Brewbi M+ and Raid op

change to 10 and see what happens

still 8 seconds :frowning: :frowning:

Try lower more then ex 5

do I keep reddicing loop limit as went to 8 and 6 seconds

its trial and error, just test at a dummy see what happens :slight_smile:

wow 5 did trick thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

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Np, good luck with the tuning :slight_smile:

so basically do I manually cast before pull then let it do its thing ?

ok i ues this for my monk i realy like it thank you for letting us ues it i do want to ask a ?? or 2 as i am new to uesing gse and wow laszy macros. is there a way to add a move to this macro like i would like to add loot-a-rang to this macro to fire like evry 3-4 mins ?? is this possable

I usually target a mob and hit the macro, doesn’t need manual cast as far as I know.

Really useful the last part of conversation about inner loop and MS, by the way. I ended up keeping it at 80ms and there is no downtime for Ironskin Brew, and maybe a couple of seconds overlap which is no problem as it gets accumulated. I never run out of charges, which is an ideal scenario for me.

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just need a decent windwalker macro now as this brewmaster one is perfect

I use Ozy’s and I find it very good, actually. Give it a try!

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tried it still seems a little low doesn’t fire properly

Saint i would advise against Loot-a-rang i think i know what you are trying to do and it will break the macro. if you add any ability other than what i listed then you will run into issues with the auto loop and MS. meanings it will affect you IS migrations. I would advise against it.

yeah i wound up making a action-bar switching macro to get it done but thank you for response

Hey guys two questions as noob

I struggle to seem to get macro to reset even though “combat” is gold ticked, and my reset buttons, no matter what I set the key to it doesn’t reset

Secondly with this macro let’s say the cast sequence is Keg smash, ISB and tiger so I press my key 1 1 1 it will go through all 3 abilities and basically be reset so the 4th time I push it it will go back to keg smash so now my question is if keg smash is on cool down when I push the macro a 4th time will it wait for keg smash to come off cool down and then apply it and go to ISB or will it try cast keg smash, say unavailable and move to ISB?

there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of space but what you don’t want to do is have it continuously overlap or you’ll run out of stagger. If it’s about to fall off just press it manually. It stacks so there’s no loss there.

Weak Aura is what WA stands for

Excellent and fun macro. Nice job!

can u tell me plz the link ?