Cym's Cymhancement

Actually having more luck with the original set up - have you made changes to the macros themselves? It works great in PvP btw.

Thanks again!

Tstone, would you mind sharing your ahk script? I cant seem to get one for firing 1 2 3 with modifiers.

Kinda hope you’re joking with the…
Earth Elemental should be used on most mobs/bosses (essentially be on cooldown). Don’t worry if the tank complains. This is a disposable aggro machine and it will save your life. Should be used at the start of a boss pull or in big trash groups. For levelling it’s good for those elites you want to put down. It’s intended to be used, use it.

So on them bosses that should be moved, which is nearly all of them. Your tank pet will screw up the fight. And when you are removed from the group for being a total newb…

No, not really kidding.
This is also why the tank has their own taunt too so they can get the bosses attention again and move the mob.

I’ve not see another Enhancement Shaman being kicked out for this nor have i seen anyone, not even the tank complain. This is also to help DPS out too

Um… Earth elemental doesn’t generate aggro in dungeons or raids.

I have 1 small addition to add to this as an update to the macro.
I have not changed the macro itself but added to the KeyRelease for add a little self healing.
Will update the macro when i get home but if you’d like to test it before then i will supply the 2 extra lines.
All this does is add a little self-healing while out and about and solo due to us being glass cannons. More useful maybe while levelling but it’s up to you if you want to use this in Dungeons/Raids. Might make a 2nd tab.

Lines are:

/cast Healing Surge

As all our skills are instant based this will simply stop the cast timer and only use Healing Surge when it becomes an instant cast

Small edit: Do NOT try adding this into the KeyPress option as you will forever be stuck trying to cast this and not do anything else other than look like you’re having a fit.
It’s not perfect and it’s not 100% but it’s there to help.


Reposted on the OP with the small changes made.

Thanks for this. I’m slaying tw’s atm. im not even 120 yet. I’ve missed my old main class

Where is your AOE build ? - i saw it before… and now can i not find it :frowning:

I removed it as it was the same as the other build just with added Crash Lightning which i just bash away at when needed.

Most seemed to just use the ST macro. If there is a need for it, i will re-add it once i am home from work.

[quote quote=66592]No, not really kidding. This is also why the tank has their own taunt too so they can get the bosses attention again and move the mob.
I’ve not see another Enhancement Shaman being kicked out for this nor have i seen anyone, not even the tank complain. This is also to help DPS out too[/quote]

This could end up wiping your group, I agree that Earth Elemental totem is pretty great this xpac, but it’s far too powerful, so I suggest saving it for when it is absolutely needed.

Also, I’m not a subscriber to Enhancement Shamans being glass cannons on this xpac. Healing surge is a huge improvement over last xpac, and with nature’s guardian and spirit wolf talent it takes A LOT to kill us. I’ve quite enjoyed this xpac as enhancement, now last xapc, yes, we were the squishiest class around.

Honestly don’t see the issue with popping earth elemental before a pull, even wordup says it shouldn’t taunt if you target a tank spec character. It barely worth pressing during a fight unless you are in a lull (the dps is negligible and not worth the GCD), so in that regard is better if the tank dies for a clutch for instance.

Hey just wanted to say thanks for the macro.

This is a pretty good macro. 110 with 205 ilvl doing 3.6k burst, and 2.4k sustained dps.

First of all thanks for the macro! I just want to clarify… So for AoE we keep hitting ST macro and then Crash Lightning/sunder on CD? no other changes?