Elfyau's 8.3 Brewmaster Macro ***Updated 10-May-20***

I like it as it helps me be able to keep an eye on whats going on around me in dungeons lol

Hi Elf, new to tanking. And I wanna say thank you so much for all your work. Please keep it up, I’m always looking out for all the macros you make!

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@Jewel_Koh Thank you so much!! I will try my best to keep macro’s coming and updated for this awesome community!!



did +18 yesterday. Very good script.
Removed purify. Added one Brew. Works good for me. Added stun on shift.

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Awesome!! Super glad it is working for you! I have yet to go that high lol

share you marcro please

Thanks Elf! Always like your macros. Can you foresee many changes going into 8.3? :slight_smile:

As of the moment until I can get a few dungeons done I am unsure at this very moment I am using this macro for visions no problem at all

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diKSfaqEjsRha18jTFLAsljLzrqClLu0UaG(Ls4ya1YaupJG00usIRrX2usLghLwNsk19KigOsQYbvssluG6HaKMia4IekBKq6JkjvJeGQtsiSscrVeGYmjO6MaIDIcdLGYsfipvOPkGTcG8vLuYBLOURs0ELAWQ4WQAXO6XitMQllAZqFgfnAGCAu61asZwc3Ma7g0VvPHRK44eQwUINlPPt01f02vsHVdqmELuXdxsvDdUd0ma3rXeUObhKyRvZa4oqhd8fjuw7i41bSqbdm4oUQHsq3PJIvGL(HDC1JIbq5uzVWocmaUkaiyBhbYdd)craL5SgjuYEHDWDeas8dlKndWDumiEhkb0RGvE5ZzlyLL2b3raplwPJBr2X4kjjcaOza86A7OiOlSJDeipnxakNk7fw7andWDGMb4oQeIU)pIlOVkRP4HjKsD2hLq0yCNiLq0yiYykdVeOhcZcwiZL7ZK1uwcDfWF5(OJo7JsiATCU7kHO1Y5UlgBnHG(qjZKpR)QfQJoczFucrRLZDxjeTwo39G(WkbkHEo7JiFpbewORJoczFucrRLZDxjeTwo39aSmZbOfFyQJoDu437kcNvaRSJG7iGEfWFzhChbSSuHnzT2bAgG7Osi6()iQeIU)pIlK)WmLjmfuQo6SpLHxq)iyzZa4oQeIU)pIlOVk1zFucrRLZDxjengImMYcU(A)fsHSpRhfo17SuN9rjeTwo39GyHm3hpR7JOdB6jSQJoTSJawwAqzr(1Sd0ma3rLq09)rCb9vPo7JsiATCU7kHOXqKXugEjqpeMfSqMl1zFucrRLZDpsGEpH1qbfjRmeYuhDAzhdmSqGMsGBEhdmSqGMsWnVJrzUIOHqsYEHDmMIhMqj7x0rHnjqEAUDGMb4oQeIU)pIlOVkRP4HjKsD2hLq0yCNiLq0yiYykdVeOhcZcwiZL7ZK1uwcDfWF5(OJo7JsiATCU7kHO1Y5Ul6xRGytUo60maUJkHO7)J4c6RYAkEycPuN9rjeng3jsjengImMYWlb6HWSGfYC5(mznLLqxb8xUp6OZ(OeIwlN7UsiATCU7bx8eqVHY1msGkEM6OtZqODujeD)FexqFvwtXdtiL6SpkHOX4orkHOXqKXugEjqpeMfSqMl3NjRPSe6kG)Y9rhD2hLq0A5C3vcrRLZDx0mmNRNc0rNw2rHDRsG80C7andWDujeD)FexqFvQZ(OeIwlN7UsiAmezmLHxc0dHzblK5sD2hLq0A5C3d6dReOe65SpI89eqyHUo60maUJkHO7)J4c6RYAkEycPuN9rjeng3jsjengImMYWlb6HWSGfYC5(mznLLqxb8xUp6OZ(OeIwlN7UsiATCU7IMH5C9uGo60meAhvcr3)hXf0xL6SpkHO1Y5UReIgdrgtz4La9qywWczUuN9rjeTwo3DaphaoR1ecW6OtlBzlBzl7gaUsage Information

Once again thanks for this work @Elfyau
It is to be said that this macro is great for levelling and basic play.

I have tested this - and have ironed out a few things.
ilvl 438. Mythic + use as well as raiding.
30ms macro bind on a Corsair Scimitar mouse (using Corsair Vue Programme)
Talents: 1213121

  1. Due to Brewmaster’s Gift of the Ox passive - Expel Harm within the macro is likely not to be useful - rather put it on an extra button or else you’ll be healing yourself potentially at full health… for higher level content, Expel Harm will therefore likely need to be separate. Particularly because the macro is good at placing the brews in the rotation. Icy Veins recommend using Expel Harm at three spheres on the ground - but obviously you’ll be guided by your health! I found having it in the macro really crapped up my ability to heal myself. This is a massive heal spell if you save up the orbs for when u need them!

  2. Have taken out blackout kick and put it on a separate button as it’s a prime utility spell and needs to be saved for larger groups. It’s also an important stun/interrupt.

