Azerite Gear plays a huge role. See this website for the best sims for Azerite Gear for Warlocks Lock One Stop Shop

Updated 09.03.18

  1. BUILDER_INCINERATE_ALL – Use to generate Shards
  2. ST_Destruction_Bolts – Use to spend shards. Manual Havoc cast before this is recommended.
  3. AOE Macro- Use for high burst AOE
    Talents: 1133122
    MS Speed: Variable based off what works best for you. TEST IT. I am testing this with 30-100 Milliseconds
    Video Tutorial:


  1. Large Mob Packs: Cast the AOE Macro to get immolate and rain of fire on the targets. If you have the Rain of Fire azerite buff it gives you a bunch of haste. Then once the CDS of the AOE Macro have gone off stop it, THEN Cast HAVOC. Then start casting the AOE macro. After the immolates from Cataclysm fall off you will need to redot the targets with immolate to keep the spam alive. I have immolate on all my Control keys for this reason. I click CTRL to apply immolate then Tab target OR Click to change targets. Once I have at least 3 redotted I go back to the AOE macro spam. If someone pulled 3 big packs because mistakes happen you may want to dot a few more. But don’t spend too much time. Cataclysm will come back. It’s pretty amazing.
    When the packs are reduced to the final 2-3 big ones pick the next target and cast the ST_DESTRUCTION_BOLTS macro if you have 5 Shards. Plan to use havoc right before this to max out damage. Once out of shards choose the BUILDER Macro again.

  2. Single Target- So insanely easy, build with the builder, spend with the ST_Destruction_Bolts macro. Use Havoc before you use this macro if Dark Soul Instability is on cd and the golem is on cd. If you have Dark Soul Instability ready, and your Green Golem ready cast this macro first, let those cds become active. Stop the macro. Cast havoc, then restart this macro. Also make sure once you cast two chaos bolts to reapply those targets with immolate. My guild adds up to 5 seconds of the immolate dot to the chaos bolt. You need to redot immediately because after 2 chaos bolts the immolate dot will be gone. Last tip here is to make sure you are casting conflagarate before chaos bolts. An easy way to ensure this is to activate this macro (maybe the one of the others too) and just run with your mouse. Conflagarate is an instant cast spell that will cast while you are moving. If the macro is running it will cast this first if you are running.

3 USE THE PET TANK MACRO in WORLD QUESTS AND QUESTING. Its amazing for world quests. Run either manual or @ 100 ms

This macro is for building shards. Use like a mad man to fill yourself with the souls of your enemies!

Use with the AOE and ST_Destro Macros

Alt Key = Cataclysm
Ctrl Key = Immolate
-This macro Does NOT contain Havoc within its code.
-AHK: 100ish
-Does not Summon Any pets

da0Edaals0TKOSleQ(fPmmuGJbultk6zsunneIUgcHTHc5BiKADaY9qrAGOqDquXcbGhsctev1frrTrekJeLYjLQwjQ0lbuZukCtGyNi6NOigkkPLIs1tbnvs1vrbTvjIERuQ7kLSxI)krAWQCyLwmkXJHAYKuxw0Mrv(manAjCAQ8AauZws3MQ2TIFRQHtsooaYYr65qMUW1LkBxIW3bsNhbRhHK9tzbSOlKGfiayyFd(mZEP9Kk6jzMDo6mxkNgneYMIUazlRQQUbGfyreQqaPPb6dADjkc(ftFeXXVxZNEwsksBv7D0TI8DuEA8EANhPjq9TMtGeiyWLxo4Mnfi)K32vdHeSazlRQeidrPDG6Ic7II0oomHz72rTDq9s5NOG(2bYIPpY4AC5ud7aojyhtTtXglUsa5nUkcA1oGtc2Xu769(VUrACj)irazNXTm9chYo)IPVD8)ezhjt0Td)tSUXo22s8y7a1ffUXoxGSd)QtIBClJdBadKDGzadCOcJBz8)ez38HDWoV)h74meStvgiJRabzX0VKjf5(bj6cjyrxiblqn8Ic7AZyChf9uLZJl2zYQBauj(9SSrl7GDE)p21p8s6SvHSPa1WlkSR984IDMS6gaBzNIF4vxaPBKcz5cudVOaLauxo40U2ZJl2zYQBaSLD9d2njDJuPD9d2njDJuPD9d2njDJuPD9d2njDJuijsbQHxuyx75Xf7mz1na2Yoff7mz1o(P)hEoAkKeHa1WlkSJyoAYYxdHKrcudVOWoyXQ(b1oa4IuGn(xvdN3fcuGaNeypR5IsrxcbcJufX6gC4(rGSsDp1feeiRpkazX0x0LqGSstqwm9fDjeiWjbwPjcj6cjybQHxuyxB)RgOTgkzmUJIEQs87zzJw2PyJfxjG8cztbQHxuyxB)Rgif6S3OLD9E)x3iLqcjeiuvI75lKnzerlqoDrXtfih1EhDR2b9DuEceKD62A)ejTe5eUFeaiHeIaaUsage Information
Use with the AOE and ST_Destro Macros

