Divine Retribution // Retribution Paladin 8.3+

lols so you went from :

  • your macro is wrong it doesn’t have (insert whatever ability you couldn’t see here)
  • you copied another authors macro


  • help me

Sure I’ll bite:

Character Name and Server

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inboxed you pal maybe its me

i have tried both @Elfyau and yours @usmcguy. i dont see them being the same.

I cant seem to get this one to work properly , ive got one now anyway :slight_smile:

Thats the new way of ignorance man.

Macro works perfectly, as is tradition with all your other macros. Thanks for your continued efforts and support of the community.

Will try it and wow that is one impressive post. Appreciated

Great macro as usual! Quick question, though. How do you change from single target to AoE in the middle of a raid/dungeon? Do you use both macros on different key binds? As far as I see they have different talents so it would not be optimal, right?

i have mine setup ST on button 1 and aoe on button 2 . so yes each need to be used independently from one another.

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Fist off, using the macro and it’s working great. I did run into something weird originally though. I use version 1 on the single target macro and for some reason it was still using divine storm. I noticed version 2 had divine storm at the very bottom of the macro for single target, so I checked to make sure version 1 was set to default (which is was). I ended up just deleting version 2 and suddenly the divine storm stopped on my single target macro. Everything is fine now…just wondering if anyone had any similar things happen. Just seemed odd to me.

ya … both have divine storm

I can imagine, but they have different talents… It doesn’t make much sense to use both and keep changing talents in the middle of a dungeon/raid, depending on you fighting bosses or thrash. I’ll try to unify talents and run with something similar.

Hello there and thank you for all the work you did on this macro, but I need to ask a silly question or at least it may seem silly to some but I am no coder :smiley:

Is there any way to incorporate the two modifiers into the main macro and would it cause the macro to become unbalanced and not fire off correctly?

/cast [mod:shift] Crusade
/cast [mod:alt] Shield of Vengeance

Thanks for looking into this for me :smiley: I truly am lazy and plus the modifiers are often overlooked or don’t work in the heat of battle, thus the query!

sure open up the macro and just put

/cast Crusade
/cast Shield of Vengeance

in the actual Sequence box and those abilities will just fire anytime available

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@usmcguy @Drakz I never used the previous macro but I am using the current one at 50ms with item lvl 463 am I am also barely hitting 30K after burst. Even my raid leader has singled me out now and asked if I need help with my rotation… I actually use these macros because I have issues with pain in my hands, so if I don’t I just can’t play :frowning: I hope there is a solution out there because I am running out of excuses lol

Like I told another person on here - these macros just do your rotation for you … you will have to do the rest of your research for yourself (azerite traits, essences, corruptions, talents, etc …)

But I will help.

  • Toon Name - Server
  • Link to logs (So I can see what abilities you did and when you did them)
  • What particular fights are you referring too
  • What version are you using
  • Is your mouse MS the same as the MS in GSE ?
  • Have you ever SIM’ed yourself @Raidbots to see what DPS you should be doing ?

Taking a look at the worlds best retribution paladins in Mythic Nyalotha the talents they run are:

  • Righteous Verdict
  • Hammer of Wrath
  • Fist of Justice (Doesn’t effect DPS)
  • Wake of Ashes
  • Unbreakable Spirit (Doesn’t effect DPS)
  • Selfless Healer (Doesn’t effect DPS)
  • Crusade

If I were to emulate what they had I would chose those Talents and use V2 of the macro. It is primarily written for someone who wanted an Execution Sentence / Hammer of Wrath build but it would probably work for the talents listed above.

Further I would just remove the talent Execution Sentence everywhere in the macro to make it your own and customized for your specific talent choices

The most important thing about Retribution Paladins and raiding is having the Rank3 Vision of Perfection in your Heart Essence as well as other ones (Lucid Dreams, Lethal Strikes) etc …

Secondarily are your Azerite Traits, Trinkets, and Corruptions … which I don’t know until you link that information I requested

Thirdly there is the conundrum itself of having cooldowns such as a ret paladins Crusade or Avenging Wrath in the macro itself to just pop off whenever available. If you have it in there (like you asked me to show you how to do it so I can only assume you did it) … that in of itself is a huge DPS loss.

Those cool down abilities (IMO) should be popped at specific times not just all willy-nilly

And that of course takes knowing the mechanics and the fight itself … etc … knowing the cooldown … when it’s going to be available … etc…