Elf Improved DF Update Macro - Cleave Style

Elf please update macro :frowning:

this isnt Elfs macro. its Moons. they just took Elfs and did some changes. Moon is awsome. lol

I had the same error and searched for a long time for the cause (because there was no @player anywhere) and all syntax was correct. In the end, I could only fix the error by moving the cast to the shift key, instead of alt. I have Pyroblast on the control key. Now everything works. Maybe that’s a solution for you, too. (Sorry for my english, I’m german and schooltime ist very, very long ago :D)

I changed to this and it works for me.
/cast [nochanneling,mod:ctrl,combat,@cursor] Flamestrike

Gotta love how it seems like every reset the talent codes are invalidated. Have something more current?

could you plz update your talents?

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Trying to use shift to cast pyro… pyro wont cast…