Alt Key = Cataclysm
Ctrl Key = Immolate
-This macro Does NOT contain Havoc within its code.
-AHK: 100ish
-Does not Summon Any pets

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.09.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

Cast Chaos Bolts like a mad man until you run out.

de07caaliYTuu1UOG(fjnmqPJjXYevptKmni01iH2gOY3OaJdK6CGOwNO4EGedee5GqWcbj9qsvnrqvxurrBurHrkIojOyLIWlfPMjPk3eIANq1pjvmusWsbbpvvtfkxvrfBvrLElf6Uuu7f1FbHgSuhwLftQ0JrAYIsxgyZqIpdPmAs50u61kkz2s62kSBe)wPHtrwoHNt00fUUISDiPVdP68KO1ROu7NQ5cJX4f(Fmic)mFmimh9XGrhCicvD0d7z8CgJ)KGQPQLml(1IWKmJQk6l61B2khhvSsdP7qDag6ces1l7WkUQCmjqrfLvmnKQ8JDvajK8xkPsvYZ5hEak3uny8c)jbvt8Jqn8onqP3qXB9V4OvLYHNq)qu9onqP3qXBygJTEbWtGVbqMXBpX8yAwP3JJkwVHFbsVX1bZB6sIZs8o5H6s9gDBOzjEBdP30nlWqVX0acG3wP3hzdnGWBubc7s8gDBO5DYd1L6TL4DObead92BpX8iKmDgVlWcRvQ5j4hHPqBf8Jq2HvCvV)XKaf(r(OIDUaH0UejJX4fgJXl8Rspz4TrirNeYvGezPAhHaQwcAir3HUxy27sjpNXZ5xLEYWBJKLQDecOAjOz27IbqgUCgpf)Q0tgEBKSuTJqavlbnZExkWbTIqZ4iYVk9KH3gjlv7ieq1sqZS3fidhIiAaJRi)Q0tgENQuGLF921KE2Hn4NFfwzG8rflJXb)FamnJjcnSlHFfe2vydL8NgOubbqkzmgVWVk9KH3ghB2m0qun7DkeHMXZ5xLEYWBJJnBMRgibj6KqUcKO7q3lm7DrX8cSqZb)kiaiFuXYyCWFAGsiaQGtcymo4Gd(FtakmWZ45Wza)iFKPRcdjacubKWUegQCWbZaUsage Information
Alt Key = Cataclysm
Ctrl Key = Immolate
-This macro Does NOT contain Havoc within its code. There is another verion with Havoc in there.
-AHK: 100ish

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.09.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Immolate, Cataclysm

Main Sequence: Channel Demonfire, Summon Infernal, Firebolt, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate

AOE Burst Macro. Consider changing Chaos Bolt to Rain of Fire. Still testing.

