BM hunter 8.2 Macro, Frenzy Stacking, Arena Capable

**EDIT I had posted a previous rough draft that did not work, thats what 4 played days of classic will do, macro updated


I modified Sekh’s kick ass macro to include Azarite abilities and made some changes. Actually i tore it apart, had to remove Chimera shot to get Concentrated Flame in and still build stacks, moved around the cobra shots, etc, but i started, and still use his core method, including the ingenious /castsequence kill command, barbed shot that insures kill command will always fire off cooldown.
The other thing that makes Sekh’s macro blow away all the others is the manual triggering of Aspect of the Wild, an expert hunter doing properly that will break meters. #5 is my "Expert " version and ive added AotW tothe CONTOL modifier key for one less thing to bind.
Since Sekh’s macro was updated we have some things that speed up Beatial Wrath, so it goes off cooldown much more often, i just added it to pop off cooldown, or close to it.

There are several Cast at Cursor things in the arena version macro, so be sure to keep the cursor over your target, or where you want tar traps.

On the macro #5
Press Control for Aspect of the Wild, since Bestial Wrath has several things that reduce its cooldown now i added it into the macro. BW can be used 3-4 x sometimes before AotW has finished its cooldown. (Not Necessary on the other versions, AotW is macro’d in)

Press Shift for Multi Shot (I will add a proper AOE version Later)
Press Alt for intimidation

Press (hold) ALT for Spirit Beast Heal (i took it out of Sekh’s version since i stand at range, and pet running back and forth lowered dps). I would also make this macro and keybind it separately, you would have to stop the GSE AHK for a moment . /target Player /cast Spirit Heal

The arena and pvp versions cast concussive shot, Drops tar traps at cursor, sends Dire Beast Hawk at cursor, Sends Ice and Hi-Explosive trap @ cursor. if you use your ice traps for interrupts take that line out. Same with intimidation, i have it as first ability with spirit shock always firing as is.

Im getting close to sim on target dummy. (sim for target dummy or helter skelter), and if I use #5 and manually hit Aspect of the wild I’ve nailed it.

Try it out,let me know what the results are, its not quite ready but i wanted to release it anyway. Post adjusted versions if you can improve the dps. Now Que ue up arena and go smash some hordes!

I’m playing classic on Globby right now,but will do my best to keep improving this.

/cast [mod:ctrl] Aspect of the Wild
/cast [mod:shift] Multi-Shot
/cast [mod:alt] Intimidation

talents 1 3 x 3 3 1
azarite talent (edit name fpo) extends ferocity duration to 9 sec
ill add suggested azarite talents soon

My apologies for rushing, I had uploaded an old draft, here is the working one.

Take a look at the different macros and pick the ones you like for your purposes.

#5 requires manual application of Aspect of the wild for maximum dps, Control button activates Aspect of the Wild.
I can hit my sim using it, but it can be a dps loss if you are doing instances with a lot going on and you forget to use it. If your experienced use it, if not don’t.

This macro does a pretty good job building ferocity stacks, and a great job firing off kill command off cooldown.

The PVP version has concussive shot, and releases Dire beast Basilisk, or Dire beast Hawk at cursor, as well as dropping a Hi explosive trap at your feet off cooldown to toss anything or anyone getting too close to you back. Spirit Shock, intimidation, and interrupt have to be used separately.

The arena Version pretty much throws everything you have at the target and cursor, i included ice trap at cursor for the interrupt, intimidation, spirit shock, hi explosive at your feet. The arena one is my favorite.

The main pve macro also has dire beasts, but don’t worry, it will just skip over if you dont have those talents.

I feel very foolish after spending many hours and days getting this just right, tweaking, testing, tweaking again, only to end up releasing the wrong thing.

I sacrificed a lot to get stacks to build, barbed shot might go off too much still, i will keep adjusting.

SO, here is the proper macro.

Talents 1213211

This macro contains 5macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.14.

  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Heroic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Arenas use version 2
  • Timewalking Dungeons use version 2
  • Open World Parties use version 2
  • The Default macro is 3
  • PVP uses version 4
  • Raids use version 5
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 5
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

Macro Version 4
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

Macro Version 5
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

this macro is not working its not firing of at all needs to be looked at

you need to sort out the setting in this macro there set up all wrong
the config is all set to 3 and thats pvp they need to be changed

just change it your self to what suits your needs just hit the arrow beside the numbers relateing to the type of combat your doing im assumeing 1 pvp solo,2 raid? and ,3 pvp arena Warmode, but thats just my take on the 3 macros, seems this is all in Warmode so some skills are not actrive in pve

It’s not firing for me, either. I changed the defaults to how I wanted them (basically tab 2 for everything that isn’t pvp and tab 3 for all things pvp). It simply doesn’t fire.

