Darkmanz is back with a NEW DARKITTY all in one macro for 8.3

I had to take moonfire out of macro cause i kept shifting out of cat form to cast it, also as well with regrowth, so i changed regrowth to

/console autounshift 0
/cast Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

Sorry, @darkonius

I was using sabertooth, primal wrath, bloodtalons.
On training dummy in org.
Yes, tried fresh install too.
issues as described in post

I think without regrowth happening before finisher (for me anyway), I will probably just try MOC. I’d probably stick with sabertooth just for raiding

@hotma please let me know exactly what talents you are running. I will cut all of the other conditional stuff out for other talents for you to see if we can make it work. The reason it is not casting Regrowth before a Finisher for you is the same reason it is not building combo points, that part is baked into a sequence line and for whatever reason it is not running for you. So lik ei said if you are running Bloodtalons it is not suppose to just cast Regrowths on procs it is suppose to hold them until prior to a finisher (and that is the way it works for me. just tested). send me your talents and I’ll strip one down and we can see if we can find the problem

Ah, sorry for not including them all @darkonius

Wild charge
Balance Affinity
Mass entanglement
Soul of the Forest
Primal Wrath

@Packsie it is not possible that the macro casts a single Moonfire if you are not talented into Lunar Inspiration. If you remove the [notalent:7/2] from the front of Regrowth then there is no way the rotation will ever run remotely correct to take advantage of Bloodtalons, you will literally be losing DPS at that point and may as well just spec Moment of Clarity and just leave the condition in since it only matters if you are spec’d Bloodtalons.


I PM’d you a test version to try. Let me know how it works.

I’m not sure what else to do, i keep shifting out of cat form casting moonfire and regrowth

I can understand why it might be possible for the macro to kick you out of cat form to hardcast a regrowth if you have selected the talent Bloodtalons. due to the nature of that talent it is crucial that Regrowth be cast just prior to a Finisher, and there is no way to force the macro to make you stay in kitty that way, so it is part of a sequence which 99% of the time should work as intended. but once in a while for whatever reason (either the macro skips a command, or something gets cast in between the sequence from another line) it does not have a Moc proc to spend on the regrowth so it hardcasts it. If you are not casting the Regrowth just prior to a Finisher then there is no reason at all to talent into Bloodtalons. The safe bet is to spec Moc, there is literally only maybe a 1k-2k loss in doing so and alot less headache. But I’ve never had it pop out to cast Moonfire, I have double and triple checked, it cannot do it, So I’m going to take a guess here at what is happening to you. You are talented into Bloodtalons, it for whatever reason (and I’m not sure of the frequency that this is happening to you as you didn’t mention if it happens all the time? some of the time? Rarely? or almost never?) it is popping you out to hardcast a Regrowth and your bars are swapping over to caster bars and you have Moonfire on the same button as the macro on your caster bars? That last part is a guess, but it is the only way that I know of that Moonfire could get cast.

Can you do me a favor and run the macro as I posted but talent into Moment of Clarity (to test so I can narrow things down) in the last row and let me know if it ever swaps forms to cast Regrowth or Moonfire? and we can go from there?

I am specced with bloodtalens, it shift’s me out some of the time to cast regrowth, and as for moonfire you are correct that is what happens

what if i chose soul forest, primal, and moment of clarity talents? will that would better?

Yes Packsie selecting those talents would resolve the breaking for to cast Regrowth issue, although you do not need to swap anything other than Bloodtalons, the other 2 are fine however you are currently running them.
Edited again:
If anyone read this comment beofore this edit please throw out everything that I said. It was an old attempt at a solution.

My solution to using the Bloodtalons talent and it breaking form is to place the ability “Cat Form” on your caster bar on the same button that the macro resides so that when it breaks form and casts Regrowth it will swap back to kitty as soon as possible. Do not /stopcasting (as I previously stated) and do not cancel the Regrowth cast. That cast has to complete regardless is it is an instant cast or a hardcast as it is part of a sequence and the sequence cannot progress to the next spell until the previous is successfully cast.

Only problem is I don’t see Primal Wrath in the macro

Its an AOE skill. Its in the AOE macro

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It is as Depression_1809 pointed out. Primal Wrath is an AOE spell that is located in the AOE rotation. It is exactly the same as Rip (which is in the Main rotation) the only difference is that it applies Rip to multiple targets.
Based on the Talent inquires that you keep asking me, I am going to guess that you read a PvP guide that recommends the following talents: 2/3/3/1/1/2/2 yes?
The entire crux of the problem is the last talent (Bloodtalons) you can run 2/3/3/1/1/2/1 and you will notice no significant difference in DPS but the rotation will run alot smoother and it will never break form to hardcast a spell.

ya i had 2/3/1/1/2/2 and now went with 2/3/1/1/2/1 and it run’s a lot smoother, I’ve also alway’s been told that Bloodtalons and brutal slash for raids. but bloodtalon’s and moment of clarity is pretty much close

Blood Talons does infact sim higher, 1.4k dps increase for me. But the limitations of GSE make it very difficult to make it work properly every time. You can always set up to manually cast regrowth, then ferocious bite. But id rather take the 1k dps loss. Glad you were able to sort out the macro.

My feral Macro i made never pops myself out of cat to cast regrowth. Here is how i have mine setup
in the KeyRelease section put the following

/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player,combat] Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

Hope this helps

@brent-boaz Thanks, I have been using the /console command for a couple of years now. (it’s in the macro currently unless Bloodtalons talent is selected) To effectively use Bloodtalons you cannot use those 3 lines, true it will never pop out of kitty but there is no way to force it to cast Regrowth exactly prior to a finisher and a Rake to take advantage of Bloodtalons. The complaint that some users are expressing in here is when Bloodtalons is selected. I dunno I may just go back to letting Regrowth casting on MoC procs wherever they land and call it a day. I’m undecided. If I actually used the talent much at all I would approach it much differently and put a [mod} cast in for the Regrowth so that I could control it. I didn’t do that here because people tend to complain about [mod] keys and it’s another headache to trouble shoot for folks that cannot get them to work (almost always because they already have something bound to the [mod] button in game).

Thank you for trying to help out though!


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@Zysoring Thank you, it’s great to be back