which I do for M+.

this macro is ideally suited for raid tanking where Bonestorm is not recommended unless you over gear content significantly

no reason you can’t, its something I would not auto macro in. and just use manually when needed.
which I do for M+.

this macro is ideally suited for raid tanking where Bonestorm is not recommended unless you over gear content significantly