Demonology Galaga Arcade 8.0.1 BFA PRE PATCH READY

UPDATED 07.18.18 BFA PRE PATCH 8.0.1

Talents are 2113131.

This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS

duKefaWjPumlrPBbj1UGe)ckdtOCmblJu8mcAAkjxtPyBI8nHQXrOZPu16Ks19KsYaLsWbfvTqsP8qijMibCrPuAJqL8rQsgjvPojuHvQu5LkrMPsu3eQQDQk)eQOHQKAPsj6PKmvi1wLsOZskvElb6Uqv2lL)cvQbJ6WQSyLGhtLjtvCzjBwP0NfvgnP60q8ALqZwQUTq2nIFt0WPQ64KswUQ65inDfxxk2oPu13ffJhssNNQY6LsQ9d2cgA7fmLaTfFC(W5Y40lTd3ELF58ELh35BjQKxG2IBTHR82tJH2uExD)DeYIMsFg)02XWYiZ0Vw7l6CFjffNmclQIwO(uSZteY)60OM)wSTYFtefZuOVErgQP0eccdcdMY7Q73uO1rOaJqboYhWs)fP(aVv(bE0lGlu1)rOiscWzqgDGfOIKezxMZhWAdx5bE9VaE9noDGfrjgkbuagTocjhf4mi9oWDKfRUpGD6hjxb8rbotbCUAa(AD9rMc4C19bEHMbyICaoQXPd82Vmc4rVaEHQlZGcWR71rlG71aCub8IezgGZOFdW(Knap6iKfrb2b7Y3hGxQ8bCRawGksswq2hyhQm)oWlv(aUva79r8aSClWE10BJNJa7EYPOTdmSd1O1rOahDUVeypYIcmroa7KK5qiaJJi)DjfrsGDOgTocf4OZ9LaNbP3bws6(a2D0byVpIhGLBb2RMEB8CeGh9VSjNoWJEbCK0dYwK6JcWWouVjwmGXxzkbQTxtFSxWu4FUVSfRpfrsOgA7fm02lykm3rhGtIj7PXuyUJoahITsyizpHMcZD0bybjsN(rivhHKdpGdXwjmKS3ktH5o6qlTAkIRaojMYcCsmLf4KyYEBmfM7OdT0QPiUc4KyklWjXuwGtIj7LmfM7OdWAsRcH92lUPWChDOLwnfXvaNetzbojMYcCsmzprtH5o6aSGePt)iKQJqYHhWHqqCVO92Bkm3rhAPvtrCfWcsKo9JqQocjhEaRjfpepKf4qiiUx0EHyMcZD0bynPnbX42lemfM7OdWI7JVjyVGgtH5o6qlTAkIRaojMYcCsmLf4KyYEbHMcZD0b4xn61h41Y)CDtTSu6FzKiKXuBm1AjDW)CFPH2gtTu5B9VOudT9cMcZD0bybjsG9xdEalmwyvYEAmfM7OdWcgj90UB(D8aoeBti(k7j0uyUJoalyK0t7xFWdynPvH4I2yk1u(XvdXnisIPuLwnfzqUUPw)l8p3xAOTXulv(Az1RJwgA7fmfM7OdWcJPji0EAmfM7OdWI7JVjypHMcZD0byHXcBc2BLPWChDawCF8uYgBSXuk)LdhcypnPKPY3m6YVPw3pYCieAlO0VzQF5byVpIhtH)rAUooit91(ImisIPnBSXmUsage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.01.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Summon Felguard, Hand of Gul’dan, Demonbolt

Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Demonic Strength, Summon Demonic Tyrant, Felstorm, Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend, Call Dreadstalkers

KeyRelease: Axe Toss, Pursuit, Felstorm, Legion Strike

Original Post for the base of this macro is below. Updated and most current macro above.

So I was testing this macro then the PTR updated and my server crashed. It was working pretty well but could not extensively test it. Suffice to say it I will be starting off BFA with this if I do not get back into the PTR. Let me know what you think!


