Elfyau's 8.2.5 Disc Priest Macro

Here is an totally revamped macro I made a while back, so far have only healed an +8 WC with grievous. It did well but I need more feedback.

To use pretty much spam the macro, if you need Atonement on someone mouseover and hold shift until shield/atonement is on target then go back to spamming macro. If you need a stronger heal mouseover target until Shadowmend has started casting then go back to using main macro unless more heals are needed.

Run @70ms

SHIFT - Power Word: Shield @mouseover
ALT - Shadowmend @mouseover

d0tHgaWsevElfTnk0ZKKzkOCyqZwQUTQ0nff)Is9nuvoprzNszVq7M0(v60ImmvrJtinqvHHsbdwLHJOCqbHxlO6yiCoHyHskTuuv1IrLYYL4HOQspfyzQQNtyIOs1ufvtwuA6kUiQQ4RskQlt11fQnIkPTkiAZOkTDjv9yKMfImnIQVlPWirLyDsQmAI8zk5KiQ6UcCnuX9qvSsjf53OCCbPrcmhBeiGFcJRCN8a(nKFS9XCeKd7UoceuruvrqqGaU4fwIITpcYa1yyN864L6DDsmfRfbCpwTCMITpcmalJmS9rax8oziidl7EHiS894zpGemlRg7LX1SBnLHLDpaxipxZ3JN9mWQHx2RMzLS1Thqk59SiG)WuwS9rqE61RbShEsTW2hbCX7K1tA4iabgcPbS9rqgiTWcPxejMkWCSrG5yJab2uOyeEOXUs99mvgvcQQ3tQvWEfx4dpu2l3GZE7r8J858K0ECIgH0EY5JJ8Ny7JaBkum7zQmQeuvVNuRG94eLd2QqGnfkgHhASRuFptLrLGQ69KAfSxXf(WdL9Yn4S3EFc5g)eK2JiICopJGG8ssd3NpwlccJXilS0BAqabciNlJ)E3HchZXgbcSPqXSNPYOsqv9EsTc2JtuJ4GaY5YmuCHaZXgbcShyXYhx9xz7zQmjy5naBFeytHIzpZxw26G9H0JxwSWz17LG9iIA8BScBviWMcfZEMVSS1jKs8oKE8YIfoREVeShbFytocSPqXi8qJDL67zQmQeuvVNuRG9kUWhEgyXYN92Jt0iK2tJ7DCqGbMyYaPfgMJnceytHIzptLrLGQ69KAfSxLC5vvy7JaBkum7z(GxgnwqszujOQEpPwb7rWhoiamozCnwPtIPiWqjXkPrgcmu8mqAHH5yJab2uOy2ZuzujOQEpPwb79Jy8)mk2(iWMcfZEMpiRdL5fskJkbv17j1kypc(WwfcSPqXSN5dY6qzEHKYOsqv9EsTc2RQ6)0ioiiVK0W9HaRfhS9XCSrGaBkumcp0yxP(EMkJkbv17j1kyVIl8Hhk7LBWzV9i(r(CEsAporJqAp58Xr(tS9rGnfkM9mvgvcQQ3tQvWECIYbBviWMcfJWdn2vQVNPYOsqv9EsTc2R4cF4HYE5gC2BVpHCJFcs7reroNNrqqEjPH7dbwlccJXilS0BAqabciNlJ)E3HchZXgbcSPqXSNPYOsqv9EsTc2JtuJ4GG8ssd3NpwlcmWetgiTWWCSrGaBkum7zQmQeuvVNuRG9QKlVQcBFeytHIzpZh8YOXcskJkbv17j1kypc(WbbGXjJRXkDsmfbgkjwjnYqGHINbslmmhBeiWMcfZEMkJkbv17j1kyVFeJ)NrX2hb2uOy2Z8bVmASGKYOsqv9EsTc2JGpSvHaBkum7z(GxgnwqszujOQEpPwb7vv9FAeheqoxMHIleyo2iqG9alw(4Q)kBptLjblVby7JaBkum7z(YYwhSpKE8YIfoREVeShruJFJvyRcb2uOy2Z8LLToHuI3H0JxwSWz17LG9i4dBYrGnfkgHhASRuFptLrLGQ69KAfSxXf(WZalw(S3ECIgH0EACVJdo4GaU78cJ7d2iqqiIhjwbb8tNxzWyeaiZPKN7y7ZXiccrXvi2(iiJSrkrX2hbzKnsjQHESaBFCWbrUsage Information
Mod ALT = Shadow Mend
Mod SHIFT = Power Word: Shield

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.21.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Raids use version 2
  • PVP uses version 2
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Heroic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Arenas use version 2
  • Timewalking Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2
  • Open World Parties use version 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Pain Suppression, Heart Essence, Power Word: Shield

KeyPress: Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Mend, Power Word: Shield

Main Sequence: Schism, Power Word: Solace, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Penance, Power Word: Radiance

KeyRelease: Fade

Post Macro: Shadowfiend, Power Word: Shield

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Pain Suppression, Heart Essence, Power Word: Shield

KeyPress: Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Mend, Power Word: Shield

Main Sequence: Schism, Power Word: Solace, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Penance, Power Word: Radiance

KeyRelease: Fade

Post Macro: Shadowfiend, Power Word: Shield

P.s. If you have a chance check out my twirch: https://www.twitch.tv/elfyau I use GSE macros on all of my toons! Also Check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elfyau/posts


Ok this is probably going to be a dumb question, which if I was in game I could probably find the answer so I apologize in advanced. How do you decipher between macro version one and version 2. Is there an option to choose either?

it will auto swap depending on where you are just remeber to set focus to tank in dungeons… (will add that to description tomoz) let me know of any problems suggestions and how you went! (numbers would be awesome too :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Ok so if in dungeons set focus on tank and spam? I’m assuming pvp target enemy? Checked out your twitch btw.

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Thanks for checking it out and the sub!! :smiley: added hopefully some clear information about the use of the macro…

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Ya I watched the latest twitch were it looked like your were testing the macro, and tweaking it between groups to make it better. Thank you for that… I’ll try to get son on and group up and test it to give feedback. If not I’ll do some testing in bgs to see how it does. I’m excited to try something other then shadow…

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In bg’s (i was thinking when I was supposed to be sleeping lol) you may need to set focus on yourself as most of the time people (tanks especially) are usually out of range. In them I would probably set focus to myself and use the shield/shadowmend modifiers on everyone else.

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Will do sleep well and thx again

lol Thanks!! Up now kids are awake gotta move move move until the kids go to bed again… 11 hours to go… at least for the youngest one lol

Lol I here that… I’m in same boat just with grandbabies though.

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Ok logged into game, imported, and now it won’t let me drag the macro icon to bar. All others below it I can drag to the bar.

I’m sure I’m stupid and missing something

Never mind figured it out, it was a to many macros issue.

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lol happens sometimes glad you got it sorted!

Elf what kind of numbers are you wanting

Damage meter on dummies?

HPS/DPS Ilvl neck AP lvl etc and any suggestions or things you notice about the macro ie. feels slow to do something, needs more of something etc etc

Ok im going to try and make this least painful as possible lmao. I changed to disc and running talents posted in macro. Keep in mind my azerite is still specced shadow at the moment. Haven’t decided what to change them too.

Easier just to post picsStats

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First BG we got slammedbg%201

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Cool thanks :slight_smile: taking notes. Let me know if you have any issues!!

I’ll run a 5 min spam on a dummy and post here in a few.