Ctrl Key = Immolate
Alt Key = Cataclysm

-This macro does not contain Havoc.
-AHK: 100ish

dm02faalK0TuLWUqk(fjggk1XuvltspJk10qjxtjSnLKVPkghk05qrRdfmpju6EurzGivDqQeluvIEOQKMOeYfPIQncjLrcj5KurSsj4LivMPQuUPs0orLFsfQHcqlLkKNIyQkLRkHQTsfP3cPUlsSxI)Qkvdw4WQSyLupgQjRuDzP2msPptL0OLOtd0RLqXSrv3gIDtv)g0WHehhalNupxX0fDDsA7ub(ovqNhqRhsQ2pLLVSjCFH4IJD(7f5CYMJC87msdBA(cxv2ecQAEu4b9fJqkZeLHbffhcDi)H6aroSgo0GHikinY6wpk3ocO(4hevnTk0c1QiJIq2o(2NJq(F3U)1QqkQP9u5tHRkeu18OiKIpTfzj4ybTqTflVzSWfh7ClwcxpwC(DlOf01YCOXIIGw4HPfdKVbAHU5bAb0Brwco0yrXN2chcMLwKLTfVufKFh0767KYtVpwC(DliBVxupPgAXYdRHJvWk40wpGqVfFlkVXIxV8W8ahela9wKLTfKga12JBRGtB9ac9wuTyh2JfEyAr55G2IxV8W8ahela9wKLTfKga12JBlkwNzXwj4yb4yrw2wS30EQ8jnwyfScVMAElORbAHZSWjiiq(lBRGl8Pf01aTWzw86LhMh4GyfScCWShgSWk8ITsWXcKdRHwSd7XcpmTad95b6TavNdGyAScVWfurhdw8zZgCkTccXf1SeQfIl7iG6JNGOQPvilpSg60wpGq)iBc3x2eUVquW3KtdGA7XTfOPhRQhOMkgIS(skw8)1QWvfIc(M0c00Jv1dutfdrwFjflw8WITW5wik4Bslqtpwvpqnvmez9LuS4VO(zZOWXsik4Bslq7H4YZ7BEqVRuS4ZCflwpc3cHOGVjNga12JBl(pmxvPAX)H5QQWTsik4BYPbqT942IkZNALQfvMp1kvlQmFQvH7rik4BslC))SfogfIc(M0IfSyZIPqEdcr5nqeWuiUzleaHtU8WAOSjPqizJcQP6Xji0lea1Gqnycui01aDuZ330YMKcbqDV8WAOSjPqORbcOUNr2eUVquYt7ANTVraAbApS80iuqV33ofHRkef8nPfOrG7mC8jv6XQ6bQPIHiRVKIf)f1pBgfo3crbFtAbAe4od4uZtXc3SyusjfUQSjCFHOGVjNga12JBlqtpwvpqnvmez9LuS4)RvHRkef8nPfOPhRQhOMkgIS(skwS4HfBHZTquW3KwG2dXLN338GExPyXN5kwSEeowcrbFtonaQTh3w8FyUQs1I)dZvvHBHquW3KtdGA7XTfvMp1kvlQmFQvQwuz(uRc3kHOGVjTW9)Zw4EeIc(M0IfSyZIPqEdcr5nqeWuiUzleaHtU8WAOSjPqizJcQP6Xji0lea1Gqnycui01abu3ZiBc3xik5PDTZ23iaTaThwEAekO37BNIWvfIc(M0c0iWDgo(Kk9yv9a1uXqK1xsXI)I6NnJcNBHOGVjTancCNbCQ5PyHBwmkPqau3lpSgkBske6AGoQ57BAztsjLuieuAStks4QREeYYZRE8oXNT2bTpbHE5LskPiUsage Information
Use this for Mass AOE Mobs and fights. Do not soley rely on this. Use with the Building_Shards and ST_Destro Macros

Version 1 has Cataclysm in the Sequence
Version 2 does not have Cataclysm in the Sequence <= This is the default.

Ctrl Key = Immolate
Alt Key = Cataclysm

-This macro does not contain Havoc.
-AHK: 100ish

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.09.

  • The Default macro is 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Immolate, Cataclysm

Main Sequence: Incinerate, Cataclysm, Rain of Fire, Shadow Bite, Summon Infernal, Firebolt, Channel Demonfire, Conflagrate

