Celbone's Totemic Mythic and Raid Sequence - TWW 11.1

UPDATED ON 10/03/2025

Hello Everyone,

It took long enough and I hope it did worth the wait. Here it is, the Totemic Sequence for TWW 11.1 Patch.

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By Me a Coffee!

First things first!

ALT: Chain Lightning
SHIFT: Elemental Blast (use on proc)
CTRL: Thunderstorm

Simple and Clean builder Rotation, Lightning Bolt on hard cast. Hero on hard cast. Frost Shock on hard cast

Reminders: Use Feral Lunge to come back quicly after escaping or bating an mechanic, it’ll help with totemic relocation

Reminders: You have a ton of utilities as shaman, I can’t add it all under a sequence, make yourself a macro like the one below, it’ll help your team.

/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Capacitor Totem; [mod:alt, @cursor] Earthgrab Totem; [nomod] Hex

Was able to get some decent gear myself, so here it is the updated

The Sequence


The Build


You may check my other works:

That is it folks, enjoy and as always, let me know how it goes! cheers!

Really like this one !!

Just wondering, maybe u can put lunge in the sequence?

Just gave this sequence a try in a few Mythic runs with full Season 2 elemental gear, and it performed really well! Appreciate you sharing this. Boss damage felt a little low, but that could be due to my gear or the lack of clear AoE vs Single-target separation. Regardless, this is a really solid macro…great work!

Ty for testing and putting some feedback on the table mate! Single target of Totemic build is a thing to be worked still, some dps is there, specially with comboing Primordial Wave + Elemental Blast (that order), I’m still doing some tunning here and there, posting some updates here asap.

Hi @DeadlyData

Lunge is something to consider, I have my limitations in terms of buttons, so usually I only have those 3 for modifiers, although a custom sequence for your play style can be arranged, let me know.

Yea so Im dealing with some medical issues and therefor Im pretty much looking for a 2 key play-style =x… It performs really good btw. But yea pretty much need all in 2 keys haha

No worries tho, Im probably the only one looking for such thing.


I haven’t looked in depth yet, but what about primordial wave and storm?

Those are there, automated.

ah cool i jsut posted one i modified in she hulks a few hours before you posted this.

Im not sure mine is truly optimized, as I normally play ret.

On mine I made is such that you keep moving ( IE I strafe L/R) until you have hot hand procs and or 5+ mael.

At that point I stop moving and it will cast ele blast/bolts/primordial x,y

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Updated, minor adjustments, overall performance is better.

I’m huge fan of testing and development mate, optimal is really about how your sequence will output in the end of the day right?

Keep tweaking that, find the sweet spot, you will see that “the best sequence” is a thing of personal taste and effort

The way I see it, you are already customizing it for how you play the game, that is the magic of sequences here, none have to be the same when it comes to using it.

I really hope you keep evolving it and keep me posted about it =)

What do you mean with “Lightning Bolt on hard cast. Hero on hard cast. Frost Shock on hard cast” im new on shaman build and i dont know what hero is, by the way, lightning bolt is not on the macro rotation? i thought CTRL was it, surpresive that Thunderstorm is used