Elfyau's DF v1.4 Discipline Priest **Updated 7-June-24**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Priest macros!! To find the plugins you can go to curseforge or your curse client and search for either “Elfyau” or “GSE” and they should show up in the results.

Ahoy, fellow healers! Heed this ancient handbook! This macro is a guide to channelling the Light’s restorative power, a testament to your unwavering faith. Talents chosen for versatility, rotations designed for adaptability. But even the wisest Priest respects the wisdom of the ancient Velen. Test it, Champions of Azeroth! Analyze its performance in the crucible of combat, and together we shall refine this handbook into a tool of ultimate healing prowess!





Usage Information

v1.4 Made @250ms
When needed or wanted set @focus to the Tank
ALT:- Power Word: Radiance
SHIFT:- @mouseover Power Word: Shield

If my macros were a dragon, you, my Patreons, would be the fearless slayers keeping it fed with fire-breathing motivation! Your support is the magic elixir that keeps me coding like a caffeinated gnome on a sugar rush. So let’s raise a toast (or a pixelated potion)! Cheers to you, you magnificent bunch!

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.



Usage Information

v1.4 Run @250ms

If my macros were a dragon, you, my Patreons, would be the fearless slayers keeping it fed with fire-breathing motivation! Your support is the magic elixir that keeps me coding like a caffeinated gnome on a sugar rush. So let’s raise a toast (or a pixelated potion)! Cheers to you, you magnificent bunch!

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.

Your feedback is the rocket fuel that blasts these macros into legend! Every click, every comment, every nitpick - consider it a vote for future awesomeness.

Tell me how I can make them smoother, stronger, faster. Together, we’ll craft tools that take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s unlock the macro magic! :sparkles:

P.S. Like what I do? Why not Shout me a coffee? Also, if you have a chance to check out my Twitch , I use GSE macros on all of my toons! Or catch me on other social platforms!!

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I don’t think there is anything to change within the macros. Other than still figuring out gear, @ level 70, the talents I choose don’t affect the macros and I’m usually top 3 in heals. behind monk and shaman it seems.

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For dungeon running. And maybe Mythics or raids.
Press the New tab to create a 2nd tab. Then change the whole Keypress block on the 2nd tab to
/target [target, harm, nodead][@focustarget, harm, nodead]
/stopcasting [mod:shift]
/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover] Power Word: Shield
/stopcasting [mod:alt]
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling,@focus] Power Word: Radiance
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Purge the Wicked, null
Then go to Configuration and select 2 as your dungeon or party pick.
Radiance requires a target, original tab doesn’t have one so seemed the focus is best one. Was going to use a click macro for Shield and radiance but only have 2 hours a day and haven’t decided which is better yet. And also the /target line wont let you pull shit by accident.
Other that that. Solo questing awesome. With this the dungeons are easier :slight_smile:
Though for some reason Shadow fiend NEVER fires off for me. Maybe they die to quick :wink:

Edit: This will NOT help if you have a tank that thinks he is invincible and isn’t.

Edit2: Sidenote. In tab 1 you can add /dismount [mounted] To the top of the Keypress block to just land and kill shit. Some people might not know so now they do :slight_smile:

Been playing around for the last hour or so.
Make a new macro in gse and call it RADIANCE.
In the first block paste:
/stopcasting [nochanneling:Power word: Radiance]
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling,@focus] Power Word: Radiance

Then in Tab2 from up above or make a new tab, recommended, in keypress change
“/stopcasting [mod:alt]
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling,@focus] Power Word: Radiance”
/click [mod:alt] RADIANCE
No-one dies. At least so far :slight_smile: Again this is just regular dungeons but some mythics and raiders might want to look into it. Pretty solid so far.

Edit: No need to put RADIANCE in any bar.

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Mistype last night.
Should be:
/stopcasting [channeling:Power word: Radiance]
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling,@focus] Power Word: Radiance


/stopcasting [nochanneling:Power word: Radiance]
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling,@focus] Power Word: Radiance

Wierd thing is if you timed it right it worked. Now it will work 100%…probably :wink:

To be clear i hope.
If partying/Dungeoning etc. Keypress should look like this

/target [target, harm, nodead][@focustarget, harm, nodead]
/click [mod:shift] SHIELD
/click [mod:alt] RADIANCE
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Purge the Wicked, null

And the RADIANCE macro should look like this

/stopcasting [channeling:Power word: Radiance]
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling,@focus] Power Word: Radiance

Hi there, any chances for update talent tree string?
Also is this capable of using in PVP?

I will be working on updates, fixes, etc. again real soon. I have been ill for a while and when I went to start catching up on things my PC died.


I’ve been using Zygor talent advisor and it has been working great while levelling, its also usually up to date


Absolutely it is, I would however check to see which pvp talents you are using and experiment with incorporating them into the rotation by either using a modifier or a separate macro, fortunately most disc pvp talents are passive so it works great without much changes.

I usually dont like using Modifiers within the main macro so what I do is make a separate macro and keybind it to be used alongside my regular macro.

For example, I use mouse key 4 for my main healing GSE macro and i bind another key as Shift4 and place the macro I made into that slot so all I have to do is hit shift for that macro to fire.

My shift4 macro is for Radiance and is

/cast [@cursor] Power Word: Radiance

I also have a CTRL and an Alt bound to different keys
Alt is usually an Interrupt and CTRL for me is

/cast [@cursor] Power Word: Barrier

Just make sure you place your cursor where you want it to land


I seem to be getting an error now it says the loadout is out of date !!! Thanks :slight_smile:

Take these talents and go to wowhead disc priest talent calculator. Scroll down a little and click on Load /export builds. Then click on import. Place these talents into the import slot and it will convert them to the new talents.

The current version is a bit out of date, but an update is coming soon :slight_smile:

I am not sure what I am doign wrong but none of your macros work for me they just have a book icon and cannot drag

click on macro then hit the Create Icon Button. than drag to bar

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OR!!! type /m and see if you have 18 macros already between general and character.

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The macro has been updated and is now available in the original post. And via Curseforge. Let me know what you think. Cheers!

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This, i have over 18 macros

your gonna have to delete some

hey elf i know your crazy busy but any chance you could look at reworking your macro to work with these talents BAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASKhEIJSJi0apkkEhAAAAAAAAAAAAk0QLJEpRIJJioItEJBFA

i know its alot to ask but i have spent the past 6 hours looking at the macro panacking trying to figure out how i do it and im totally lost