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Immolate, Cataclysm

Main Sequence: Rain of Fire, Incinerate, Shadow Bite, Summon Infernal, Firebolt, Channel Demonfire, Conflagrate

d0t2baGEKs9suQDPIYRrHMPkQoSsZwv9Ci3eO(Lc3wLEmv2PuTxXUPQ9dQFcLQHPc9BsgiskdfGbdYWLIdcK3sQCmfDosvlekLLIISyKuTCepePWtPSmszDiLmruWuvLjJsMoXfrk6RiHEMuY1HQnIezRij2muSDKGVHknlOeFgjPVJu1irQCCKOgTky8qjDsuuttf50OQZdOll5UOITjL6mZl9zma089a1ztrqmDo2Pb701YlgD1V5Z7zm2brAq0AmOxr)FPnW76ik0zo1DCRl1lcASSU8K9JU4emdmkc(fnI92F5fumqEGXOR(nXaucme41ruXyOWS4Fj9zmWRJOOsrq8kpkV0N5L(m2WTibgAo1R)i301InClsGHMtTJN0sVvSHBrcmulUZ2PFk2WTibgAo1oEslg7cit1VwuLxKyMunuc37eELpMvugV8c)(JbqHeWRJOYlsmaKc86iQ8IeJDbeaPqO8sFgB4wKadPZRAkHdmuB9Ctxl2qwcvlP81fimKoV6WsUC0XQwwCsVvSrtjRiRJryiDudJYHJWsHvEKG4ejsKywt5yMH01AZngiC5GIedeRlpz)Wq2fNGjg41JVFM9srOq5fELpylsKeaUsage Information
Pet Macro

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.09.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Summon Voidwalker

Main Sequence: Consuming Shadows, Threatening Presence, Shadow Bulwark

Update Log

Updated 09.03.18
-Changed all macros (except voidwalker tank) into Priority Macros.
-Optimized the 3 button macro for the current best rated dungeon build on per the sims. This means the NEW talent suggestion is 1133122.
-Added Channel Demonfire
-Removed Chaos Bolt from the AOE macro and put the standard CTRL for Immolate and ALT for Cataclysm in the AOE macro.
-Addded “/cast Firebolt” & “/cast Shadow Bite” so that when you use your Imp or your Felhunter it is constantly attacking with you. This helps alot in fast burst fights and adds dps.
-Optimized the pet tank macro by adding “/targetenemy [noharm][dead]” & “/petattack [@focus,exists]”

Update 08.18.18
-Added a 3 Button Macro Set for Dungeons and Raiding. These are totally separate macros but the ones I am currently using. The below macros can be considered one button macros.

Update 08.16.18
Added Pet Tanking Macro for Questing. Go to the end of the macro page (page 7). This will be reorganized soon. Finally got my warlock to 120!

Update 8.15.18
Added a Questing Macro at the end of this forum. It changes this macro from a sequential one to a priority macro, cuts more fat, cuts immolate from the Cast Sequence, so you can/need to cast it in a mod:CTRL for Immolate, and shoots out chaos bolts faster since it’s not worried about immolate anymore. More details all the way in the bottom. I’ll organize this page some more later on when I have some time. Have fun questing.

Note: We’re coming to the point where I will have a unified macro for almost each situation at least as I will use it and I plan on combining certain macros under one roof which activates based on the situation. (Raiding, dungeons, m+, world quests, pvp) Once I test each macro in each scenario I will have a better idea re the performance of each. Stay tuned.

7.30.18 Update Notes FOR AOE MACRO:
AOE Macro:
Added a longer cast sequence for incinerate and immolate. It more often keeps Immolate active. This is needed over the Single Target macro as the ST macro has Immolate in the sequence and within a modifier, The AOE macro does not contain that modifier.

7.26.18 Update Notes FOR AOE & Single Target MACRO:
-Removed Summon Imp. The nopet function was not always working. Best to keep it out. The macro runs much smoother without it. I.E. Summon your own imp.
-Removed Dark Pact from the Alt Modifier key
-Moved Catacylsm from the body of the macro to the Alt Modifer Key.
-Removed Havoc Build Macro, its too unstable.

#1 - AOE MACRO FOR World Quest, Dungeons (if team has low aoe damage), General questing
#2 - Single Target No Havoc - General use for single target and two target fights.


Talents 2233123
Any changes to Talent Row 75 will not have any effect on this macro.

