⚡ [BROKEN] Aerrek's DEVASTATION Combat System: Smart Macro w/ User Interface! Ready for M+, PvP, Leveling, and Raiding! All talents sequenced!


⚔️ Aerrek's UI: A New Way To Play

:grey_question: For information on what my combat systems are, how to use them, specialization requests and availability, troubleshooting, or WeakAura information, click the link above!

:exclamation: REQUIRED: Mouse and Keyboard Setup

:page_with_curl: Written Instructions or :tv: Video Tutorial

:computer_mouse: Macro Usage Information:

DPS Toggle Instructions

:exclamation:Choose how you would like to deal damage when SHIFT is NOT held. (Default damage mode)

VERSION 1: No Mod = Area of Effect damage. (Pyre as default)
Recommended: Dungeon/M+.
VERSION 2: No Mod = Single Target Damage. (Disintegrate as default)
Recommended: Leveling/Raid (Boss Fights).

Default import settings:

Click save while OUT OF COMBAT if you make changes!


SHIFT (Version Specific): Disintegrate / Pyre
CTRL (hold): Fire Breath
ALT (hold): Eternity Surge
MO+CTRL: Living Flame (Healing)
MO+ALT: Verdant Embrace

:computer: WeakAura Information:

Click here for more non-specialization specific information about my WeakAuras.

Cursor Cast HUD

White Glow: Hover

Hover HUD

Disable/Enable: EVO_Hover Visuals > Load Tab > :white_check_mark: Never

Screenshot 2024-06-10 223156

image :arrow_right: Screenshot 2024-06-10 223625
Icon: Hover available.
Countdown: Hover Time Remaining

:loud_sound: Empowerment Sounds

Disable Sounds: “EVO_Evoker Empowered Bar” > Conditions Tab > :x: Conditions 8, 9, and 10

Screenshot 2024-06-10 224229


Tip the Scales Visual (Arrows)

Your next Empowered cast will be instant.

#:star:Recommended Basic Macros:

// Hover
/use Hover

// Renewing Blaze
/use Renewing Blaze
/use Obsidian Scales

:arrow_double_down: Imports


:exclamation: Use the WeakAura Companion! I make updates often!

:computer_mouse: Macro (Below)

:white_check_mark: Ready for all of your talent choices:


If you are feeling generous, consider supporting my work on my Buy Me a Coffee page! Thank you! :grin::+1:

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ <( COMMENT BELOW )

I haven’t tested yet, but your WA is showing for a Priest, but the import seems correct. Just thought I’d mention it. I’ll come back and update later what my thoughts are!

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How do I switch between using config 1 or config 2? I can’t seem to figure that out.

Is Deep Breath in this, I am not seeing it. It tells me to use it, do I need to also manually add that to my toolbar?

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Wow big mistake from me, I changed the Weakaura title!

I also updated the WA and macro!

Yes, Deep Breath is a cast that you’ll have to implement to your toolbar, as well as any other ‘non modifier’ prompts.

Also, added screen shot to description for how to change Versions.

NGL, this is awesome. I did do this, but it seems to be a bit buggy. the CTRL+ALT is ok, but SHIFT+CTRL seems to be iffy at best. Just convenience features I added for my staff, added Deep Breath

Here is what I added to the MODS variable:

/use [mod:SHIFT,nochanneling,nocombat]  Azure Strike
/castsequence [mod:CTRL,nochanneling:Fire Breath,combat] Fire Breath
/castsequence [mod:ALT,nochanneling:Eternity Surge,combat] Eternity Surge
/use [mod:ctrlalt]  Kharnalex, The First Light
/cast [nomod:ctrlalt,mod:shiftctrl,@cursor] Deep Breath

Falc’s had the Deep Breath in it like this, and it worked well, so I thought “why not add it to this, since that is about the only thing missing!” Like I said, it’s hit or miss on if it works or not lol.

Anyhow, you don’t have to troubleshoot my additions… Just wanted to share is all! I appreciate the work you put into this, and so far, it’s a lot of fun with the WA included. I am not great with it yet, but it will take some practice.

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If that works for you, awesome, I’m happy!

The reason I’m not using combination modifiers is because with the way my ‘one mouse button setup’ works, I’d have to ask everyone to dedicate additional action keys to each modifier.

That’s additional ‘setup’ steps that I’d like to avoid for new users using my systems. I’d like the new user experience to be as smooth and easy as possible.

