Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Fury Warrior Macro **Updated 18-Aug-22**

Havent been updates in over 23 days…

Tbf dude, I’ve been using yours! I switched some of the Key Press buttons round and it works fine :slight_smile:
Think my ilvl is the issue tbh and wish bladestorm was in there but it’s cool :sunglasses:

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Been using Elfy’s macros since I can remember, and asked him multiple questions many times and he’s been awesome.
If you read what I said properly, the “xD” kinda makes out the idea I meant it in a friendly manner…

I’m sorry you got offended so easily my friend. It can be hard to grasp the nature of one’s humour from text.

you are super nice to keep this thing going on so dont worry about it p: my suggestion would be to try specialize to certain covenant + build because there is things what messes up rotations. would love to see covenant based macro(s) for optimazed damage. i know it would be huge work to do them all but i think it would be enough to do just one (what you personally play) thanks :slight_smile:

Honestly, just change out dragon roar in any part of the macro for bladestorm and it should work :slight_smile:

ill give it a go later, playing my BM atm :slight_smile:

didnt know this macro uses dragon roar since talents recommended are bladestorm.

Was talking about my own lol

macro is freezing up some not sure why or it stops all togeather didnt know if anyone let you know love your macros

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@joey_1849 they haven’t had that issue that I am aware of, but saying that I will be updating this macro soon :slight_smile:

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Macro has been updated and is in the original post and available via Cursefoge! Let me know how it goes :slight_smile: Cheers!


what talents please? also isn’t seigebraker used in raiding?

Read the entire post, it’s there.

Seigebreaker shouldn’t be used unless for some strange reason it sims higher.


tysm deezyl i wasn’t sure

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Im really loving this.
Is it possible for me to implement Kyrians Spear of Bastion to automatically be put down where i have my mouse?

you could but it would mean you will have to always have your mouse where you need the bastion spear to fall. If you want it to use automatically it is probably easier to set it @player since you are not ranged anyways.

Alternatively, you could use a SHIFT or ALT modifier and use it on command at cursor:
/cast [mod:shift, @cursor, nochanneling] Spear of Bastion
And place it in the KeyPress section

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Excellent macro!

I’ve used this on a lower-level fury warrior as well as a maxed level warrior and it worked perfectly.

Thank you for sharing!

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Would /cast [mod:shit, @player, nochanneling] Spear or Bastion work?

@Norrathian_aggroBTN yessum it totally would :smiley: Thanks for pointing it out :heart_eyes_cat:

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Also is there a way I could do a sequence to where as soon as I mod shift @ player I will also Bladestorm? Im slowly learning I just need to learn how to properly use these commands haha. Ill get there. BTW Great Macro. a Ilvl 255 im running keys between 5-12 with this macro, works fantastic and I also believe I could do a bit better because Ive been using Venthyr because I couldn’t figure out how to properly set up my spear of bastion lol

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