Could it be because of the specific pvp talents OP uses and didn’t disclose?

i fixed the 2nd version to work,

My apologies for rushing, I had uploaded an old draft, here is the working one.

Take a look at the different macros and pick the ones you like for your purposes.

#5 requires manual application of Aspect of the wild for maximum dps, Control button activates Aspect of the Wild.
I can hit my sim using it, but it can be a dps loss if you are doing instances with a lot going on and you forget to use it. If your experienced use it, if not don’t.

This macro does a pretty good job building ferocity stacks, and a great job firing off kill command off cooldown.

The PVP version has concussive shot, and releases Dire beast Basilisk, or Dire beast Hawk at cursor, as well as dropping a Hi explosive trap at your feet off cooldown to toss anything or anyone getting too close to you back. Spirit Shock, intimidation, and interrupt have to be used separately.

The arena Version pretty much throws everything you have at the target and cursor, i included ice trap at cursor for the interrupt, intimidation, spirit shock, hi explosive at your feet. The arena one is my favorite.

The main pve macro also has dire beasts, but don’t worry, it will just skip over if you dont have those talents.

in all of them hit Shift for multi-shot and alt for intimidation.

Congatulations! Great work!! I appreciate your effort and sharing!!!

there are only 3 version in that one, when you said #5 what where you refering to?

It took me a minute to log back in, export AGAIN because i copied something else into the clipboard. Haven’t Slept much since classic released…why do i play that torture game?..

Spent a lot of time on these, let me know how to improve them.

There is a lot of compromises to get frenzy to stack, ill try to nudge in some more cobra shots, frenzy might refresh a bit too often, but its hard to get 3 stacks to stay up automating. Might even be able to squeeze Chimera shot in, tough with Concentrated flame too.

I know the original post is a mess, and i repeat myself a lot, ill clean it up after i get some sleep, wanted to get this out tho.

this is the macro i started with, shame it has not been updated

im expermenting on cast every # seconds needs to be like 6 o7 seconds then use the skill again, as in it will cast it every 6-7 seconds in the macro thats what im trying to figure out cuz it seems to work on other macros nicely like my prot pally like this one on this macro 8.2 Protection Paladin. ~Easy Mode~ Become the God of M+, Work smarter, not harder, im just trying to incorperate it in to this for the barbed shot stacks example of the lines in question i want to use this to see if it can be done with barbed shot

/castsequence [combat] reset=combat/target/8 Consecration, null
/castsequence [combat] reset=combat/target/8 Blessed Hammer, Blessed Hammer, Consecration
/castsequence [combat] reset=15 Shield of the Righteous, Light of the Protector

Thanks alot! Works pretty well! :slight_smile: Next time a raid with my hunt, i will post the logs

Glad its working, im trying to stay up withe curve leveling classic, but retail is a blast, im coming back.

Embrace chaos, that looks good i havent done anything with those resets, ill try that out, first i had to learn the class properly, figure out what gets best dps, not tuning the macro to do that. Please post the updated file if you get even a little boost,.

I think it casts barbed shot a tiny bit too much, i had it tuned to where it was refreshing ferocity when there was about 2-3 seconds left, but it was frustrating if it didnt refesh a 3 stack in time.

with my current talent and azartie build i hit my sim using this (burst),
Topping meters in complicated mythic plus 9 dungeons, where your constantly on the move trying to stay alive,

Votre macro ne fonctionne pas même en faisant ce que vous dite.
Un teste serait approprier avant de poster.

i got a modded macro from there that has elemetnts of all of them i can keep babred shot up 96% of the time in a 4:45 dummy test is that good?

Thylaera - Antonidas - Warcraft Logs only newest phrases with this macro. My own Movement mistakes and death times except. It Did not feel “round”. Or i did smth wrong. :o

there is n nothing wrong with this macro philoo it works fine you must be doing some thing wrong so i would go check b4 slating the macro

that’s what i said. I don’t know what im doing wrong. I Imported, and went into raid :slight_smile: I dont want to blame anybody!

sorry dennis-sprick was nt talking about your comment it was about the comment above yours him saying that the macro does not work