/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard
/cast [mod:ctrl] Hand of Gul'dan
/cast [mod:alt] Demonbolt


/cast [nochanneling] Nether Portal


/cast Call Dreadstalkers
/cast [nochanneling] Grimoire: Felguard
/cast [nochanneling] Demonic Strength
/cast Summon Vilefiend
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast Hand of Gul'dan
/cast Summon Demonic Tyrant
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan
/cast Felstorm


Single Target DPS Demonology Warlock. Tested and did decent dps. This is only one build from the talent tree and much more to test and learn. Let me know what you think.

Note: The macro can run on its own without the use of modifiers. I have added them because this spec now reminds me a little bit of Shaman during Legion. Procs of Demonic Core reduce the cast time of Demonbolt which is our main generator for shards. Sometimes it procs multiple times in a row. This causes you to cap your shards. Which then I weave into Hand of Gul’dan. Once I am back at 1-2 and the procs have stopped I let the macro run again. I added these modifiers to help people min/max the rotation.

Sequences['Demo_8.0_PTR'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
  Author="Plantains/Admiral Smurfs",
  Talents = "2,1,2,3,3,3,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Hand of Gul'dan",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Demonbolt",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Nether Portal",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Call Dreadstalkers",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Grimoire: Felguard",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Demonic Strength",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Demonbolt",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Summon Vilefiend",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Summon Demonic Tyrant",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt",

Ok, I can’t recommend this one either because of 2 spells in the main body of the macro which should not be in here.

Demonbolt is not the main generator for shards. It’s still too long a cast time to be hard casted. 2 shadow bolts are simply better. This should only be used on pull and proc.

Summon Demonic Tyrant should be used more when you have a lot of imps out since its empowered by them. What’s the point of using it when you have no control and you have 1 imp remaining?

So I was testing this macro then the PTR updated and my server crashed. It was working pretty well but could not extensively test it. Suffice to say it I will be starting off BFA with this if I do not get back into the PTR. Let me know what you think!


/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard
/cast [mod:ctrl] Hand of Gul'dan
/cast [mod:alt] Demonbolt


/cast [nochanneling] Nether Portal


/cast Call Dreadstalkers
/cast [nochanneling] Grimoire: Felguard
/cast [nochanneling] Demonic Strength
/cast Summon Vilefiend
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast Hand of Gul'dan
/cast Summon Demonic Tyrant
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan
/cast Felstorm

What is the point of this?

/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt

Isn’t that the exact same as:

/cast Shadow Bolt

And why do you have one Hand of Gul’dan with nochanneling, and one without?

RE Hand of Gul’dan

I was not able to finish this before the PTR kicked me out on Monday. So instead of losing everything I quickly pushed what I had here. So the finished product will be coming.

RE Cast Sequence for Shadow Bolt it is casting Shadow Bolt 3 times before the next Hand of Guldan. If I only put cast it may not build enough shards. With the AHK speed it may also skip it entirely. So I wanted to add a few in a cast sequence so it builds enough.

[quote quote=60515]What is the point of this?
/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
Isn’t that the exact same as:
/cast Shadow Bolt
And why do you have one Hand of Gul’dan with nochanneling, and one without?[/quote]

Just going on from the shadow bolt cast sequence, I can confirm it is skipping the 3rd bolt completely then HoGing with 2 Shards.

this is a good starter for bfa, I think a few people commenting do not understand how gse works. you cant time things…ever
you have to be predictive and because of that you have to navigate a bunch of hoops to get what you want done, thats why you see multiple entries for a particular spell… because we need that spell to come up x amount of the time
gse is not a bot. its a way to help automate certain tasks. the rotations we create are never going to be accurate or better than you could do yourself with a bit of practice. its why the site is named WOWLAZYMACROS. its mostly for people with disabilities but yeah, we can often get close to raiding level, that doesnt mean you can expect that level of performance…ever.
with that said, this rotation does need some work.

