Cym's Disc Priest Build

So this is my attempt at making a Disc Priest Healing macro.

I have made it simple or as simple as i can. There is not a lot of bloat in it. DPS is anything that comes off cooldown while Healing is priority based on trying to shield you first as this is the best way to add Atonement, then heal through penance and dps. It will then use plea as a secondary if shield is on cooldown.

I have not added in Power Word: Radiance as this is an expensive spell to use for a reduced Atonement timer. Great in emergencies but not something you want to spam all the time.

2 DPS as i have also re-rolled onto a new server and my “main” is a disc priest but i am only lvl 40 atm.
Only difference to this and the other is the use of Shadow Word: Pain while the main one uses Purge the Wicked.

Also, there are 2 healing macros in 1. The reason for this is the end is dungeon build while the first is raid based. 2nd one will use Shadow Covenant and Grace. It uses Mod:Shift for Shadow covenant.

Levelling DPS:

Sequences['DiscoBall'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "1113113",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noexists][dead]",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Shadow Word: Pain, null",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Light's Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Word: Pain",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Smite",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Penance",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Mindbender",

90+ DPS:

Sequences['80sDisco'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "1113113",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noexists][dead]",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Purge the Wicked, null",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Light's Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Purge the Wicked",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Smite",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Penance",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Mindbender",

Raid and Dungeon Heals:

Sequences['RollerDisco'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "1113113",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Power Word: Shield",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Penance",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Plea",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Shadow Mend",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/cast [@target,mod:shift] Shadow Covenant",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Power Word: Shield",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Penance",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Plea",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Shadow Mend",

Clickable Zoom Pic

I have been asked about this so here is the UI - WA/SUF/Vuhdo

Disc Weak Aura UI:

Create a newfolder in your addons folder called SlootAuras
go here and highlight all the files and download them into the folder: Dropbox

Download and copy/paste these strings into Weak Auras:

Disc Priest Circle Cooldowns -
Circle Healthbar w/PWS/Atonement -
WA Right Click Options - <<< Paste that into Action tab, check custom, custom code
SUF Layout- <<< Import into SUF Layout Manager
Vuhdo Layout -

Cynic, which of these would you recommend for running random bgs? I will be loading them into game to test them out later today after i get my lazy self outta bed. Thanks for all the hard work you and the other macro writers put in to bring these macros to the community. I think this is one of the shorter macros I’ve seen you write lol :slight_smile:

BGs use 2 to activate the Shadow Covenant part of the macro on the healing one since Shadow Covenant is a 5 man heal.

DPS macros will depend on if you’re using Shadow Word Pain or Purge the Wicked they have the same skills.

just remember i have not added in Rapture or Radiance to it so would need to be used manually… which it should due to the heavy mana cost to it.

So, do I use this by manually applying atonement, and then having an enemy targetet while firing the macro? Or do I target the ally I want to heal, then mash the macro? :slight_smile:

Never need to really target the person you want to heal…

I have made this in a way you can mouse over the person you want to heal or heal the person that the mob you’re attacking has as a target or as a focus target, thus the use of targets target or if nothing is targeted then it will use you as a target.

It covers everything, technically you could just dps the mob and then hit the heal buttons without having to retarget/click anything and it will still heal the tank.

I have tried to make this as smart/dumb as possible.

Thanks :slight_smile:
Tried it manually way back when, but never got the hang of it. I failed miserably in a dungeon at that time, and sorta went “Ohmegosh let’s not do that again”.
So, to be sure (and avoid fails), I target an enemy and DPS with the DPS macro for 90+?
Or do I heal with the raid/dungeon heals macro?
Or both? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s both.

I split the macro as the one does all macro may not have healed in those pinch moments you needed it.

What i tend to do as i use Vuhdo as my raid frames:

Apply Atonement to 1 target through PW:Barrier and then others with plea just before battle (Pre atonement)

Then DPS the hell out of the boss to provide that healing boost and then top up with Plea now and again while DPS’ing. Reapply Shield as required.

In Dungeon/Raid party damage and large damage incoming, Drop the large barrier, hit rapture and shield everyone then DPS the mobs to heal everyone back up again.

Disc is not for the faint of heart though i didn’t find it as hard as Holy Paladin.

In a raid, never try to heal everyone, other healers are better at AoE healing then you but a quick 10 person atonement through Radiance looks nice now and again :slight_smile:

how did you get Vuhdo to show a target panel?

Not sure i understand the question?

