Elfyau's 8.3 Survival Hunter Macro **Updated 15-June-20**

No problem sorry i couldn’t do more

Question how do you click what sequence you want on the GSE addon in game?

Do you mean how to use the macro you want?

Great macro Elfyau, So fun…Thank you. I’m trying to remove intimidation from the macro but when I delete it under the edit option and save it, But it still casts while running the macro. How do I remove intimidation otherwise?

if you have removed it from the macro I have no idea why it would still be going off sorry will look into it

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Is there an aoe version of this to use in M+ that includes carve in the rotation?

Try putting carve on a modifier, maybe that’ll work I don’t know though haven’t tried it

Carve is already in this version

Updated, major rotation overhaul new macro in original post!

update works great. thanks for all your work.

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Thank you for letting me know :smiley:

(LvL 45) dont know… if i use the macro it gets stuck sometimes.
mostly in dungeons the cast i dont heave or heart is red and texted as “null”

if you remove the /cast Heart Essence line it should work properly

okay, ill try that. thanks for advice

the weird thing with it is my whole wow get stuck somehow… i can move, my pet still can attack but if i toogle the macro off i cant use my spells not even autoattack >.<

but i will try to remove that line from the macro

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Try using an essence thats passive or instant cast like reaping flames. I have had good success with reaping flames.

I’ll test this out for you tonight @Elfyau

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I use Vision of perfection myself lol love my passives I only put it in the macro for those that do not.

I found that reaping works really well world content and pvp for survival hunter.

Blood of the enemy works good with these macros in mythic

And vop works well in raids

All these as majors in different situations. Just my experience so take it with a grain of salt lol. I do have seperate sets of gear for bm and survival so when I get to the house ill get on a dummy and shoot you a message.

Sounds great thank you @Crazytrain

Elfyau, thank you for the macro. I’ve been leveling a SH for the first time and have out DPS’d everyone…even arcane mages :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just reached level 90 and have added the talent “Mongoose Bite” as suggested in your macro. My question is (I know someone’s going to role their eyes as it’s more than likely a dumb question) does the macro now fire Mongoose Bite instead of Raptor Strike, or do I need to go into the macro and change all the Raptor Strikes to Mongoose Bite? If not, and wow recognizes that Raptor Strike is now Mongoose bite then do I need to add it to a separate key for when it reaches 5 stacks?

Thank you for your time and continued contributions to this site. Having a handicap, your macros make playing WOW feasible.