I like the macro as well. Works pretty good for me. :slight_smile:

People get the wrong idea with GSE. They want a macro that does it all for you. That simply does not happen anymore. When we used to be able to put in “zeros” in the macros back in the Pandaria days I believe it was…Yeah, We could get very close to a macro that could do that. They took that out in Draenor.

Macro’s are gonna change quite a bit until we get back to real raiding again. With the Azerite and all that, They gonna have to be tweaked and tweaked and tweaked until we get it good enough to at least do acceptable numbers again for raiding.

This is also a good time to PLAY YOUR CLASS without even using the Macro!!! Can’t stress that enough. That way, You got a real understanding of the rotations and procs needed in using the macro.

I will tweak this some myself later when I get some time. It has a nice start tho. Thanks for trying and sharing. Look forward to your updates. :slight_smile:

Best way to go about the “Hand of Gul’Dan” situation to me, is to take it out of the macro and put it on a separate bar so you can cast it at full shards, or whenever is the best time for it.

Any kind of 'combo point/shards builder" I think should have it’s finisher on a separate button most of the time so that you can decide when you want to use it, while stuff continues to build and you don’t fall out of rotation or accidentally have a finisher go off with less points available.

Hey all thank you for your input. It really helped me iron out some things I also did not like about the original I posted. I hope you all try the most updated one. Posted below and first above. 7.18.18

This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS

duKefaWjPumlrPBbj1UGe)ckdtOCmblJu8mcAAkjxtPyBI8nHQXrOZPu16Ks19KsYaLsWbfvTqsP8qijMibCrPuAJqL8rQsgjvPojuHvQu5LkrMPsu3eQQDQk)eQOHQKAPsj6PKmvi1wLsOZskvElb6Uqv2lL)cvQbJ6WQSyLGhtLjtvCzjBwP0NfvgnP60q8ALqZwQUTq2nIFt0WPQ64KswUQ65inDfxxk2oPu13ffJhssNNQY6LsQ9d2cgA7fmLaTfFC(W5Y40lTd3ELF58ELh35BjQKxG2IBTHR82tJH2uExD)DeYIMsFg)02XWYiZ0Vw7l6CFjffNmclQIwO(uSZteY)60OM)wSTYFtefZuOVErgQP0eccdcdMY7Q73uO1rOaJqboYhWs)fP(aVv(bE0lGlu1)rOiscWzqgDGfOIKezxMZhWAdx5bE9VaE9noDGfrjgkbuagTocjhf4mi9oWDKfRUpGD6hjxb8rbotbCUAa(AD9rMc4C19bEHMbyICaoQXPd82Vmc4rVaEHQlZGcWR71rlG71aCub8IezgGZOFdW(Knap6iKfrb2b7Y3hGxQ8bCRawGksswq2hyhQm)oWlv(aUva79r8aSClWE10BJNJa7EYPOTdmSd1O1rOahDUVeypYIcmroa7KK5qiaJJi)DjfrsGDOgTocf4OZ9LaNbP3bws6(a2D0byVpIhGLBb2RMEB8CeGh9VSjNoWJEbCK0dYwK6JcWWouVjwmGXxzkbQTxtFSxWuk)LdhcypnPKPY3m6YVPw3pYCieAlO0VzQF5byVpIhtH)5(YwS(uejHAOTxWqBVGPWChDaojMSNgtH5o6aCi2kHHK9eAkm3rhGfKiD6hHuDeso8aoeBLWqYERmfM7OdT0QPiUc4KyklWjXuwGtIj7TXuyUJo0sRMI4kGtIPSaNetzbojMSxYuyUJoaRjTke2BV4McZD0HwA1uexbCsmLf4KyklWjXK9enfM7OdWcsKo9JqQocjhEahcbX9I2BVPWChDOLwnfXvalir60pcP6iKC4bSMu8q8qwGdHG4Er7fIzkm3rhG1K2eeJBVqWuyUJoalUp(MG9cAmfM7OdT0QPiUc4KyklWjXuwGtIj7feAkm3rhGF1OxFGxl)Z1n1YsP)LrIqgtTXuRL0b)Z9LgABm1sLV1)Isn02lykm3rhGfKib2Fn4bSWyHvj7PXuyUJoalyK0t7U53Xd4qSnH4RSNqtH5o6aSGrspTF9bpG1KwfIlAJPwQ81YQxhTm02lykm3rhGfgttqO90ykm3rhGf3hFtWEcnfM7OdWcJf2eS3ktH5o6aS4(4PKnMA9VW)CFPH2gtPMYpUAiUbrsmLQ0QPidY1TXgtH)rAUooit91(ImisIPnBSXmUsage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.01.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Summon Felguard, Hand of Gul’dan, Demonbolt

Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Demonic Strength, Summon Demonic Tyrant, Felstorm, Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend, Call Dreadstalkers

KeyRelease: Axe Toss, Pursuit, Felstorm, Legion Strike

well you got me… is this for demonology or destruction… the usage information doesnt match the pre-coding description… and if destruction maybe wanna put it in that category… thanks for the hard work. cheers…

SORRY! I put the updated version on the top under the new title. I thought I also updated the bottom. Messed up as I was making several warlock macros at the same time. I updated it now. Also for your convenience I have included it below.

duKefaWjPumlrPBbj1UGe)ckdtOCmblJu8mcAAkjxtPyBI8nHQXrOZPu16Ks19KsYaLsWbfvTqsP8qijMibCrPuAJqL8rQsgjvPojuHvQu5LkrMPsu3eQQDQk)eQOHQKAPsj6PKmvi1wLsOZskvElb6Uqv2lL)cvQbJ6WQSyLGhtLjtvCzjBwP0NfvgnP60q8ALqZwQUTq2nIFt0WPQ64KswUQ65inDfxxk2oPu13ffJhssNNQY6LsQ9d2cgA7fmLaTfFC(W5Y40lTd3ELF58ELh35BjQKxG2IBTHR82tJH2uExD)DeYIMsFg)02XWYiZ0Vw7l6CFjffNmclQIwO(uSZteY)60OM)wSTYFtefZuOVErgQP0eccdcdMY7Q73uO1rOaJqboYhWs)fP(aVv(bE0lGlu1)rOiscWzqgDGfOIKezxMZhWAdx5bE9VaE9noDGfrjgkbuagTocjhf4mi9oWDKfRUpGD6hjxb8rbotbCUAa(AD9rMc4C19bEHMbyICaoQXPd82Vmc4rVaEHQlZGcWR71rlG71aCub8IezgGZOFdW(Knap6iKfrb2b7Y3hGxQ8bCRawGksswq2hyhQm)oWlv(aUva79r8aSClWE10BJNJa7EYPOTdmSd1O1rOahDUVeypYIcmroa7KK5qiaJJi)DjfrsGDOgTocf4OZ9LaNbP3bws6(a2D0byVpIhGLBb2RMEB8CeGh9VSjNoWJEbCK0dYwK6JcWWouVjwmGXxzkbQTxtFSxWuk)LdhcypnPKPY3m6YVPw3pYCieAlO0VzQF5byVpIhtH)5(YwS(uejHAOTxWqBVGPWChDaojMSNgtH5o6aCi2kHHK9eAkm3rhGfKiD6hHuDeso8aoeBLWqYERmfM7OdT0QPiUc4KyklWjXuwGtIj7TXuyUJo0sRMI4kGtIPSaNetzbojMSxYuyUJoaRjTke2BV4McZD0HwA1uexbCsmLf4KyklWjXK9enfM7OdWcsKo9JqQocjhEahcbX9I2BVPWChDOLwnfXvalir60pcP6iKC4bSMu8q8qwGdHG4Er7fIzkm3rhG1K2eeJBVqWuyUJoalUp(MG9cAmfM7OdT0QPiUc4KyklWjXuwGtIj7feAkm3rhGF1OxFGxl)Z1n1YsP)LrIqgtTXuRL0b)Z9LgABm1sLV1)Isn02lykm3rhGfKib2Fn4bSWyHvj7PXuyUJoalyK0t7U53Xd4qSnH4RSNqtH5o6aSGrspTF9bpG1KwfIlAJPwQ81YQxhTm02lykm3rhGfgttqO90ykm3rhGf3hFtWEcnfM7OdWcJf2eS3ktH5o6aS4(4PKnMA9VW)CFPH2gtPMYpUAiUbrsmLQ0QPidY1TXgtH)rAUooit91(ImisIPnBSXmUsage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Demonology BFA Pre Patch 8.0.1. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Alt Key = Demonbolt
Ctrl Key = Hand of Gul’dan
-This macro does not contain Implosion
-This macro will only cast Hand of Gul’dan through the modifier.
-500 MS