VuhDo shows 2 frames, possibly more when it’s set up. You have the raid/healing frames but you can set up another set of bars which would be your target frame or target of target.

For the macro itself, it’s not required, i just use Vuhdo as my replacement raid/party frames so i can click heal.

If you like i can make a pastebin of the general healing setup i use for vuhdo but you may need to alter the spell tab to the spells you would like to use.

I use it like:
Left Mouse - Shadow Mend
Right Mouse - Power Word: Radiance
Middle Mouse - PW: Shield
Mouse Wheel Up - Plea
Mouse Wheel Down - Dispells
Then you can do shift/alts etc to do more but those are my core spells

just one question why use shadow Covennant when u havent chose it as talent ??

There are 2 macros listed there for healing listed for RollerDisco.

1 is general use/raids etc. The 2nd macro will activate in dungeons. It’s explained on the first post i made why there are 2.

Also, there are 2 healing macros in 1. The reason for this is the end is dungeon build while the first is raid based. 2nd one will use Shadow Covenant and Grace. It uses Mod:Shift for Shadow covenant.

I just maybe didn’t suggest changing the talent when you do the different content :slight_smile:

Weak Aura and other strings are now added to the original post by request.

[quote quote=53994]Weak Aura and other strings are now added to the original post by request.

This is a nice setup in my opinion and one I’ve just started using.

Many Thanks, I appreciate your work loads

thank you cym

Hi Cym,

I have been using some of your macros for a while now and I really appreciate the effort put into them. I particularly like this discipline priest set of macros, very easy to use, although I haven’t used them in an instance yet, I am still getting the hang of healing as disc. I am currently lvl 107 and find the disc priest nearly indestructible, I can solo a lot of content other classes can’t.

Just one question though. You said to apply atonement cast PW: Barrier, was that meant to say PW: Radiance or am I missing something?

Whoops, completely my bad! Good spot, shame on everyone else :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant PW:Shield as this will apply a full duration Atonement, as will Plea while PW:Radiance is a short atonement but useful to quickly burst heal, but it’s not mana efficient to spam Radiance

@cym for the life of me i cant figure this out,
local f = CreateFrame(“Button”, “name”, UIParent, “SecureUnitButtonTemplate”)
f:SetAttribute(“unit”, “target”) – or whatever unit you’re making
f:SetSize(100, 20) – width 100, height 20
f:RegisterForClicks(“LeftButtonUp”, “RightButtonUp”)
f:SetAttribute(“type1”, “target”) – Left click targets unit
f:SetAttribute(“type2”, “togglemenu”) –

its for the WA Right click. and are you using elvui also?

For the right click WA function, type /wa and choose the health bar circle. Then on the right hand tab where it says: display, trigger etc, choose Action, then click on the top checkbox for custom, then in the new custom box paste that entire code into the small box and okay/apply it and all should be good!

No I don’t use elvui, I use SUF and Domino’s and a mix of other add ons to make up my UI

For a mix up and a one off only special, i have been asked to attempt a PVP macro… not my strongest suit by a long shot.

The conditionals make it easy to either DPS or Heal but regardless of how you work this you will always do both… it’s a 1 button macro and will not need a lot of target switching. Best way is keep a DPS target selected most of the time and work the healing by mouse over it will stop DPS and concentrate on healing. However, you will mostly always end up doing both damage and healing to something as you will be healing the target of your enemy.

Instructions are added into the macro.

Sequences['BoringNameMacro'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.00.
  Talents = "1113113",
  Help = [[PVP Macro. 
Can be Dungeon too. 
Removes auto targetting so you can DPS while healing your target.

To heal a target while dps'ing your enemy you can mouseover your healing target and healing will be your priority. Stop mouse over to return to DPS.

If you have your healing target selected then the macro will mix it up between healing your target and dps'ing your enemy, to do dps with snap healing then always keep your enemy target selected and heal this way.

There will be a snag that might be ok. the nature of the monstrous conditions means you will always dps while healing and you will always heal while dps'ing as someone will always have a target selected and there will be a target of target, be it yourself or an ally.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Purge the Wicked, null",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Light's Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Purge of the Wicked",
        "/cast [harm,nodead][@targettarget,harm,nodead][@focustarget,harm,nodead] Smite",
        "/cast [harm,nodead][@targettarget,harm,nodead][@focustarget,harm,nodead] Penance",
        "/cast [harm,nodead][@targettarget,harm,nodead][@focustarget,harm,nodead] Mindbender",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead] Power Word: Shield",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead] Penance",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead] Plea",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead] Shadow Mend",