it actually really increases mine if it’s high level enough if you can add this Diesel i would be very grateful
How does this perform in mythic plus - high keys & heroic/mythic raiding?
I am yet to gear my hunter enough to start high keys to test
just add nochanneling to all of your lines and setup to use /use 13
Sorry, I would but I no longer play retail or have the trinket.
Hello guys and gals I’m back playing retail more consistently now. I ran the new raid (on normal) my ilvl is 452 and I’m happy to report the the macro is still doing pretty good. I did however change up my talents. I am now running 2223311. Yes I’m using murder of crows due to I love my PvP and I feel crows is a better option for me when things are trying to get away and my speed boost is on CD. crows is still doing damage even if im just out of range from them.
Updated O.P seems to fire more Barbed Shots and uses any essences.
any new update?¿?¿…By the way i love your work*
I updated the orginal post a little while back. It has more barbed shot now. Seems to be doing well in Mythic plus, Raids and Pvp.
Here is another updated macro. I have only tested it on a training dummy but seems to be a lit more dps. dKdXdaWsIIElrHxtcntIunBsv3eq(LiFdvTtc7LA3aTFKEmuddYVvIbseLHQuyWOmCLshKOQUSkhtX5iPfsIwkjyXKswocEirfpvyzs9CqtuPOPQunzIW0LCyvnnu5zI6DejAJejzRer1MjI02jI40i0SifFMOsFNiHrsKuBtjnAIsnoa1jjL64KkxdrNNiLRdWDjk52evzpE3IXHsGuq(AVPfT3DS)6pWc6O7UZt7yZtsFa6llghX2dR9Mw0KzhYhqj7fcoItrz7aOhtyrYpcqIlGqVBX4Dlghj8dlkRh(gHSODKWpSOSmhQxTi7iHFyrz9W3iKfCos4hwu2OMjZiliDKWpSOSrLKNZIvhj8dlklZH6vl4DKWpSOSE4BeYcGDKWpSGNoahi(OSrnZrsQHYg1mhjPfQos4hwuwp8nczXGCKWpSGNoahi(OSmhQx1qz9W3iKfZ4iHFyrz9W3iKft7iHFybpDaoq8rzzouVQHYg1mhjPft2rc)WIY6HVrilgohj8dlkBuj55SyiDKWpSOS8GwvrwmRos4hwu2OMjZilgEhj8dlkRh(gHSya2rc)WcE6aCG4JYYCOEvdLnQzosslgvhj8dlkRh(gHSOros4hwWthGdeFuwMd1RAOSrnZrsArpos4hwuwp8nczr3os4hwWthGdeFuwMd1RAOSE4BeYIo7iHFyrz9W3iKfnNJe(HfLLh0QkYH0xw2kDIYJy5yCSXcSa6Xew8Ulhs99syLoehwrR0HYtFzTCOarq5owlhrDBLkaG4I4cOJ40b4alIVEhY8K2geoi07wmos4hwuMmax2ELgWfjUxczrzadCwkPmzizBVsJe3lHSOmvGBlAhj8dlkto6FPWISJe(HfLn8nz2LdzEstHt)9WZ7UCStGiOIx1wPd5SipT(YkDOarq52wlhBq4a6Xew8UfJJe(HfLnQK8Cw0os4hwuwEqRQixo2jqeuXRgR0Llha9GaE9Adwhbj5alIlGwPlx2a
Talents 2222312
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.5.
Crit 30% haste 34% mast 33% unbuffed
Here is the latest version UPDATED 3/31/20
Talents 2222312
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.5.
Good morning, what DPS are you doing?
Hi, what DPS are you doing? AHK use?
Run some mythic +s last night avg 50-60k. The macro does well I’m pretty sure once I get the correct azerite pieces it’ll be higher. I do not use AHK I use a joystick to play but I have that set to 70 ms but a few of my guildies just spam the macro as fast as they can.
Here is what I did on Hivemind last night I’m currently updating macro to cast more cobra shots. I don’t know if this is any good or not since I don’t really raid but I figured I post this to give yall an idea of how the macro preformed in the raid.
what essences do you use?
Hive isn’t the best to show this…I use a different macro and at 459 ilvl pulled 74k
Ссылку дайте на ваш макрос для теста
what macro do you use
@No54A2 Yea I know but I wanted to see how the macro did. I think its pretty good even with the shitty azerite pieces Blizzard keeps giving me.
@Packsie I’m currently using