Elfyau's 8.3 DH Havoc Macro **Updated 8-June-20**

i play with razer naga Trinity and play that Speed and also in game macro Option is the same

try setting it to 0.07s for my macro - also add in one or two more keystrokes (up and down)

No issues with modifiers on this one so no clue. Couldn’t log veng tank to teat other issues last night. Guild need hunter, ill try to get on and see if i can mimic.

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you mean like this?

yes but make sure they are all set to 0.07s then you are golden :slight_smile:

Do you have latest felblade version?
I overwrite 6/8/20 version and can not find felblade version.
That was my top pick for arena.

please elf, you an do it.

make a pvp macro for havoc.

how do I take the heart out of macro?> Im pretty new to this

Hi again my Hero Elfyau … thanks for making this MACRO !! …I am using this software for my mouse Glorious Model O

and my macro is like this ( I am beginner in setting up macro ) for mouse …is it correct ? please fix my setting, and teach me how to make it run good with your macro for my DEMON Hunter …I have also Shaman Enhancement so I need to use your macro for him also in same mouse software.

please help me to make good maco mouse for your MACRO game.

@Yappani looks like you got it almost perfect, personally I would add the same stroke in again on that macro another 2 or 3 times :slight_smile: otherwise, though you have nailed it :slight_smile:

@Ali_Asghar I might get around to PVP eventually.
@andy-jones ok so highlight the macro and click edit, click tab 1 and look for /cast [nochanneling] Heart Essence - delete that line and click save, all done :slight_smile:

why do the macro use Blur on cooldown in this macro, i dont see it beening inside the text

it is in the onkeyrelease section if you wish to remove it

Great macro. is anyone getting there focused azerite beam canceled i dont know why everything is set to nochanneling

it is probably a on use trinket that is stopping the channel

Focused azerite beam gets cancelled because it has 2 channels (can only stop the interrupt on one) if using that remove the heart essence line and use it manually

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I was running into that too. I was getting annoyed. I am using this at level 100 so I chalked it up to I needed to be level 120 with all the stuff the macro is trying to cast.

@schmackie and @Michael_Perkins if you are using the macros at a level below max, apart from checking for spells you do not have also look for and remove the line with Heart Essence in it :slight_smile:

Bro how u do this? This is real good rotate? Pls give me info for special think)

I am sorry I am not sure what you are asking