Dragonflight Pally Tank Updated 25.03.23 for 10.0.7

I kind of regret what i said about not having Battle ress on a modifier, i realize now that if i use an autoclicker there is no way i get a ress in.

Is it possible to merge them so…

  • Alt = Intercession
  • Ctrl = WoG
  • Shift = EoT

If you could also add usage of Ardent Defender off CD in combat please (Maybe together with Sentinel)! And you also mentioned further up that you added 2 blessed hammers into the cast sequence because of global CD, you can add that back in… I think my problem is that i am running it at 250ms, and it just isnt casting fast enough to get the full uptime of Blessed hammer and consecration, so before the rotation comes back around my BH and Cons has run out :frowning:

Rest is as the last version ^^ <3

I had a bit of the same problem. I “solved” it by lowering the ms of my autoclicker. I simply aren’t pressing the button fast enough to get the rotation to come back around to blessed hammer

Hi, you can try moving the blessed hammer portion up, or even make a new action with only blessed hammer. I only have it with consecration to keep consecration from casting all the time. So you would have one with both and maybe one with just the hammer? Im not sure, just mess around with it till its to your liking.

So you finally come full circle huh. Well i believe there is enough versions and information here that you can build the section yourself. I cant always “hold your hand” for every alteration that you need. My original version might have the one with intercession, or there is for sure a reply with it above. You might just need to change the keys that they are assigned to.

Believe me i tried myself, but it ended up just not doing anything.
Didn’t know it was becoming a chore, sorry

Im just asking for help because i have no clue what im doing hehe, but will try again!

EDIT: I tried some stuff and got everything except intercession to work.

so… messed about with it and tried it out tonight in mythic Kurog working very well now. i just need more hammer of wraths in wings and 20% hp and some more Consecration and im so close to 98 parse on Kurog

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Pretty well working macro. Thanks for the effort and time you invest for us.
Keep it up, pal.


That is awesome to hear you are doing 20-23s.

What kind of DPS are you seeing? (Details or Warcraft logs- do you have any logs we can look at?)

I have no trouble staying alive in 16s, but find my dps is much lower than I would expect(40K ish in RLP 16, but lower, to much lower in other keys) I am trying to figure out what I am missing.

What talents are you running? I am using Divine Toll/Eye of Tyr so maybe need to just swap to Buenors talent build for higher dps…

Thats great news, Im glad you are dipping your toes in and learning a bit of the addon so you can change things on the fly when you need to. And sorry to hear about intercession not working for you. Did you copy it the way i wrote in for one person?

I try to help as much as i can, but no one is perfect <3.

My talent build would provide you with quite a bit more dps, and shielding with the dusk and dawn talents, it is why i built it the way i did ;). It is also a reason why i dont take divine toll and eye of tyr, i cant find out where i could take a point away from to grab them, so i just stick with the more passive shielding and not the slower cooldown active shielding. I tried to maximize shielding and healing and I feel that it does a pretty decent job, well in AoE situations (dungeons, mythics, trash in raids), single target you might need to respec a bit.

Sorry if I was not clear. I was asking the guy who was using your excellent macro what talent builds he was using for it to clear 22s.

Yours is great to take someone to KSM, but I am hoping to push to 20s and higher as BiscuitChan had mentioned clearing.

Looking at:
(EDIT) so I can not post links: Mplus dot subcreation dot net

every single build on there is taking Divine toll and Eye of Tyr.

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i understand yeah, they are both great talents to pick and i wish i could take at least one of them, but I just cant figure out where to take a talent from to grab it. like i said way up top in the 10.0.7 macro update edit, im not too happy with the new talents. They made the selections way too tight or complicated. Eye of Tyr is a great talents to have because of its short cooldown, and Divine toll can be great for its burst damage and shield. I just built my talents how i felt was best, and didnt read any guides.

What healers are you taking into M+ with you? I think a druid or priest would be a great combination for the pally but i havent done M+ so i really cant say. :I

it feels like if you hold down CTRL, it HANGS like a LOT, i was at 5 Holypower for a solid 20 seconds and he didnt cast WoG at all

What speed are you using for this?

And is cast sequence the best way to go?

To be fair i have no idea, i just know that the Ret script i use, has it as its own section. Shrug

Would just love for this to work smoooooth, any ideas what i might be doing wrong?

nvm, im an idiot, a setting had defaulted preventing modifiers to function properly, now everything is SMOOTH. awesome, just did a clean 16 awesome

im glad you got it working again for you. I havent really tinkered with it too awfully much, but yeah WoG tends to be slow on a modifier or even in the three shields and a heal sequence. I would like to put it in the key press area but than nothing else would happen and we wouldnt be building holy power while waiting. It does need some work and what not but I just havent got around to it.


Thanks to your post, I reached my goal.

Please understand that I am not good at English because I am Korean

@KrwowTroll Great job on reaching your goal, it was quite a big goal to achieve. And thank you for your kind words. Im happy it could help you :smiley:

Any changes going to be needed for 10.1?