P.S. This is this one of the most fun systems I’ve made. I’m grinding io rn, which I don’t normally do for every system lol :slight_smile:

Well… never played evoker before but I gonna give it a try ^^ started yesterday evening and still try to get into this macro xP its a new class for me, a complex macro, definitly gonna take some time until I figured out when its time to press a button and when its time to hold it down. xP but I m pretty sure this macro (combined with the weakaura) will help a lot learning this new class ^^

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I hope it helps!

This is the first system that I made that uses the ‘toggle DPS mode’ mechanic. I’ve played this macro/WA a ton at this point and it’s feeling very natural/easy.


SHIFT: Toggle DPS mode
CTRL/ALT: Empowered Casts
You can always do AoE damage on the move.
Use but don’t over use Hover for single target.

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Thanks for explanation :slight_smile: the biggest issue for me is getting into this whole “Keep button pressed to empower spell”-thing. its new to me but I ll get used to it when I played evoker for some time :slight_smile:
I might be able to give a little more feedback once I’ve played around with the evoker class for a bit longer :slight_smile:

It is a strange mechanic, it was a real pain to implement into GSE as well. :anger:

I’m going to start featuring the first people to get 2k io at the top of each post so
¯ \ (ツ) / ¯


I did this, so i know what version is to what :smiley:

That’s a great idea!

I was going to implement having that with first install but I didn’t want people to be confused on what’s going on as the ‘toggle’ button may now be clear in the first place.

It seems like people are picking it up no problem though maybe I’ll update :thinking:

hi not to bother anyone I was wondering how do I get it to start when I target a pvp dummy it won’t work I have to attack it with a separate attack to get the macro to start ,to even use it

Hey @Andrew_lundquist,

To start combat, press SHIFT. This will cast Azure Strike and launch you into combat sequence.

When you’re out of combat, the macro does not automatically start. This prevents accidentally pulling random enemies in dungeons when you exit combat but are still running the macro.

*Be sure to use the WeakAura, it should prompt you to do this!

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okay thankyou very much =)

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Soooo, I’ve been playing Evoker for two days now and using your macro for it and I have to say: It works great so far in terms of functions, just one thing…

I don’t know if this works, but can you add some audio indicator to the Empowered spells on the Weakaura when it makes the most sense to release the button? Because sometimes when I hold down these corresponding keys to get to level three, the macro ignores this and skips the spell as soon as I reach level 3 by pressing :confused: But since I don’t know anything about Weakauras, I don’t even know if there is any possibility to add an indicator (visual or acoustic). [Of course, this could also have something to do with the fact that, in my opinion, the whole “empowered spells” system is designed to be quite complicated]

Otherwise I have nothing to complain about with the macro :smiley: Except maybe that Evoker is now more fun for me than my main char xP Thanks for that from me and my Evoker from Valdraken :smiley:


I wish this was possible. That would require WeakAurs to be able to detect how many enemies you are about to hit with the empowered spell.

The only tool in my toolbox for AoE detection is the ability to detect X amount of enemy nameplates within X meters of the player. It works well for melee DPS but not ranged.

That ‘tool’ cannot detect if targets are in front of you either. Also, when you extend the range to say, 15-20 meters, it may be detecting enemy nameplates that you are not in combat with.

I play with sound on and did not consider that some can’t hear the empower level changing. I added sound and updated the description.

As for the actual gameplay, as per WoW Head I follow the general rule of:

Empowered Lvl 1 for 1 target.
Empowered Lvl 2 for 2 targets.
Empowered Lvl 3 for 3+ targets or the target(s) is near death.

Low empowerment level = Low front end damage & long DoTs

High empowerment level = High front end damage & short DoTs

is there away so I don’t have to hit shift to start, and how do I take that part off jw

It is possible!

So you know, that is implemented so that after you’re done killing a pack in a dungeon and your group is ready to move on, you don’t accidently lock-on to another enemy and pull them.

To remove it, set “EVO_Azure Strike (Initiate Combat)” to Never load, or delete it.


The following line from the “MODS” macro variable:


And the “combat” conditions from this action block:
(You can always cast Azure Strike on the move)


I did this off the dome so lmk if you have any problems :+1:

So the updated weakaura is awesome, the “waterdrop” sound helped me a lot to get into this empowered spells :smiley: thanks for your work :smiley:

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