  3. You have 3 x Ironskin Brew (in Premacro and Sequence combined) and then a Purifying Brew at the end - given there are three charges that are shared amongst these spells - which recharge over 15secs per charge - I removed the one from pre-macro to ensure the Purifying Brew works. HOWEVER - it may be worth having the three in if you want to clear more damage at a later stage? It’s just the macro will likely always preferentially cast Ironskin Brew because it’s on a priority list? Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

  4. If you have Anima of Death… it may be best keeping this separate, or u can blow it on one add!

  5. By removing one of the brews as above, removing leg sweep and removing expel harm, it did actually = a DPS increase (marginal).

  6. Repurposed Fel Focuser is often not used and not useful in the macro lines as it just clutters up the sequences.

  7. Priority is Keg Smash, Blackout Strike and Breath of Fire - so have added these to the pre-macro in that order - I think where you’ve placed Rushing Jade Wind is perfect - so have left it in place - just added in Blackout Strike before Breath of Fire in pre-macro.


In an ideal world, on a short-ish boss fight single target, we should be aiming for this:

On Harlan Sweete for example, in Freehold - I was getting this on a fairly static (not a lot of running around) fight with him.

In a sim for that fight with relevant buffs it says in an ideal world it should be:

In it’s current form - this is the export:
d8dkeaqzshgYlPK0UOK41ubJJkntkrDEQOztKtd0nPu6xQu3wcpgv7KO2lYUf2VupNIHbYVjmqkrAOuQmyfdxf1bPeyBuHoMQoNkIwivXsrPAXuvlxspufHNc1YezDOuYePu0urjtwfPPR0fvjMMkPNjrxxf2iLqTvkPAZuQA7OuQpsjOzjQ(maFNsiJKsHXsjLrdOVsjItIsX3efxdf3tu6TGYDbvhNQ00tSi5NWw7c7Ey)ILqYjIfHzHK0yne(tF5NEcBbhlqrLWxKS3j642AATIodeSGWwi(I11QbueeozLRw5DjSTO4ajXMy1kBRXckcYdHTHkDMWEqg90EerpOESir1HE8D2Zfj7DIoi8LWErLRNquCgTiFqjW1j5HW2uThDiTK8ty8zLZgBsYjhDjmB4IGWe2weVkSUwnGIWqSi5NyrYpHV5iZAuVhAW1EGfcoqueQeyaaEpv1OBwUOWhT90ZN(etzEpjigMuzEp)Z8UpjNi8nhzwJ69qdU2dSqWbIIqLadaW7PQgDZYff(OTNEEiOmUq59KGyysL598ptjKljxs4BoYSg17HgCThyHGdefHkbgaG3tvn6MLlk8rBp98qqzCHY7jbXWKkZ75HGY4cL3tcIHjvM3Z)mLqUK8vcFZrM1OEp0GR9aleCGOiujWaa8EQQr3SCrHpA7PNhckJluEpjigMuzEppeugxO8EsqmmPY8E()KmUjcBzH4SLblaxc)eMvfmCq3N8qyBOOtjFclRChiFc7rLwYNWSdgaEYNW4vpBXhbFbfbHTRckQGRtcBv1PDv1yiwK8t47fvbORgAHZEGfcGOAbCsor4BoYS9aRqCkBHK28ESu(r1iQW75FhDVELwcBv1j7QKImkXIwcZQcgoOBI8q4tik8rl5HWSdgasKpHTRQ2I4vbXIKFcFZrM1OEp0GR9aleCGOiujWaa8EQQr3SCrHpA7PNp9jMssor4BoYS9aleCGOiujWaa8E(3r3Rzi5scFZrM1OEp0GR9aleCGOiujWaa8EQQr3SCrHpA7PNeedtQmVN)zE3NwcBNWS2I4vbXIKFcFZrMThyHGdefHkbgaG3Z)o6EndjNi8nhzwJ69qdU2dSqWbIIqLadaW7PQgDZYff(OTNE(N5DFAPLwAPLiaUsage Information
Based on a work by Elfyau

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.0.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Keg Smash, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Rushing Jade Wind

KeyPress: Ring of Peace

Main Sequence: Breath of Fire, Blackout Strike, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash, Purifying Brew, Ironskin Brew

Post Macro: Breath of Fire, Rushing Jade Wind


GG man! Can you link your import and talent? thanks :smiley:

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Can you please post what your macro now looks like?

Thanks in advance

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Updated my post with more info and the current export. May work on it in the days to come. :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Many thanks!
I don’t raid or do M+ so can’t really test those, but will let you know how it goes.

So far i’m liking this one a lot. Multiboxed a few visions and my tank didn’t have any problems at all.
Did about 17k dps on dummies in SW with ilevel 429, so not too bad i guess. I also changed some of my abilities as i didn’t have Bob and Weave which is quite essential with high tolerance.

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Something I forgot to consider was purifying brew… it may be worth separating it from your macro to have on a separate key because it can fire too much so that your Ironskin brew (which in most circumstances is the more important in terms of uptime) may drop off. If you have 100% uptime of Ironskin using this macro then fine, but if it falls off - remove Purifying brew from the macro and have it on a separate key.

In dungeons, healers can accommodate heavy staggers but NOT a drop in Ironskin brew!

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i got an issue with said macro. somtimes quite frquently i can no longer do attacks. i mean at all. cant click an attack or anything. iam 108 macro workinf flawlessly cept for that. could it be its cycling thru artifact neck when i dont have it?

yes it could be try removing it from the macro

cheers mate for the response. love the macro so far and the others !

zeltanz thanks!! I hope to push some updates soon but no eta sad to say.