Elemental shaman 5.4

how much dps u guys do with those macro ?


im getting 90 to 100k dps and I have a I lvl 511

/castsequence reset=5 Flame Shock, lava burst, lightning bolt, earth shock

Any updated macro for elemental?
Im using this one right now ( tends to lock a bit )

#showtooltip Lava Burst /castsequence reset=combat Flame Shock,Searing Totem,null /castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,lava burst /castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,lava burst /castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Elemental Blast /castsequence reset=0.3 0,lava burst /castsequence reset=target lightning bolt,flame shock,lightning bolt,lightning bolt,lightning bolt,earth shock,lightning bolt /castsequence reset=combat searing totem,thunderstorm /cast [combat] Blood Fury /cast [combat] shamanistic rage /targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Hi all! I’m new to the forum, and while I am not new to using macros, I am new to making them. Up until now I just tried various macros that people posted until I found something that worked. Lately I’ve been tweaking the one’s I’m using and I am wondering why no one uses Unleash Elements in these macros?

This is what Noxxic.com says:

Unleash Elements:
Unleash Elements is rarely worth using. It consumes a GCD and the Unleash Flame buff it provides only marginally improves the damage of Flame Shock or Lava Burst. Generally, it is better to just cast another Lightning Bolt and ignore the use of Unleash Elements.