Elfyau's 8.2.5 Ret Pally AOE/ST Macro's

So I tried the AOE one and it will not fire dive storm at all.

NM i had the wrong macro lol!

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Glad you got it sorted out :slight_smile: nothing more frustrating than scripts not running properly!

Im curious as to why you have the [nochanneling] conditional in each line? I thought that only worked for effect over time spells/abilities like mind flay etc. Just wondering, Thx.

I have it in there so if casting flash of light when not instant it will not break the cast

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keeps saying “you are higher than the max level for this spell”
which spell and how do i fix it ?

There should not be any spell in there that would cause this… but saying that grab this addon https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/trufigcd and use it to see if you can pin point which spell it is, I cannot replicate this error so you will need to fins out what spell that is causing this so I can look into it. Cheers!

it was a trinket I have equipped from last expansion still. solved. Thanks !

No problem I have had the same issue before it drove me nuts (about 2 months before I figured out whats going on)

Just a word of appreciation and a big thank you for taking time to do not only this one but several others as well. Sincerely appreciated!

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Thank you!! I hope I can get my computer sorted out and start updating old ones and creating new ones!! I hope they prove useful to yourself and others and help make gameplay easier and more fun!


I tried your macro, with a couple of changes i got 92% of my sim’d dps

very nice macro

Could u share us your changes? And post your new macro here pls?

dGd5daWskiVLiBdOMjrvnBHUjfQFHKVbKDkL9QSBv7hL)sur)MKlJyOufnyunCKkhKOsEmOJbvhxQQSqkelLcQflv0Yf4HevQNkzzaEovMifWuf0HfnDixKQWRLQYZOORJuAJsvvBLcPnlvy7ev4JevXSKk9zconLgjrvACuvJgktJOCskqdtQY1i15rQ6Ue62ifNJQ0dFHRHVYWEekNv4AalCvygjh5wb0fOlExZU4DX7IVY4egOmkjWzv3TW1Wx4A4ROGPdX4sxbXYFs0Ebrg3xdObVgWkky6qmU0vqS8NeTxqKXX9LbgmWAMROGPdX4sxbXYFs0Ebrgh3xMgKEnzROGPdX4sxbXYFs0Ebrg3e33x2A6vuW0HyCPRGy5pjAVGiJ7Rb0Gx5PYHmoHbQfUg(kky6qmU0vqS8NeTxqKX91aAWRbSIcMoeJlDfel)jr7fezCGEaGWxZCffmDigx6kiw(tI2liY4MAtV61KTIcMoeJlDfel)jr7fezCCFzAq610ROGPdX4sxbXYFs0Ebrg3uB6vVg4vuW0HyCPRGy5pjAVGiJdO1EnbTgOvuW0HyCPRGy5pjAVGiJ7Rb0GhAL8vk6KVLglAf(QWa77JGWxNRmeHEpdio3cxdFffkdeiiYj0qpJlDfwgqJ4qRmeHEdtIK0rw4qRcdSVpccyDUYZaIXjmqTW1WxrbthIXLUcIL)KO9cImUVgqdEnGvuW0HyCaVGb65VM5kky6qmU0vqS8NeTxqKXb6bacFnzROGPdX4sxbXYFs0Ebrg3uB6vVMEffmDigx6kiw(tI2liY44(Y0G0RbEffmDigx6kiw(tI2liY4MAtV61aTIcMoeJlDfel)jr7fezCaT2RjO18xrbthIXLUcIL)KO9cImUVgqdEOvfIqx)P9qKv9vfPF0soYMXHgAL8uEyusGZQ(kaz9aTYJ3HkasKBfn0LOStB0IOFgzL8sI0TswpACmEI13kdq6iPnIwdFvrhbAqdSgOERmopTz0GhrcKdYrw1Nrwjx0IWubR8i2b9dn0gaUsage Information
40ms ahk

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.23.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Blade of Justice, Heart Essence, Wake of Ashes, Crusader Strike, Judgment, Templar’s Verdict

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Blade of Justice, Shield of Vengeance, Avenging Wrath, Templar’s Verdict

Post Macro: Blade of Justice, Wake of Ashes, Crusader Strike, Judgment, Templar’s Verdict

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Testing Single-Target only here

@Elfyau - SIM’ing ~89%


I sim @ 91% so very accurate to what you got prolly -

both macros do get several pauses in rotation in 5 minute training dummy

  • seems to effect all the ret macros out there - i do remember an older one that didn’t - I will try to find it

every once in a while it will have nothing on cooldown and has to wait 1 to 1.5 seconds until some ability is ready

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so in your opinion you take @watchyabled for now until someone else writes another ret macro

I just offered what numbers I SIM’ed I am not offering any opinion on which one to use or which one not to use … I tell people try both see what works for you

I believe the older one you mention was from Legion, and it used Consecrate as a filler to smooth out the rotation. Unfortunately, taking Consecrate is lackluster.

good macro, this is nice and clean…really easy and efficient.


you are go to update this macros? or thet don’t need?