Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.5 Retribution Paladin Macro **Updated 15-Aug-22**

Found that for world content (or solo stuff) that it really helped with survivability.

hi there thanks heaps for the macro but im getting a long pause after a little bit unsure why?

it is probably due to all of the abilities being on cooldown

are you running it at 250ms? asking to be sure. if your running it faster, then what elf says is the answer, cuz running it faster is causeing the pause while the spells come off cooldown. if your running it at 250ms, then it something Elf might need to see. i havnt had any really noticeable pauses.

I think it also depends what lvl you are.

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lol, yeah that also. thanks for remembering that.

Many thanks for your great macro

BUT there’s something wrong when I hold SHIFT, it did nothing at all which should run AOE abilities。I am using the OB macro version

hope you can help me with this situation, thank you in advance!

While in-game hit ESC and then go into Keybinds, then go action bars and check that SHIFT is not bound to anything

thank u sir, my shift is not bound to anything individully, but i’s using combination keys like shift+q shift+r。 Is these setting affecting the GSE macro?

As far as I am aware they shouldn’t be. Is it only this macro or others that it is happening to?

The macro has been updated and is now available in the original post and via Curseforge, let me know what you think, Cheers! :mechanical_arm:

Is there a way to remove the trinket being used none stop as it takes off the buffs from the SoFS.

Sorry kind of a noob

type /GSE in chat, in the GSE menu, choose the macro, click the “1” and “2” (if they ahve multiple versions) scroll the the very bottom passed all the rotation Elfy has added and theres 2 check boxes for trinket 1 & 2, uncheck the slot you dont want to activate and click save.

You have to this for each version of the macro :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for the help