This is my opener for the expansion with Destruction. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Ctrl Key = Dark Soul: Instability
Alt Key = Cataclysm

-This macro does not contain Havoc.
-AHK: 100ish

diK8daalO0TifAxIQ(Lqnmi0XqyzQ0ZGutdsCnfjBdG8nvKXreNdcwhaUhrsdKuWbHKwirIEiPunriQlskXgbOAKIkoPIuRuiEjezMKs6MKk2PO8tsPmusLwkPOEkHPQO2krcVfrUlIAVu9xIugmLdR0Ivr9ysMSI4Ys2Sk0NHIrdvNwHxRcMTi3gODRQFdA4cPJlQ0Yf8CKMUuxNO2orQ(oPQXdq58aA9KISFu7e(SNr4cu1MwKgYArmRzTjnj5rmpHND9zxKtLIMg)bxG3DukaXX6H6tRMacUQaKMxbbJblWZvGgVtahHnrbLdhJpcdYG0yxmVP6BQlUx0OjUODbY1Xvo1EgHlYPsrDXm(GY2GYgiq2GrRVcSDegyRXl2kal6(0b8zt)OXzd5I2bzvpGFE2MXhpgkB6hPeBPXHkbKnf((yk2wkB6l2WunBRMQWOl2WuBGTZYnBpSzduwHZ2XaeKTgVy7CLG6ZZMUPAPfBPQzdSy7Wd1ZME8TzdiuMTgF8hYZr4iAVdj2qQaYMuzd5nCGnbuobaBt)0EppsJgihb1uZgsfq2KkBAF7vLasb5iCKmyxuayJJOXz8bLnWvfGSnbwu2EyZMc(9oE2YzLouLNJOruZbjayJarehuCoIlqvUXHbxG6eWrytcq5WrxOZQcqPOc0b8P(SNr4ZEgHlIvlTPvUY1Rk2iPbLCGcdyFOcF)VsJhdwfe882KzJG4E9SRlIvlTzJ0dv47)vA8yiZgXjea01Zq7Iy1sB2i9qf((FLgpgYSrqaijtjXZqXfXQL20kx56vfBKEOcF)VsJhdz2UiC6EXY2fHt3lw2UiC6EXYgAuKGLTlcNUxSSHgfjUqRqyuToahTlqJOl0fsBDwva6ZE7cKkG6gkk1N9mcxe3Bat11xGazJ0dX3aizstQDczp76IyAVHE7Evh8m0UiwT0MnsGWjaSPgRguYbkmGvbbpVnz2iM6sGOepdfxeRwAZgjq4eauDirMncc0sMsI3Uq0vuax(v9a(Uqu5kxFp2Kl0nu6SQa0N9mcxeRwAZgPhQW3)R04XqMn0OiXBxGubuZvQwA5ZE7T3UqeTutJSNDb0jxOZ(YBA6VRG0RVhW3LsV92DUsage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Destruction. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Ctrl Key = Dark Soul: Instability
Alt Key = Cataclysm

-This macro does not contain Havoc.
-AHK: 100ish

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.04.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Immolate

KeyPress: Dark Soul: Instability, Cataclysm

Main Sequence: Incinerate, Immolate, Summon Infernal, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate

Single Target Build.

