So yesterday i worked on this for the majority of yesterday and testing it in different scenarios and for me it’s working “OK”.
I have tried so many different iterations of this it’s not funny anymore.
It’s a very basic macro, possibly not the best but… it uses the skills in the order i needed in the opening then after that i was not fussed where they appeared except Rend.
Didn’t it to just keep casting it and waste 30 rage when i didnt need to lose it.
This will do CS>MS>Rend>Slam (what i did actually want it to do) then whatever comes off cooldown after that, it will then also re-apply Rend nearer the end or just after the end of it’s cycle so it will drop off on longer fights.
I have added in 2 mods to this for Shift and ctrl. Arms as some other macros should not be used as 1 button or you will become rage starved be be less useful than a limp noodle.
To use the first one Battle Cry and Bladestorm you will hold shift down until BOTH fire off. It will then reset the line back to Battle Cry while you wait for it to come off cooldown. Both of these skills have a 1 min cooldown. You also will only use Battle Cry with Bladestorm as intended. I also have an @player there because i use Ravager even for ST.
Warbringer is on Ctrl but this is mainly for AoE’ing larger packs to apply Colossus Smash or when there is no upcoming AoE and you want to re-apply Colossus Smash.
The macro WILL lull in places with having nothing to cast other than auto attacks, sadly this is part of the design of Arms and it’s 1 of only 2 rage builders you can use. Other one is Charge, if you lull and you have little rage and awaiting a cooldown, then get used to pausing the macro, heroic leaping out and then charging back in to boost your rage.
Charge was left out so you don’t become more hated than a Huntard because you have targeted a rat far off and zoomed into it like an exocet missile and pulled 2 packs for the sheer thrill of pissing off your team mates. Use it manually.
Sequences['Stop!_Hammer_Time'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
Talents = "1322323",
Help = [[Talent builds can be 1/3-3-1/2-1/2-3-2-2/3 without changing anything in the macro.
Use should be CS>MS>BC+BS>Rend>Slam then let it do whatever.
If low on rage and skills are on cooldown, Heroic Leap out of the fight and charge back in - Pause the macro first]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/castsequence [mod:shift,@player] Battle Cry, Bladestorm",
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Warbreaker",
"/cast Execute",
"/cast Colossus Smash",
"/cast Mortal Strike",
"/cast Rend",
"/cast Slam",
If you have any suggestions on how to improve it then feel free to comment and i will consider the changes.
Please also post constructive feedback and not “It doesn’t work” - Just don’t be THAT person.
Also speed wise, i have this set personally at 100ms, no faster and no slower. I found this to be the best setting for me.