Dek's Guardian (10.2) BEAR AD ASTRA (2500+ KSM/KSH) Updated 24-Feb-2024

My solution to this so far, is by placing regrowth on an cast [mod:alt] Regrowth and pressing alt for the proc. best way i’ve found so far around this.

I was going off of logs, most of my healing came from the 4 set paired with rage of the sleeper, regrowth was, at most, 4% on the logs I checked and was 1% on most of them. I didnt consume it ‘intelligently’, just fired it whenever it procced, so its possible my other healing was doing enough that I wasnt getting any value out of that talent, personally.


i ran your macro and i too found myself not using regrowth as much or even frenzied regen. amazing

error on my part :slight_smile: options issue with gse

@dek and all friends

I still use your macro version with autounshift to cast Regrowth proc and it works perfectly for me. However, I use the following Weakaura to provide this: Wago

Try it out and see for yourself, it works very well for me.

Sorry my bad english, it’s not my first language. Cheers everyone!

Superb Macro!!! It seems to flow really well.

Why is there a “keyup” variable with Rebirth in the SingleTarget macro when you never have it in your sequence? (at least when I import it from top post)

a relic of a previous version

@dek I just have to thank you for your incredible macro, I hope you continue the wonderful work done here for season 4. Thank you very much my friend!


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I just want to thank you for your incredible macro. I’m looking forward to any future updates if they come, and keep up the great work!


@dek Here again to thank you for your incredible macro.

I hope you update it for TWW, we’ll be anxiously awaiting your wonderful work.

Thank you very much, for all the Druids! =)


Thanks! and grats on getting KSM so quick!