Single Target

dq0qeaaluKBPkXUuf(fvzycrhJGLb0ZuuMgvvUMQK2MQO(MQsJtr6COqRdcUhvLmqQkCqQQAHev4HqituO6IQs1gHq1ifcNefSsHYlvv1mjQYnfsTtc9tQk1qvelvvepfvtvcxLOI2QQi9vIk9wuQ7se7LYFfsgmPdRYIrr9yQmzvfxwQnRQYNrjJgsNwWRvunBjDBa7wPFdA4eLJRkLLRWZHA6IUUeTDIQ67ePXdHY5HO1tvr7hztWkmrbJZlIk(78INiNiQGbFlg10hr(qiQjVl3OM8UCnrqRW4r0vz1Wo34OzkdJGNNuO065tKaNBaXpCqapGgG5EG9UpaHXvXaLJFE)GJsaSNXlUAVj24cGZafaNz8i6QmJxGgWKgWKcGKuOSE7bP)Gdst0M0gXKDloaxsLgsusJ34Cu6YaCFqAbAyzHjvAOwjTgM3vKK6qVLvt6HjvAtkRoj98zpcztkR(gKYCzs6ctsbkDOK(BabinrBszURqPpiDsTpCtATtsbAsNVqPKkf9ssrcljnrd78humkM)1K0)nss9fPmaaaRx2umeLJkP)BKK6lsJFJ5KYHLveiLHfNhZHAirsXeHzJrGuk2lfObmPaNBajnoSXKk67csDWnVWsAeN8HosLgs0WsAiXK6GF6huSx8pI)iqQqKrgWOuSxIdBmPlmjLxcaaxs9FrsQSoXumJhV)DL10efmoxw7yiUjc(8xJ7FzIchgFs928cl2h)V6nU14rFUb8P9ahGl2kmrbRWefmUN7WjUFRSxxtkBF4khy4GPf6qVD7AyzXKdcW8Lsivqae0ebnUN7WjPSxOd92TRHLLesf(Y4ZGM4mJ75oCsk7f6qVD7AyzjHubHNN(6ut0pJ75oCI73k711KYEHo0B3UgwwsifKXVGGmrkiJFbbzIuqg)ccYePGm(fe0eF14EUdNKIi0B3UsA8gaU)cJ24YdcLjVaqinoyKg)FJ8jDTpCBfwACE2Yq8Y1Lb4ACE)wzVz4Qg)FJCYOXyRWefmUxEdwD2BdGKu2le9gasy)PVpsmrqJ7HZBKxMNBUjoZ4EUdNKYga(bHRMsiDMFtnr)mUN7WjPSbGFqWLJQesfeMn91PwA8jJo6ZnGwHjkyCp3HtszVqh6TBxdlljKoZVPwA8jqCg95gqRWefmUhoVrEzEU5wAPLgp6BlVkdB2d53BgGRjhwAPzUsage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Destruction. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Alt Key = Immolate
Ctrl Key = Dark Soul: Instability
-This macro Does NOT contain Havoc within its code.
-AHK: 100ish
-Does not Summon Any pets

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.04.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Immolate

KeyPress: Immolate, Dark Soul: Instability

Main Sequence: Summon Infernal, Incinerate, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate

Post Macro:

08.15.18. This macro is a little bit more involved. But in general does high burst.
How to use it:
Ctrl Key = Immolate
Alt Key = Cataclysm

On enemy mobs with high HP cast CTRL Key with the macro for Immolate. Then let the macro run and refresh immolate. The macro will always try to cast as many chaos bolts at the enemy as possible. Else it will generate shards. Dark Soul: Instability is casted in the macro. Summon Infernal @ Cursor is casted in the macro. Be sure to have your mouse on top of the enemy packs. This is my current leveling build. I might end up using this or a variation of this during dungeons and raids.

Have Fun!

di0beaalr0TiPYUqOFjsddQYXuLLHONrKMMsLUMcSnOW3uv14uOZrj16qG7rjyGKu6GqLwiLOEOcYeLsCrkjTrkjgjLsNuPQwjLQxcLmtsQ6Muk2Pu8tkHgkcAPsj9usnvLYwjPO3cL6Uqf7LQ)QuXGrDyvwmuvpMIjtexwYMLs9zvvgnrDAf9AOOzRKBlv7wu)gYWfHJRuLLt45inDHRtITRG67KKXtsHZRQSEkr2py)5BEZZ14ArRUtlwvV1Qf3zKiEeF7G3iX3aIVrVH03CTT1kXAMX01YrKGsqAQkKQ1zPV(zeikrdQN2Ro(LGMEs6tXTODfr702iHsNM66TBv5G6AssPsFKsDDlv7tzfEZZ12wReUEtEsbEsbU)bmkrLlbWTrcGd5c4snsCz6eLbw1mKbULIgcftmrzIaVjpZ)OaRAUwaVMywRpGnYx(xb8rbwvb8Vka(SujMrb8V6eaJVsaCgfa3vmYa3wG6ahYfW4xlKkIat4QoAb8QcG7fWyMrQawL8fa)HuaoKNzmjc2b7dfIfWyvFaBbG3V3rRlkWoURaySQpGTaWdDXzwF0oyhS3GIIsaWGD1TjpPa3pJabSeurboJcGnOCCZmW2EdJmaJea36nZaJAdSvMIIiWwwrqdGd5QdSQzid8qxCM1hTd8LLaC)Yk3cy5ByKjjWHCLbEvbWHCbC)mceWIPKIiWGD1HRTyraWsXRtb7UgxLqgjCnUs6tXT0DfrBxBZzei1Se0jkt9nV55BEZZ1PMJga)Eshhm6nKUo1C0Gw7Puztbm2Q1OiOirsdQJ)f4a87rs6nsDDQ5ObWV)wJbP3SRRtnhnO1Ekv2ua)EymoymjWVhgJdgtc87HX4GrVzGRtnhnO1Ekv2uatA9FsYKatA9FsYKatA9FssxREekH6N9z4AP45Acr0WMZiq(MhUgR6JqrrP(M38CDACIFvu5Q)bm2zK8j64GTK6KGJ3q66uACI4I4my6nsDDQ5ObWy3rsi4wrs1AueuKiPb1X)cCa(nG8H3O3SRRtnhnag7oscbMqSWbyP7o6HR1rLWkkztmrzxtOyIeZ4Z1ekkBoJa5BE4ASQVwRvD0Y38WdpCTorz2VfVHeJ)U2MlRCR9ZrjgUYXeLDl7HhUdUsage Information
This is my opener for the expansion with Destruction. Things will likely change as we get azerite gear but not much from the below. Please let me know what you think.