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.01.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Summon Felguard, Hand of Gul’dan, Demonbolt

Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Demonic Strength, Summon Demonic Tyrant, Felstorm, Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend, Call Dreadstalkers

KeyRelease: Axe Toss, Pursuit, Felstorm, Legion Strike

thanks so much for the quick fix and assistance… i really appreciate it…Cheers ;).

I get how GSE works. I still don’t see how a cast sequence of 3 shadow bolts is different then a cast of shadowbolt. Yes, if it was 3 separate lines for shadow bolt depending on how you set the step function it will be hit a different ratio than something on one line. A cast sequence of the same spell, however, doesn’t accomplish anything as far as I know.

works fine, thanks

GSE casts this macro at high speeds. Some people including myself like to play with that. There are many spells that require 3 shards to do max damage. I prefer to use a macro that nearly guarantees that. As the xpact continues I will continue to modify this. Thanks for your input.

The speed of the keypress has nothing to do with GSE. That is determined by how you are pressing the key mapped to the macro, whether that is AHK, your finger, a turbo button on a mouse, or something along those lines.

No matter how you do it whenever that key is pressed it will execute the line that is currently active, then iterate to the next line according the step function. If the active line is “/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt” or “/cast Shadow Bolt” and you aren’t on the GCD… it will cast Shadow Bolt.

It won’t cast it faster, slower, or guarantee it is cast twice.

I get what you are saying but when I originally made this macro i tested only making the shadow bolts one cast each. When it’s came down to me getting enough shards for my spenders I was always short 1-2 shards which was bad for dps. When I adjusted it to my current macro I had enough shards more often. If you cut the macro in the way you like it and have better results please tell me so I can go back and test it also.

[quote quote=61927]The speed of the keypress has nothing to do with GSE. That is determined by how you are pressing the key mapped to the macro, whether that is AHK, your finger, a turbo button on a mouse, or something along those lines.
No matter how you do it whenever that key is pressed it will execute the line that is currently active, then iterate to the next line according the step function. If the active line is “/castsequence Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt” or “/cast Shadow Bolt” and you aren’t on the GCD… it will cast Shadow Bolt.
It won’t cast it faster, slower, or guarantee it is cast twice.[/quote]

This one is interesting. For all of my toons, I also run a rotation helper through Tell Me When addon, and from watching that, this was pretty on point. There was for sure some fun moments where I was going back and fourth between Hand of Guldan and Demonbolt.

The issue that came up is the grey parses on Warcraft Logs. I take them with a grain of salt, but I’m not sure what I could of been doing so wrong to parse so bad. I realize GSE isn’t perfect, but I was popping off those pets, Demonbolts, etc. Lotta variables going into a fight, just thought I’d see better and to be fair my Balance Druid parsed about the same.

Next up I’m trying out BM and Survival Hunter to see what kind of parses those can do.

One observation/suggestion I have is to maybe use general /petattack or pursuit felguard skill before using felstorm. I noticed while playing that as it is coded currently the felguard will just start felstorm in place instead of when it reaches the target. While it can move while doing Felstorm so it does eventually get to the target it is wasting dps by just felstorming where you start casting from, unless you start right on top of the mob.