BumbleBee's BM Hunter War Within Macros 11.0 (Updated 26/7/2024) 3 Builds

@BumbleBee Hey just wanted to provide some feedback. Here’s what I’m getting on the Target Dummy. It does have some ramp up time to get there, but sustains pretty nicely. This is on the sequence you posted previously. The new 7/25 one seems significantly slower for me on the ramp up and get less overall sustained dps.

Screenshot 2024-07-25 161304
Screenshot 2024-07-25 162454

So far I’m definitely liking the macro, can anyone help on how to turn off the automatic targeting function on the new GSE? I remember that used to be in the options, and even on this current macro I’ve removed all of the “targetenemy” commands, but if nothing is targeted it’ll still pick a random target in the field of view and start attacking.

Take /startattack out of the macros as well. that can also traget

Perfect, that was exactly it. Thanks for that, one little line and I was causing all kind of group havoc lol

Agreed, the macros are acting differently based on haste and ms latency on network connections.

i have been working on this one. try this



This package consists of 2 elements.



with these talents


The issue with BM these days is, you need to ramp up dots to make Basilisk collar increase the pet damage based on the number of bleeds that are up. so it takes time to build them up. but if you spend time building the dots then you are ignoring kill command and barbed shot. and if you focus to much on those two then dire beast, bestial wrath and explosive shot does not go off on time.
So the macros are a balance. and they run differently every time across players and setups. so i experiment with order and the amount of repeats to get it just right. but that might not work the same for another hunter with different haste and internet latency. play around with it and let me know.


lol, i learned to stop attacking when combat is about to end, so i dont pull more stuff. but love what Bumblebee said.

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yeah i do the same. just a feeling to stop when mobs are just dead.
and in the odd time i target something i hit my oh shit macro to call the pet back and clear target.


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Gave it a go. Think it ramps a little faster, but still less sustain than your original. Also, I hope you know I am not trying to criticize any of these. Just trying to provide some feedback/data to help you do what you do. I appreciate all the fine work you folks do on here.

Just ran a quick 5 man with the macro, I’m not sure what exactly you’d changed but my pets, shots and abilities were initiating better at the beginning of fights. It was still pretty great before, but seemed like a couple of trash mobs would be down before I really started contributing, was not so much the case this last run. I know it might not be super helpful, but for me it was comparing great vs. still great :smiley:

Just ran a N and was getting the best numbers i ever had in DF. this is a great sequence.

Man, before I tried your macro, I thought I had my shit figured out. Yours just BLEW AWAY what I was able to do previously. Amazing job, really. I hope you’ll keep it updated. You’re the man.

don’t see how u guys are getting this to work as it imports states talents are out of date

never mind i see the issue

Scroll up from the bottom of this post. He made a comment with updated talents.


i got and TY for the reply .

doing 600k on dummy without bl 516 ilvl, on the other hand on ST its very slow casting KC huge dps loss

seems it takes time to ramp up . keep in mind this new GSE and the macros are still in testing . i’m sure once its all set in stone we will have some pumpers

yea exactly thats what i mean i put my kill command on number 2 and i let my keyboard fire it non stop to fix this issue

thank you! my savior! right now its very hard to find instructions since the 11.0 just released .
wish you have a great day!

:dragon_face: You’ve outdone yourself again with this certified banger of an update, Christmas came early with Mr.bee’s trusty and spicy sequences! :bow_and_arrow:

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