Dots09 Fury Warrior, 11.0 The War Within

HI all

Below are my sequences for Fury warrior ST/AOE

  • SingleTarget_Fury_Slayer
  • Cleave_Fury_Slayer

All Sequences Run at 250MS






                                **SEQUENCE STRINGS**




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Thanks for posting it seems odyns fury and spear are not firing off, I am using version 1 and have macro inside macros… any advice?

Hi, I will check this

Could it be I’m trying on a target dummy and this is @player?

No @player means to cast it on yourself, that is for Ravager

okay 3rd edit was my issue currently the sequence is working for me, ensure you have created the macro I posted above, as a character Macro

Call the macro spear

/castsequence [nochanneling,combat,@player] reset=combat Rampage, Ravager, Champion’s Spear, Odyn’s Fury, Odyn’s Fury

I will likely remove that from castsequence, just for easier for use, for now it’s the sequence, let me know if you still have issues after confirming the macro exists.

Yep its a Character specific macro… ill try re importing, thanks for the reply.

here is my Stream, to ensure it’s all correct

RageerPLZ - Twitch

Were you able to get it working?

Sorry had to go sleep, I’ll try again tonight after work and let you know, thanks.

not sure if im doing this correctly, i use the same keybind and have tried assigning a keybind to a seq + talent . i.e. “]” i want that key bind to work no matter what talent or seq im using. so in the keybind section , i tried to identify it for a specific talent. single target or AOE m+ so all i have to do , is change talents and it will use a diff seq, for that keybind., i hope that makes sense. when i do this things seem to break or not work, or fire off. if i set a keybind to be used for ALL talents. it works, but i have to go into gse and reset the keybind to a diff sequence if i change talents. am i doing something wrong?

I understand, I myself have not gotten that to work, but I have people in my other posts saying it works for them, but during my testing I have not gotten it to work, even after choosing the specific talent set.

I just tried this now and it can only work with two different keybinds is what I am seeing, though I have heard some people mention it worked with 1 keybind.

I have confirmed, it does not work like that, it’s moreso meant to allow multiple keybinds, it does not know if you switched talents or not (GSE) this would work, if both sequences used the same sequence but Fury ST/AOE has completely different spell rotations>

For example my Prot Paladin ST/aoe this would work, as they both use essentially the same sequence with just different talents, so for that you could bind 1 keybind to 2 sequences, but not for Warrior.

Hi Wonka

Just updating you, I was wrong again, after some more testing and working with a user, apparently it seems you need to reload UI, at least I was able to get it working, so you can use the same two keybinds for multiple sequences, but need to reload ui when changing talents, this has worked for me when running fury/St and cleave on same keybind.

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thanks, i will try this sorry im such a nobb. i like the new gse much better than the old way. love the keybind way. and it keeps allowing those of us with disabilities to play, not top tier but feel completive and enjoy wow .

Updated Sequences to include bladestorm for upcoming Slayer Hero Talents, so now talents will include bladestorm instead of ravager,

Updated Video to showcase, on Beta testing

Was watching a movie and did some testing on the triple dummys.
Ilvl 553. Did 3 runs on every timing using logitech keyboard. I have gear with 21% crit and 10% haste. Every run was exactly 2 mins.
Talents: SingleTarget_Cleave_Fury
macro: SingleTarget_Cleave_Fury

250ms- 592k 496k 597k
200ms- 619k 530k 494k
150ms- 546k 625k 626k
100ms- 686k 587k 557k
50ms - 636k 667k 553k

Really like the macro, fells like it works best at 150 ms for me :slight_smile:

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Yeah, you will fire off more with lower MS; at that point, it is not rotation but high uptime on casts and minimal downtime. I have been debating using lower MS myself. More clicks also mean you get through the sequence quicker, so CDs will fire off quicker for version 1; thanks for the feedback!!!