UPDATED 07.18.18 BFA PRE PATCH 8.0.1
Talents are 2113131.
This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.
Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS
Usage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.
Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.01.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: SequentialKeyPress: Summon Felguard, Hand of Gul’dan, Demonbolt
Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Demonic Strength, Summon Demonic Tyrant, Felstorm, Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend, Call Dreadstalkers
KeyRelease: Axe Toss, Pursuit, Felstorm, Legion Strike
Original Post for the base of this macro is below. Updated and most current macro above.
So I was testing this macro then the PTR updated and my server crashed. It was working pretty well but could not extensively test it. Suffice to say it I will be starting off BFA with this if I do not get back into the PTR. Let me know what you think!
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard
/cast [mod:ctrl] Hand of Gul'dan
/cast [mod:alt] Demonbolt
/cast [nochanneling] Nether Portal
/cast Call Dreadstalkers
/cast [nochanneling] Grimoire: Felguard
/cast [nochanneling] Demonic Strength
/cast Summon Vilefiend
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast Hand of Gul'dan
/cast Summon Demonic Tyrant
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan
/cast Felstorm
Single Target DPS Demonology Warlock. Tested and did decent dps. This is only one build from the talent tree and much more to test and learn. Let me know what you think.
Note: The macro can run on its own without the use of modifiers. I have added them because this spec now reminds me a little bit of Shaman during Legion. Procs of Demonic Core reduce the cast time of Demonbolt which is our main generator for shards. Sometimes it procs multiple times in a row. This causes you to cap your shards. Which then I weave into Hand of Gul’dan. Once I am back at 1-2 and the procs have stopped I let the macro run again. I added these modifiers to help people min/max the rotation.
Sequences['Demo_8.0_PTR'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
Author="Plantains/Admiral Smurfs",
Talents = "2,1,2,3,3,3,3",
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard",
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Hand of Gul'dan",
"/cast [mod:alt] Demonbolt",
"/cast [nochanneling] Nether Portal",
"/cast [nochanneling] Call Dreadstalkers",
"/cast [nochanneling] Grimoire: Felguard",
"/cast [nochanneling] Demonic Strength",
"/cast [nochanneling] Demonbolt",
"/cast [nochanneling] Summon Vilefiend",
"/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan",
"/cast [nochanneling] Summon Demonic Tyrant",
"/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt",
"/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan",
"/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt",