Hey folks,
I’ve had a few people approach me since I’ve returned to playing World of Warcraft to ask if I still use my previous macro(s). The short answer is, yes, I do. However, I did make some adjustments as I haven’t played since, well… the beginning of BoD and it required some updates. So, I figured I would share this update with you all.
Please note: I did not, and will not, include the following abilities as they’re, imo, highly situational and best used when bound to a hotkey:
- Eye Beam
- Throw Glaive
- Chaos Nova
You will also need to add /cast [nochanneling,combat] Heart Essence to the beginning of your sequence if you prefer to include your on-use essence. I use mine manually, so I didn’t include it.
I currently use the following talents: 2 3 1 1 2 1 1
Azerite choices are based around the top performing traits which can be found here .
Trinket selection for 8.3 can also be found here . As always, I highly suggest using Raidbots, SimC, and the AMR in-game addon to sim what setup works for you in terms of gear combinations, stat weights, gems, enchants, etc.
I have not added support for Fel Blade as my gear is still behind the curve and I have no intentions of using this talent until my gear can support it with Demon Blades. When I do, however, I will update my macro accordingly.
You are welcome to make adjustments based on your needs, but please do not PM asking for me to make adjustments to include them. There are plenty of resources available on WLM which will show you how you can make additions to existing macros on your own.
Any other questions - feel free to ask below. Enjoy!
Usage Information
DV8-DH-Havoc v4.1 for Raiding and Mytic+
I run this macro at 30ms with my Razer set up. -
Press ALT for Eye Beam
Press Shift (You can add whatever ability to this - I use Fel Barrage and Chaos Nova)
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.9.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: PriorityKeyPress: Chaos Nova, Eye Beam
Main Sequence: Blade Dance, Heart Essence, Immolation Aura, Demon’s Bite, Chaos Strike