Ctrl Key = Immolate
Alt Key = Cataclysm

-This macro does not contain Havoc or Rain of Fire. Burst them with Cataclysm and manual havoc, then let the macro ride.
-AHK: 30ms

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.06.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Immolate, Cataclysm

Main Sequence: Incinerate, Dark Soul: Instability, Summon Infernal, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate

So I’m having a problem with the Demonfire build it only casts one spell and nothing else?

Single Target Destro Macro 07.13.18 Log
8.0.1 PTR


8.0 Without this skill, Dimensional Rift

7.14.18 Log

Hey thanks zjmcoom, I intended to take that off but it flew over my head yesterday. Consider it done!

Haha, unwelcome, just I have an account on BETA to try, 286 installed and so on, AOE is basically about 10 thousand DPS, and how do you do these codes, I did not find this function in the

@zjmcoom Im creating the code in the program and exporting it through the program. I’m building these codes on the PTR using GSE


You might want to hit the check button on GS when exporting wich will show the spells you use in the macro.

Not the macro format but just the included spells. Tim worked hard on it :wink:

[quote quote=60426]@admiralsmurf You might want to hit the check button on GS when exporting wich will show the spells you use in the macro.
Not the macro format but just the included spells. Tim worked hard on it ???[/quote]

Ah man that new version is great. Just posted an updated macro. Enjoy!

I want to change my talent 1132112

You’re more than free to go ahead and change your talent choices. You’re not tied in to what the macro suggests in order to make the macro work.
It’s just considered more effective.

Thanks to the macro I have tested the feeling that AOE is a little weak

Thanks for testing out the macros. As Cymiryc has stated the talent show are a suggestion and you can freely change them. THe macro will still work. Numbers tuning is still happening so the best talent build for AOE and single target isn’t set in stones yet. Furthermore the destruction warlock is more of a 2 Target and single target spec. I have always focused on doing the most dps for 2 targets Max in aoe situations as it isn’t generally more dps than trying To focus AOE. There will be adjustments made as BFA continues to develop but for now this is my BFA opener. Mostly single target focused. Hope you enjoy using it!

I will make an AOE focused build also.

Try the new one on the top. Its my recent AOE build. Havoc isnt included here though. I dont like how it does not stop changing targets. Ill need to figure that out some other day.

With the Holocaust of the macro, just went to hit a hero, if it is 2 parallel monsters, after the release of havoc, there will be 2 chaotic arrow, if more than 3, will not come out!!!

ok so dumb question possibly but how do i setup the AHK for this builds rotations for single and aoe

Yea the macro with havoc doesn’t work well. The issue is that targetlasttarget will not stop switching targets. I’m trying to find a better way to code this but don’t be have much time to dedicate to this issue. Spent about 30 min yesterday trying to find a work around. So consider the havoc included macro a current test macro. For now use the macro without havoc and cast it manually (I know it’s such a hard thing to do).

Currently considering these options for havoc:

-Write a different macro just for havoc that also includes chaos bolt. This is the most realistic solution for me right now
-find a new way to include it into one macro. This will take time and research. I did a bit already and could not find what I am looking for. Time will tell if I do find it.

  • manually cast it in Thebes meantime (I don’t mind doing that much)