Cym's New Fire Macro w/ Cinderstorm (Added YT Clip)

Not too sure why that would be. I am doing the same with the artifact but i don’t lose a lot of health and i have only been in trouble once. I started off feeling squishy but completely find now.

How are you spamming the macro? Finger press or other?

I entered my first Legion dungeon today at 101-102, Darkheart Thicket and was pulling 80k+ with it

I am manually pressing it, and I use Flamestrike on 4+ mobs and Pyro when I have 3 or less

That might be the problem, generally you want to cast as fast as possible. It’s your choice but if you dont have keyboard/mouse with spammable keys that you can hold down then maybe look into something like AHK that will do the same thing for you. Should increase your DPS that way.

I thought I made a comment on getting AHK earlier but I guess I didn’t. I downloaded it but I have no clue on how to make a script for it as I have very little programming knowledge and the help pages aren’t clear enough on how to make it spam a key when I press it down and stop when I stop pressing the key, I found a small script of

SetKeyDelay, 250 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200 ; Rate of hotkey activations beyond which a warning dialog will be displayed.
; Increase it to delay the warning message.

GetKeyState, state, 1, P
if state = D
Send {1}

and I have no clue how the top part works but I know that if I change the numbers in the bottom half it will work for the keypress I want however when I release it if I’ve held it for over 5-10 ish seconds it’ll show a box with a yes or no prompt asking to close the AHK script. I feel like if I were to change the number of the #MaxHotkeysPerInterval to higher the message won’t pop up but I don’t know and wouldn’t want to risk breaking something also would this work for multiboxing seeing as it can broadcast across multiple windows

Hi Cymiryc

Like someone else said i was looking for a simple cast sequance macro and stumled onto this.
Been using the Burneverything macro for leveling in Legion and ive setup a hotkey with AHK to use the macro

Ive bound another key to use pyro and another to use flamstrike when they proc

What ive noticed is that AHK is running so fast im having to move the char to stop it casting before it responds to my keybind. Is there anything i can do to get off a pyro as fast as poss when it procs on my keybind? some sort of stop casting cast pyro macro
Or anyway to slow down AHK so that its more responsive when i click pyro/flamestrike

thanks awsome macro btw

I solved the response time by introducing s random sleep timer to my macros. Instead of constantly spamming at 0.05ms i am randomly casting between 0.05 and 0.120 which makes a big difference. Rare that i have to move to stop casting, unless i am in Dungeons and about to cast on a yellow mob that everyone would prefer to ignore…

It’s not always a good idea to interrupt your casting to fire a Pyroblast and it’s preferable to finish what you’re casting first and then fire away, i tend to stop pressing my main attack and hold down my pyro button and then start recasting once it’s finished.

If you really want to do it you can move to interrupt and fire off that way or you can make a quick Pyroblast Macro with

/cast Pyroblast

You would hold that down but you may need to press it twice, one to stop casting and again to fire the Pyro
You can also try

/cast Pyroblast

Again you might need a couple of pushes and then go back to casting again

Why [[ and ]] aroundthe cast rather than " (quotes). Any particular reason?

I always use [[ ]] as a personal preference so all my macros are uniform.

I find it runs smoother (don’t think there is an actual performance hit) and if i include skills which require an ’ then i dont need to play around with changing the quotes to ’ and " all the time

"/cast [combat] Hand of Gul'dan",
[[/cast [combat] Hand of Gul'dan]],

Then i don’t need to worry os much about copy paste etc

First of all thank you, and just a little thing this macro is working with the phoenix flames or its mannually as same as the pyroblast?

Testing on my mage 110 800ilvl editing the result

Phoenix’s Flames are added into the macro since it’s not a proc and there is no real reason to not cast it and it does help proc Hot Streaks. There will be times when you cast it twice in a row and then run through the rest of the macro and cast the 3rd one, it will then skip over that until charges are available again.

Cymiryc, your macros are extremely good and well thought out. I don’t suppose you could crap one out for Arcane as well? The default scripts that come with the addon aren’t that good really IMHO.

I can give it a shot but i am not sure of what will come out lol.
It will take me a couple of days as i am working long day shifts at the moment and doesn’t give me any play time until Monday night.

I’d love to see some arcane macros, would love to have Aluneth talk to me while I do stuff, and not be restricted to Fire because of its higher damage output, hope you can figure one out

[quote quote=32588]I solved the response time by introducing s random sleep timer to my macros. Instead of constantly spamming at 0.05ms i am randomly casting between 0.05 and 0.120 which makes a big difference. Rare that i have to move to stop casting, unless i am in Dungeons and about to cast on a yellow mob that everyone would prefer to ignore…
It’s not always a good idea to interrupt your casting to fire a Pyroblast and it’s preferable to finish what you’re casting first and then fire away, i tend to stop pressing my main attack and hold down my pyro button and then start recasting once it’s finished.
If you really want to do it you can move to interrupt and fire off that way or you can make a quick Pyroblast Macro with

/cast Pyroblast
```You would hold that down but you may need to press it twice, one to stop casting and again to fire the Pyro You can also try

/cast Pyroblast

Cym, could you share your AHK code to make it a variable timer to spam? I use AHK, with a toggle on/off setup, but would love to add into it a variable time. Seems more safe that way for some reason. Thanks!

This is what i use personally since i use the numpads being left handed. Feel free to change the keys and timers to your liking… you can even make them longer to give you a better control. The script will activate when Scroll lock is switched on:

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
if getkeystate("ScrollLock","T")
if getkeystate("numpad1","P")=0
Send {=}
Send {numpad1}
if getkeystate("ScrollLock","T")
if getkeystate("numpad2","P")=0
Send {-}
Send {numpad2}
if getkeystate("ScrollLock","T")
if getkeystate("numpad3","P")=0
Send {0}
Send {numpad3}

RandSleep(x,y) { ;creates a variable with an X and Y
Random, rand, %x%, %y% ;Uses the Random function to generate x and y
Sleep %rand% ;makes the %rand% value the sleep time

Loving the macros

something I did to clean up the macro a little bit. seemed to help a little.

[[/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Fireball,Fireball]],

[[/cast [mod:shift] Pyroblast; [mod:alt] Combustion; Fireball]],

Disclaimer: Took me forever to figure out how to log in to post a reply lol

Yeah, i would love to use mods with my macros but using numpad buttons they turn into completely different functions when mod buttons are held down and don’t translate into AHK commands at all… tried and tested for hours to make them work but nope!

Now that i have some time, once home from work i am going to play with a nochanneling option i have looked into for pyroblast procs but it might not work as intended.

Then it’s a hunt for the Arcane artifact and test/create a new macro for that

Hi Cymiryc

Do you have a macro that you would consider High performance DPS?
for use in raids and dungeons?

Im using your macro for levelling but thinking about end game

many thanks

The AHK you provided doesn’t seem to do anything? unless i’m using it wrong

[quote quote=32852]The AHK you provided doesn’t seem to do anything? unless i’m using it wrong

Did you turn on Scroll Lock?

It won’t fire off unless this is switched on.
Also you need the bottom part of the AHK so it knows what RandSleep is